

PlcmConferenceSettingsV3 Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
plcmServiceClassV2 PlcmServiceClassV2See Definition of PlcmServiceClassV2Mandatory
conferencePrefixConferencePrefix E.164 dial string prefix for calling the system. If neighboring with a Polycom gatekeeper on which the Simplified Dialing service is enabled and uses a prefix of 9 (the default), don’t use 90-99. The neighbor gatekeeper recognizes the 9 as a known prefix and ignores the second digit. If a prefix is specified, it’s used for SIP calls as well so that the same number can be dialed from both H.323 and SIP endpoints. Caution: Changing the dialing prefix terminates any existing H.323 calls.
maxConferenceSizeMaxConferenceSize Specifies the maximum conference size assigned to a conference room if a larger or smaller maximum size isn’t specified for it. Automatic (-1, the default setting) uses the largest conference size supported by the MCU (or by all available MCUs if cascading is enabled) as the default maximum.
territoryNamestring The territory assigned to a user’s conference room if it isn’t specified at the user or conference room level. A conference room’s territory assignment determines which DMA cluster hosts the conference (the primary cluster for the territory, or its backup cluster if necessary). Up to three territories in a superclustered system can host avc-only conference rooms.
svcOnlyTerritoryNamestring The svc-only territory assigned to a user’s conference room if it isn’t specified at the user or conference room level. A conference room’s territory assignment determines which DMA cluster hosts the conference (the primary cluster for the territory, or its backup cluster if necessary). All territories in a superclustered system can host an svc-only conference rooms. This will be the same as territory-name above, be default.
conferenceTemplateNamestring Default template used by the system.
minRoomIdMinRoomId The minimum value for auto-generated room IDs created for custom conference rooms. The minimum value must be less than the maximum value. Mandatory
maxRoomIdMaxRoomId The maximum value for auto-generated room IDs created for custom conference rooms. The maximum value must be greater than the minimum value. Mandatory
minAliasIdMinAliasId The minimum value for auto-generated conference room aliases created for custom conference rooms. The minimum value must be less than the maximum value. Mandatory
maxAliasIdMaxAliasId The maximum value for auto-generated conference room aliases created for custom conference rooms. The maximum value must be greater than the minimum value. Mandatory
minGeneratedDynamicConfIdMinGeneratedDynamicConfId The minimum value for auto-generated conference room id, created for SIP Conference Factory. The minimum value must be less than the maximum value.
maxGeneratedDynamicConfIdMaxGeneratedDynamicConfId The maximum value for auto-generated conference room id, created for SIP Conference Factory. The maximum value must be greater than the minimum value.
mcuPoolOrderNamestring Default MCU pool order used by the system.
durationInMinutesint Default maximum duration of a conference (in minutes) or -1 for Unlimited (the maximum in this case depends on the MCU).
resourcePriorityNamespacestring In an Assured Services SIP (AS-SIP) environment, a Local Session Controller (LSC) can provide priority-based precedence and preemption services to ensure that the most important calls get through. If your organization has implemented such a resource prioritization mechanism, set this to the namespace being used for resource priority values.
resourcePriorityValuestring If your organization has implemented a resource prioritization mechanism, set this to the default priority value assigned to a conference if the specific conference room (VMR) doesn’t have a higher value. The string namespace:value is used in the SIP Resource-Priority header of outbound calls from conference rooms (VMRs).
firstCallerMcuAffinityboolean If the first caller's site contains MCUs in the designated MCU pool order, start the conference on one of them.
entityTagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
minPortsToStartint The minimum amount of free ports on an MCU required in order to place a call on that MCU.
maxPercentToStartMaxPercentToStart The percent utilization of an MCU after which calls will be, if possible, directed to other MCUS
skypeRosterCascadeIndicatorstring This value specifies the name to be used for the cascade connection participant displayed in the Skype for Business conference roster.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9*#]*