plcm-device-subscription-v2.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-device-subscription-v2  PlcmDeviceSubscriptionV2

Complex Types

PlcmDeviceSubscriptionV2 Fields

plcm-subscription-v2 plcm-subscription-v2See Definition of plcm-subscription-v2Mandatory
territory-filterList of xs:string A list of territory names to register for device notifications. If supplied, the subscription will only send notifications for devices which belong to a territory in the list.
include-internetxs:boolean Include notifications for devices which do not belong to any territory. This setting is only valid if a territory filter is supplied.
sync-to-initial-statexs:boolean Flag indicating that the call server should send notifications to the subscriber for all devices currently registered to it. The notifications will be sent in batches. Mandatory
sync-batch-sizexs:unsignedShort The number of devices to send per batch notification to the subscriber when synchronizing. This is only valid if sync-to-initial-state is true. If not supplied, the server will provide a default batch size.