

Defines the request payload that can be sent to start a test session for a client. Each request defines a specific set of connection tests to run over a specified local port range with associated settings.

PlcmConntestClientRequest Fields

clientIpstring The local IP that should be used to send the test from. Mandatory
portRangeStartPortRangeStart Identifies the start of the local port range to test. Mandatory
portRangeEndPortRangeEnd Identifies the start of the local port range to test. Mandatory
testServerAddressTestServerAddress Address of the communications/admin port of the test server to setup connection sessions to. If performing a manual (session-less) test this will be the address the tests attempt to connect to. Mandatory
testServerPortTestServerPort Port of the communications/admin port of the test server to setup connections/sessions to (default will be 80, 8443, etc...). If performing a manual (session-less) test this will be the port the tests attempt to connect to.
networkProtocolNetworkProtocol The desired network protocol of the test (UDP|TCP), defaults to UDP
unamestring A Username to setup the test session on the server with (for possible authentication).
passwordstring Password for the test server.
testPacketFormatstring An optional indicator to the test client that a certain test packet format should be used. Values are arbiratry and implementation specific, but could include values such as: RTP, SIP, ...
manualTestboolean Instructs to perform a test using supplied server data as the test target instead of attempting to contact the test server to obtain a session with information first (session-less).
invasiveTestboolean Run tests in an invasive way to ensure all ports can be tested. System may need to stop/start services or even reboot to perfom the testing.
divideTestboolean Run the test in two batches, waiting for each batch to complete and clean up before beginning the next one.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=255