A call history. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-call+xml
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
destinationDetails | PlcmCallLegV2 | ||
originatorDetails | PlcmCallLegV2 | ||
callIdentifier | CallIdentifier | The unique identifier for this call. | Mandatory |
originator | string | The originating device’s display name, name, alias, or IP address (in that order of preference), depending on what it provided in the call signaling. If the originator is an MCU, the MCU name. | |
originatorRegisteredName | string | The originating device’s registered name. | |
dialString | string | Dial string sent by originator, when available. | |
destination | string | The destination device’s display name, name, alias, or IP address (in that order of preference), depending on what it provided in the call signaling. If the destination is an MCU, the MCU name; if a VSC, the VSC value (not including the VSC). | |
nodeId | string | Node id of call. | |
callStatus | string | Status (active/ended and pinned/unpinned) | |
callDuration | string | Duration of call. | |
callSignaling | string | Signaling protocol. | |
finalDialString | string | Final dial string. | |
cluster | string | Host application server. | |
confUuid | string | Conference UUID. | |
fullyExternal | boolean | Whether this is a fully external call with no recorded signaling | |
nodeIp | string | The IP address of the source node. Not populated if this call is returned as part of a list. | |
nodePort | string | The port of the source node. | |
policyName | string | The policy used by the source node. Not populated if this call is returned as part of a list. | |
dialPlan | string | The dial plan used by the source node. Not populated if this call is returned as part of a list. | |
dialRule | string | The dial rule used by the source node. Not populated if this call is returned as part of a list. | |
mediaEncryptionAlgorithm | string | The encryption algorithm used for the media or emtpy if the media is not encrypted. | |
sharedLicensed | boolean | This call utilized a shared license. | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. | |
startTime | dateTime | ||
endTime | dateTime |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
CallIdentifier | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=128 |