Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmServiceClass | PlcmServiceClass | See Definition of PlcmServiceClass | Mandatory |
conferencePrefix | ConferencePrefix | E.164 dial string prefix for calling the system. If neighboring with a Polycom gatekeeper on which the Simplified Dialing service is enabled and uses a prefix of 9 (the default), don’t use 90-99. The neighbor gatekeeper recognizes the 9 as a known prefix and ignores the second digit. If a prefix is specified, it’s used for SIP calls as well so that the same number can be dialed from both H.323 and SIP endpoints. Caution: Changing the dialing prefix terminates any existing H.323 calls. | |
maxConferenceSize | MaxConferenceSize | Specifies the maximum conference size assigned to a conference room if a larger or smaller maximum size isn’t specified for it. Automatic (-1, the default setting) uses the largest conference size supported by the MCU (or by all available MCUs if cascading is enabled) as the default maximum. | |
territoryName | string | The territory assigned to a user’s conference room if it isn’t specified at the user or conference room level. A conference room’s territory assignment determines which DMA cluster hosts the conference (the primary cluster for the territory, or its backup cluster if necessary). Up to three territories in a superclustered system can host conference rooms. | |
conferenceTemplateName | string | Default template used by the system. | |
minRoomId | MinRoomId | The minimum value for auto-generated room IDs created for custom conference rooms. Values may be up to six digits long, and the minimum must be less than the maximum. The six-digit limit applies only to generated IDs for custom conference rooms. | Mandatory |
maxRoomId | MaxRoomId | The maximum value for auto-generated room IDs created for custom conference rooms. Values may be up to six digits long. The six-digit limit applies only to generated IDs for custom conference rooms. | Mandatory |
mcuPoolOrderName | string | Default MCU pool order used by the system. | |
durationInMinutes | int | Default maximum duration of a conference (in minutes) or -1 for Unlimited (the maximum in this case depends on the MCU). | |
resourcePriorityNamespace | string | In an Assured Services SIP (AS-SIP) environment, a Local Session Controller (LSC) can provide priority-based precedence and preemption services to ensure that the most important calls get through. If your organization has implemented such a resource prioritization mechanism, set this to the namespace being used for resource priority values. | |
resourcePriorityValue | string | If your organization has implemented a resource prioritization mechanism, set this to the default priority value assigned to a conference if the specific conference room (VMR) doesn’t have a higher value. The string namespace:value is used in the SIP Resource-Priority header of outbound calls from conference rooms (VMRs). | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. | |
firstCallerMcuAffinity | boolean | If the first caller's site contains MCUs in the designated MCU pool order, start the conference on one of them. |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
MaxRoomId | long | |
MinRoomId | long | |
MaxConferenceSize | int | |
ConferencePrefix | string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]* |