Parameters controlling a configurable in-conference IVR experience
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
ivrTemplateIdentifier | IvrTemplateIdentifier | ID which uniquely identifies each IVR template. This is system generated unique identifier. This attribute is read-only. | |
name | Name | The name of the IVR template | Mandatory |
description | Description | Description of the IVR template. | |
maxPromptAttempts | MaxPromptAttempts | Number of times may an end user attempt to respond to a prompt. | |
responseTimeout | ResponseTimeout | Number of seconds the system shall wait for an end user to enter DTMF in response to a prompt. Range for valid timeout is 5-60 | |
dtmfTerminator | DtmfTerminator | Key to terminate DTMF input. Pattern for valid key is [*#]? | |
chairpersonIdentifierKey | ChairpersonIdentifierKey | Key for lobby participant to request promotion to chairperson. Pattern for valid key is [0-9*#] | |
requestPasscodeOnDialout | boolean | Indicates whether the system should prompt for a passcode from a participant who is being dialed out to | |
autoTerminate | boolean | Indicates whether the conference should terminate when only one call remains | |
muteCode | MuteCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a caller to mute his own line | |
unmuteCode | UnmuteCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a caller to unmute his own line | |
muteAllCode | MuteAllCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to mute all participants | |
unmuteAllCode | UnmuteAllCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to unmute all participants | |
lockCode | LockCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to lock the conference | |
unlockCode | UnlockCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to unlock the conference | |
dialOutCode | DialOutCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to dial out to a new caller | |
helpMenuCode | HelpMenuCode | In conference DTMF sequence that plays a list of available DTMF commands | |
terminateConferenceCode | TerminateConferenceCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a chairperson to terminate the conference | |
upgradeToChairpersonCode | UpgradeToChairpersonCode | In conference DTMF sequence that allows a participant to enter the chairperson passcode and become a chairperson | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
UpgradeToChairpersonCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
TerminateConferenceCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
HelpMenuCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
DialOutCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
UnlockCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
LockCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
UnmuteAllCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
MuteAllCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
UnmuteCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
MuteCode | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=15 | |
ChairpersonIdentifierKey | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=1 | |
DtmfTerminator | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=1 | |
ResponseTimeout | int | |
MaxPromptAttempts | int | |
Description | string | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=1000 |
Name | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=40 |
IvrTemplateIdentifier | string | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=256 |
T0 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T1 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T2 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T3 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T4 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T5 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T6 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T7 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T8 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T9 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |
T10 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]? |
T11 | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [*#]? |