plcm-change-password-request.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-change-password-request  PlcmChangePasswordRequest

This is used by users to change their own password by supplying old and new passwords. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-change-password-request+xml All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

Complex Types

PlcmChangePasswordRequest Fields

old-passwordOldPassword The local user's existing system login password (not conference or chairperson passcode).
new-passwordNewPassword The password which user wants to set as system login password (not conference or chairperson passcode). The password must satisfy the local password rules specified for the system.
reset-password-to-defaultxs:boolean resets the password to the default password

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=128