Access to Call Server configuration.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | List of link | See Definition of link | |
allow-calls-to-inactive-endpoints | xs:boolean | Include inactive endpoints when resolving the dial rules | Mandatory |
allow-calls-from-non-rogue-endpoints | xs:boolean | Allow/deny calls from unregistered out of territory endpoints (non-rogue). Value is ignored if rogue-call-policy enum value is specified. | |
allow-unregistered-endpoint-calls | xs:boolean | Allow/deny calls from unregistered in territory endpoints (rogue). Value is ignored if rogue-call-policy enum value is specified. | |
rogue-call-policy | RogueCallPolicy | Policy for allowing calls to and from unregistered endpoints in and out of territory. | |
available-bandwidth-limit | xs:int | Available bandwidth limit allocated to a single call (%) | Mandatory |
territory-delay | xs:int | The value in seconds of refresh territory's primary node's status | Mandatory |
forward-no-answer-timeout | xs:int | The number of seconds to wait for a callee no answer before the call is forwarded to an alternate endpoint | Mandatory |
registration-refresh-interval | xs:int | For H.323 endpoints, this specifies how often registered endpoints send 'keep alive' messages to the Call Server. For SIP endpoints, this specifies the refresh interval used if the endpoint did not specify an interval or specified on greater than this value. | Mandatory |
sip-gateway-calls-lrq-with-email-not-e164 | xs:boolean | For SIP calls gatewayed to an external gatekeeper, use the H323 email ID as the destination | Mandatory |
enable-registration-sharing | xs:boolean | If registrations are shared with an external server or not. | |
reg-sharing-host | xs:string | IP or FQDN of the host to share registration information with. | |
reg-sharing-port | xs:int | Port of the host to share registration information with. | |
reg-sharing-username | xs:string | Username used for registration sharing if the host being shared to requires credentials. | |
reg-sharing-userpass | xs:string | Password for user used for registration sharing if the host being shared to requires credentials. | |
reg-sharing-delete-inactive-endpoints | xs:boolean | Select to specify that shared registrations whose status is Inactive (that is, their registrations have expired) are deleted from the system after the specified number of days. Some dial rule actions, such as Resolve to registered endpoint, can route calls to endpoints with an inactive registration. Deleting the registration record is the only way to prevent resolution to an inactive endpoint. | |
enable-registration-sharing-additional-listening-NIC | xs:boolean | If the receiver of the registrations API additions can listen on another NIC | |
reg-sharing-listening-NIC | RegSharingListeningNic | The extra NIC to listen to added registrations API | |
reg-sharing-listening-port | xs:int | Alternative Port to listen to API calls the host to share registration information with. | |
reg-sharing-sending-NIC | RegSharingSendingNic | The NIC to send on API requests to add registrations | |
reg-sharing-inactive-registration-days-to-delete | xs:int | Select to specify that shared registrations whose status is Inactive (that is, their registrations have expired) are deleted from the system after the specified number of days. Some dial rule actions, such as Resolve to registered endpoint, can route calls to endpoints with an inactive registration. Deleting the registration record is the only way to prevent resolution to an inactive endpoint. | |
minimum-registration-expires | xs:int | Sip Registration minimum expiration time (second) | Mandatory |
proxy-time-out | xs:int | The value in seconds of a SIP peer call to time out. | Mandatory |
max-breadth | xs:int | The maximum allowable SIP max breadth value for incoming requests. | Mandatory |
options-ping-interval | OptionsPingInterval | SIP OPTIONS ping timer (seconds) | |
options-ping-failure-codes | List of OptionsPingFailureCodes | SIP OPTIONS ping failure status codes | |
proxy-failure-codes | List of ProxyFailureCodes | Nonresponsive SIP peer status codes | |
next-ext-proxy-timeout | NextExtProxyTimeout | Try next SIP peer timeout (seconds) | |
sip-outbound-keep-alive-interval | SipOutboundKeepAliveInterval | Keep-alive interval as defined in RFC-5626 | |
enable-no-ep-crlf-keep-alive | xs:boolean | This setting specifies whether or not the SIP Proxy should send CRLF keep-alive messages to endpoints that do not support RFC-5626. Default is enabled (true) | |
no-ep-crlf-keep-alive-interval | xs:int | Keep-alive interval for endpoints that do not support RFC-5626. Keep-alive interval range is between 60 and 9999 seconds and defaults to 120 seconds. | |
routed-call-mode | xs:boolean | This setting specifies whether the H.323 gatekeeper is operating in routed mode (true) or direct mode (false). In routed mode the gatekeeper proxies all H.323 signaling messages. In direct mode only H.225.0 RAS call control messages are proxied through the gatekeeper; all other call signaling and media control messages are exchanged directly between endpoints. | Mandatory |
only-accept-neighbor-lrq | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not Janus will only accept and respond to LRQ messages from external Gatekeepers that are in its neighbor list or if it will attempt to service any LRQ sent to it per H.225 protocol specifications | Mandatory |
derive-h323-email-ids-for-other-aliases | xs:boolean | Resolve email ID dial strings to another local alias by using the user part of the email address. For example, the dial string would resolve to the endpoint registered as 1234 | Mandatory |
associate-email-id-to-endpoint | xs:boolean | If this option is enabled and the system is integrated with Active Directory, an endpoint associated with an enterprise user is assigned the user's email address as an H.323 email ID | Mandatory |
lrq-hop-count | xs:int | The initial hop count used when the Janus system sends an LRQ to a neighbor | Mandatory |
lrq-time-out | xs:int | The value in seconds to wait for a response from any neighbor | Mandatory |
irq-interval | xs:int | The interval at which the call server should send IRQ messages to H.323 endpoints in a call | Mandatory |
enable-irq-call-termination | xs:boolean | Allows the termination calls due to failure or negative response to an IRQ message from the DMA requesting active call information. | Mandatory |
endpoints-belong-to-each-domain-for-sip | xs:boolean | Specifies that call requests for locally registered SIP endpoints do not have to match the domain. If not enabled, call requests must exactly match the URI of the registered endpoint | Mandatory |
endpoints-belong-to-each-domain-for-h323 | xs:boolean | Specifies that call requests for registered H.323 endpoints' email IDs do not have to match the domain. If not enabled, call requests must exactly match the URI of the registered endpoint | Mandatory |
belong-to-local-domain-for-conference | xs:boolean | Specifies whether or not to ignore the domain part of the dial string when the conference ID rule is used | Mandatory |
domain-names | List of xs:string | The list of domains from which registrations are accepted by the system. If the list is empty, all domains are considered local, and the system accepts endpoint registrations from any domain. When updating the call server configuration, the following conventions will be followed: 1) If the sip-domains list is not supplied then the currently configured domains will be preserved. 2) If the sip-domains list is supplied but only contains empty domain-name elements then the list of domains in the current configuration will be cleared. 3) If the sip-domains list is supplied and contains any non-empty domain-name elements then the current configuration will be replaced with the new list. | |
allow-siteless-registration | xs:boolean | Allows endpoints to register when their IP Addresses do not correspond to any subnet configured in the site topology. As of DMA 10.0 this field is no longer used. It has been replaced by RegistrationPolicy.getAllowSitelessRegistration | |
entity-tag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. | |
lync-conference-id-query-timeout | xs:int | The number of seconds that we will query a lync server before timing out that query. This value must be between 1 and 20 seconds. | Mandatory |
bandwidth-conversion-factor | BandwidthConversionFactor | Conversion from bit rate to estimated bi-directional bandwidth used by a call. Range is from 1.000 to 5.000 | |
blacklist-enabled | xs:boolean | Dynamically blacklist signaling from hyperactive endpoints | |
grq-quarantine | xs:boolean | Quarantine blacklisted endpoints. They remain in Quarantined or Quarantined (Inactive) status (unable to make or receive calls) until manually removed from quarantine. | |
grq-ignore-vbp | xs:boolean | Don't exempt video border proxy (VBP) traffic from blacklisting. | |
rrq-quarantine | xs:boolean | Quarantine blacklisted endpoints. They remain in Quarantined or Quarantined (Inactive) status (unable to make or receive calls) until manually removed from quarantine. | |
rrq-ignore-vbp | xs:boolean | Don't exempt video border proxy (VBP) traffic from blacklisting. | |
cleaner-task-interval-minutes | CleanerTaskIntervalMinutes | Remove non-hyperactive endpoints from blacklist after specified interval (minutes) | |
grq-duplicate-count | GrqDuplicateCount | GRQ threshold | |
grq-duplicate-interval-ms | GrqDuplicateIntervalMs | GRQ interval (msec) | |
rrq-duplicate-count | RrqDuplicateCount | RRQ threshold | |
rrq-duplicate-interval-ms | RrqDuplicateIntervalMs | RRQ interval (msec) | |
lync-edge-server-discovery-timeout | LyncEdgeServerDiscoveryTimeout | The number of seconds before timing out a query to a Lync edge server for MCU assignment rules. This value defaults to 10 seconds and must be between 1 and 20 seconds. | |
allow-send-offerless-invite | xs:boolean | Allow/deny sending offer-less invite to EP. | |
lrq-ping-interval | LrqPingInterval | H.323 LRQ ping timer (seconds) |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
failure-code | FailureCode | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
ping-failure-code | PingFailureCode | Mandatory |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
LrqPingInterval | xs:int | |
LyncEdgeServerDiscoveryTimeout | xs:int | |
RrqDuplicateIntervalMs | xs:int | |
RrqDuplicateCount | xs:int | |
GrqDuplicateIntervalMs | xs:int | |
GrqDuplicateCount | xs:int | |
CleanerTaskIntervalMinutes | xs:int | |
BandwidthConversionFactor | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=5 |
EntityTag | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
SipOutboundKeepAliveInterval | xs:int | |
NextExtProxyTimeout | xs:int | |
FailureCode | xs:int | |
PingFailureCode | xs:int | |
OptionsPingInterval | xs:int | |
RegSharingSendingNic | xs:string | Value must be one of:
RegSharingListeningNic | xs:string | Value must be one of:
RogueCallPolicy | xs:string | Value must be one of: