plcm-call-leg-v2.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-call-leg-v2  PlcmCallLegV2

Complex Types

PlcmCallLegV2 Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
device-identifierDeviceIdentifier Call Server identifier of the device for which the call leg is for. Mandatory
sip-contact-identifierSipContactIdentifier The UUID value from the Contact header sip.instance tag. For an inbound call from an unregistered device, this will be the value provided in the INVITE, if any. For a registered device, it will be the value provided in the registration, or if none was provided, a system-generated value. This field helps to distinguish between devices registered using the same SipUri and behind a VBP, and also to correlate inbound calls from unregistered devices.
ip-addressxs:string IP address of the device for which the call leg is for.
device-namexs:string Name of the device for which the call leg is for.
device-modelxs:string Model of the device for which the call leg is for.
device-versionxs:string Version of the device for which the call leg is for.
aliasesList of xs:string A list of aliases associated with the device for which the call leg is for.
registration-statusRegistrationStatus Registration status of the device for which the call leg is for.
sitexs:string Site associated with the device for which the call leg is for.
territoryxs:string Territory associated with the device for which the call leg is for.
authentication-namexs:string Authentication Name.
authentication-statusxs:string Authentication Status.

Simple Types

Value must be one of:
  • MCU
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=36
Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=36