A Conference Room. Conference Rooms are tied to individual user accounts and will be created during scheduling with start and stop times. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-conference-room-v4+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for owner-first-name, owner-last-name, not-before, not-after, entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmConferenceRoomAliasList | Array of PlcmConferenceRoomAlias | See Definition of PlcmConferenceRoomAlias | |
plcmDialOutParticipantV2List | Array of PlcmDialOutParticipantV2 | See Definition of PlcmDialOutParticipantV2 | |
ownerFirstName | OwnerFirstName | The conference room owner's first name. This is a 'read only' field. Sending it to the API will have no effect. | |
ownerLastName | OwnerLastName | The conference room owner's last name. This is a 'read only' field. Sending it to the API will have no effect. | |
ownerDomain | string | The domain to which the owner of this conference room belongs. | Mandatory |
ownerUsername | string | Owner's username. | Mandatory |
durationInMinutes | DurationInMinutes | The number of minutes a conference is accessible. Duration is measured from the time the conference is started (joined by the first user). Note: 1. This value only applies if the value override-default-duration-in-minutes is true. 2. If override-default-duration-in-minutes is true this value must not be 0. 3. Integer value '-1' will set the conference room to be accessible for unlimited duration. | |
conferenceRoomIdentifier | ConferenceRoomIdentifier | The unique identifier of the conference room. If left blank, a conference room identifer will be generated. If supplied, the identifier must be unique, or the room will fail to be created. Can't be edited for an enterprise conference room or calendared meeting conference room. | |
conferenceRoomName | ConferenceRoomName | The name of the conference room when it is launched on the RMX. This is optional, and can be left blank | |
dialInNumber | string | The dial in number of this conference room. Automatically set to the dialing prefix plus room ID. This is a 'read only' field. Sending it to the API will have no effect. Modification of this field is not allowed. | |
conferenceTemplateName | ConferenceTemplateName | A meaningful name for the conference template (up to 50 characters). | |
maxParticipants | MaxParticipants | Maximum number (0-99) of callers allowed to join the conference. To specify the MCU's maximum, use -1. To specify the default conference settings, do not include the max-participants in the request. | |
mcuPoolOrderName | string | Name of the MCU pool order. | Mandatory |
territoryName | string | The name of the territory to which this conference room is assigned. | |
svcOnlyTerritoryName | string | The name of the svc-only territory to which this conference room is assigned. | |
chairpersonRequired | boolean | True if the chairperson is required for this conference, False otherwise. | |
chairpersonCode | ChairpersonCode | The code entered by the chairperson to chair the meeting in this conference room. | |
chairpersonCodeUseAsAlias | boolean | True if the chairperson code is to be used as alias, False otherwise. This will be ignored if 'chairperson-code' is empty or null. | |
conferenceCode | ConferenceCode | The code required to enter this conference room. | |
conferenceCodeUseAsAlias | boolean | True if the conference code is to be used as alias, False otherwise. This will be ignored if 'conference-code' is empty or null. | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. | |
passback | Passback | User defined value for that is opaque to the system. | |
passthru | Passthru | User defined value that that is opaque to the system. Note: this value is available after the call and/or conference is terminated in the userDataB field in the call and/or conference CDR. | |
autoDialOut | boolean | True if the list of dialout participants shall be dialed at conference initialization; False otherwise. | |
resourcePriorityNamespace | ResourcePriorityNamespace | Namespace parameter for the SIP Resource Priority header (namespace.value) for any SIP dial outs from the conference room. This is an optional value. | |
resourcePriorityValue | ResourcePriorityValue | Value parameter for the SIP Resource Priority header (namespace.value) for any SIP dial outs from the conference room. This is an optional value. | |
firstCallerMcuAffinity | boolean | If the first caller's site contains MCUs in the designated MCU pool order, start the conference on one of them. | |
confRoomPublishable | boolean | Whether this conference room is publishable on Lync systems. | |
overrideLastDisconnect | boolean | If true, the conference will terminate at the end of conference duration instead of when the last participant leaves. | |
focusUri | FocusUri | The focusURI associated with this conference room (either SkypeForBusiness or Office365) | |
conferenceRoomType | ConferenceRoomType | Distinguish whether this room is an enterprise, calendared (PCO), or scheduled VMR. NOTE: This is a 'read only' field. Sending it to the API will have no effect. | |
lyncRegisteredDomain | LyncRegisteredDomain | The registered Lync domain associated with this conference room (either SkypeForBusiness or Office365); the rppContact is built with this domain; the rppContact is built with this domain. | |
overrideDefaultConferenceTemplateName | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for conference template name. | |
overrideDefaultMaxParticipants | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for max participants. | |
overrideDefaultDurationInMinutes | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for conference duration. | |
overrideDefaultTerritoryName | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for territory. | |
overrideDefaultSvcOnlyTerritoryName | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for svc-only territory. | |
overrideDefaultMcuPoolOrderName | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for MCU pool order. | |
overrideDefaultFirstCallerMcuAffinity | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for MCU selection. | |
overrideDefaultChairpersonPasscode | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for chairperson passcode. | |
overrideDefaultConferencePasscode | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for conference passcode. | |
overrideDefaultResourcePriority | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for resource priority. | |
overrideDefaultConfRoomPublishable | boolean | This field has false value if default value is set for conference room publishable. | |
audioMuteOnJoin | boolean | Endpoints join conference in audio mute mode | |
videoMuteOnJoin | boolean | Endpoints join conference in video mute mode | |
polyEvoMuteLock | boolean | True - Poly EVO endpoint will not be able to un-mute itself once joining the conference in video/audio mute mode (determined by audio-mute-on-join and video-mute-on-join) False - Poly EVO endpoint will be able to un-mute itself once joining the conference | |
polyEvoChallengeUnmuteByController | boolean | True - Poly EVO endpoint will be prompted to accept or reject an unmute operation made by a controller in the conference False - Poly EVO endpoint may be unmuted by a controller with no opportunity to reject the operation | |
notBefore | dateTime | ||
notAfter | dateTime |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
LyncRegisteredDomain | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |
ConferenceRoomType | string | Value must be one of:
FocusUri | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
ResourcePriorityValue | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
ResourcePriorityNamespace | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
Passthru | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
Passback | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
ConferenceCode | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=16 | |
ChairpersonCode | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=16 | |
MaxParticipants | int | |
ConferenceTemplateName | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=50 |
ConferenceRoomName | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=50 | |
ConferenceRoomIdentifier | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=128 | |
DurationInMinutes | int | |
OwnerLastName | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=256 |
OwnerFirstName | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=256 |
T0 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression \d+ |
T1 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression \d+ |
T2 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression ^[^,;]+$ |
T3 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression (^[a-zA-Z0-9]([0-9a-zA-Z_~!$&,.'=\+\-\*\(\)]|%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])*[a-zA-Z0-9]$)|(^$) |