

Defines the client report object from running a connection test. Each report is a group of tests over a specified range all using the same network protocol as well as other test settings.

PlcmConntestClientReport Fields

plcmConntestPortReportList Array of PlcmConntestPortReportSee Definition of PlcmConntestPortReport
sessionIdstring An identifier for this test session with the server. Mandatory
allSuccessboolean A fast summay value indicating all contained port reports were successful or not. Mandatory
testRangeStartTestRangeStart Client test port range start (inclusive, may be the same as the end range). Mandatory
testRangeEndTestRangeEnd Client test port range end (inclusive, may be the same as the start range). Mandatory
networkProtocolNetworkProtocol The network protocol used for the test (UDP|TCP). Mandatory
localIpstring Identifies the local IP address of the test. Mandatory
remoteIpstring Identifies the remote IP address of the test. Mandatory

Nested Types/Restrictions

Value must be one of:
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS