Defines the configuration for the nexthop for an access proxy.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
name | string | The name of this nexthop. Must be unique for all nexthops defined for single access proxy configuration | Mandatory |
destination | string | IP or FQDN of the destination for this hop. If the destination is an IP address, the type of address must match the destination-address-type. The internal access proxy service must support the same address family. If an FQDN is specified, the destination-address-type is used to determine the source address for DNS queries. In both cases (IP or FQDN), the source of packets will be the same address family on the internal access proxy service interface. | |
destinationAddressType | PlcmIpVersion | Specifies the IP address type of the destination. It must match the listening address type specified on the proxy. In the case where the destination is an FQDN, this also defines which address type will be used for DNS queries. | |
destinationPort | Destinationport | Destination port for this proxy | Mandatory |
filterType | FilterType | Defines the part of the request to use as the filter for a particular server. REQUEST_URI is used to match the incoming HTTP URI with the uri-filter. HOST_HEADER is used to match the host-header-value field with the Host request-header in the HTTP request. Matches in either case, forward the request to the destination address(es) defined here. For a server-type of RPRM, typically this would be REQUEST_URI. For other Polycom servers, like RPWS, use the HOST_HEADER. | |
serverType | ServerType | Defines the nexthop as a well-known server. Supported servers are RPRM and the CSS. When using RPRM or CSS, the filter-type is typically set to REQUEST_URI. In this case, the uri-filter is predefined in the server and ignored, if specified in the API call. If the OTHER server-type is set, and the filter-type is set to REQUEST-URI, you must also supply a uri-filter. If the OTHER server-type is set, and the filter-type is HOST_HEADER, then the host-header-value must be set. | |
provisionType | ProvisionType | Defines the type of provisioning that will be provided by an RPRM server. When the server type is not RPRM the provision-type will be assumed to be NONE by the DMA. The uri-filter for RPRM provisioning is predefined in the DMA and will be ignored if specified in the API call. | |
uriFilter | string | Specifies the space-delimited set of URI paths used to as a filter for requests destined for this nexthop. The URI paths may be complete or use a wildcard, ".*", to match the last part of the URI. For example, the following strings all match the same uri-filter: Filter: /someUri/.* Example requests: /someUri/example or /someUri/anotherExample No other regular expressions are supported. This field is only used if the server-type is OTHER and the filter-type is REQUEST_URI. The uri-filter must be unique and cannot overlap any other uri-filter (including those that may be predefined) across all nexthops defined for one access proxy | |
hostHeaderValue | string | Defines the value to use as a match for the requests Host heder field. This must be an exact match with no regular expression support. This field is required if the filter-type is set to HOST_HEADER. | |
orderNumber | OrderNumber | Read-only field assigned by the server based on the order of this hop in the overall list of hops. |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
OrderNumber | int | |
ProvisionType | string | Value must be one of:
ServerType | string | Value must be one of:
FilterType | string | Value must be one of:
Destinationport | unsignedShort |