plcm-conntest-server-request.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-conntest-server-request  PlcmConntestServerRequest

Defines the request payload that can be sent to a server to setup a test session for a client. A test session can be used for all connection tests using the same protocol.

Complex Types

PlcmConntestServerRequest Fields

client-ipxs:string The IP that will be sending the test packets.
network-protocolNetworkProtocol The desired network protocol of the test (UDP|TCP) Mandatory
user-namexs:string A Username of the client (for possible authentication).
user-pass-hashxs:string Sha256 hex string hash of a password to use for authenticating the start of a session.

Simple Types

Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS