Wed, 03/02/2022 - 02:08
Plantronics browser integration JS
In an Angular9 project, i want to init the plantronics driver for browser. I can see the attached devices on a browser tab open "" or "". But i get CORS error while requesting in the project.
I request the device info as below:
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', '*/*');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8,tr;q=0.7,de;q=0.6');
This is the error i receive on browser log:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:8190' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Have you experience the CORS issue as well?
Thu, 03/03/2022 - 01:51
I have also noticed a CORS header problem with REST API recently and we are currently investigating.
Internal ref: SWD-4613
Will let you know once we find a solution or alternative integration option.
Thu, 03/03/2022 - 11:54
Seems like the cause may be this:
Apparently our JavaScript API was impacted by these pre-flight checks.
And as such was impacting me too on Chrome 98, and Edge 98.
However, I just updated to Chrome 99 and it's no longer happening. It is also not happening on Chrome 98 arm64 on Mac.
Could you check to see if this is the cause for you?
Fri, 03/04/2022 - 03:03
On Intel Mac; chrome version is Version 98.0.4758.109 (Official Build) (x86_64), it shows up to date thus i cannot update it to version 99. On arm64 Mac;chrome version is Version 98.0.4758.102 (Official Build) (arm64), it shows up to date and still shows the CORS error. What is your exact version on arm64? Thanks
Fri, 03/04/2022 - 03:16
arm64 version I got is 98.0.4758.109.
Fri, 03/04/2022 - 03:30
On my intel mac I have Chrome 98.0.4758.80 - and that gives continuous CORS errors in the inspector, and call control with the sample app doesn't work
However, I've just allowed Chrome to update itself via ... > Help > About Google Chrome. It is now on 99.0.4844.51. This version on same sample app doesn't give any CORS errors/warnings, and the headset call control now works with this sample, i.e. ring/incoming call button, then call answer/end with headset Talk button.
Mon, 03/07/2022 - 02:41
Hi, update was available for me today. So i updated the chrome version to Version 99.0.4844.51 on Intel Mac. Still same error occurs.
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:8190' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Same error occurs with
Mon, 03/07/2022 - 03:19
What service is hosting on localhost port 8190?
Could you add to the response headers of that service the
With value of *
Which would tell you app that connections to other origins I.e. the Hub REST API are allowed?
Further reading:
Mon, 03/07/2022 - 03:41
More reading:
“It's the HTTP service that ultimately controls access by specifying appropriate headers in the responses it serves, and the user agent validates the cross origin request where it refuses to proceed if the server didn't indicate it allows requests from the different origin the script was served from -- the response will be discarded and an error will be thrown.
In short, you need to add the headers to the responses your REST service at localhost:8501 generates…”
Mon, 03/14/2022 - 01:56
Hi, as you can see in the first message, i already use "xhr.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');" in the request. This did not help. Does this line solve the issue on your local system? Or SWD-4613 is still open and being investigated?
Mon, 03/14/2022 - 05:04
You cannot set that header Access-Control-Allow-Origin * in the request. It needs to be set in the response headers by the http server that server your script, i.e. http://localhost:8190. Regarding the SWD-4613, this is not being investigated as it has now been reported to Google, as follows:
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 02:44
Hi, btw i updated the plantronics hub on mac Intel to version 3.24.0. Plantronics hub is open and i have one attached device. Chrome, Safari, Firefox shows nothing except this site cannot be reached or unable to connect. Is there a known issue with the last version? Because also i lost the connection from node.js electron. With the previous version my electron app was listed on plantronics hub softphones list.
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 03:23
Hi again, i removed the updated version and installed Plantronics Hub again. Now electron app is displayed again in the softphones list. And i can see the device info on on Chrome, Safari.
Since the response is sent by , it makes sense that the Plantronics Hub adds Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '* to the response. Is that possible?
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 09:12
I made a basic electron hello world app, following this:
I then added the REST API javascript sample to the app from this code:
The file Plantronics JavaScript Sample.html which I renamed index.html for this demo.
Take a look at this screenshot:
I didn't get any problems with CORS. Are you using electron in a different way that is causing different behaviour to what I'm seeing?
C:\dev\elechello\my-electron-app>npm -v
C:\dev\elechello\my-electron-app>node -v
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 09:28
Actually in my case electron is reading index.html, spokes.js etc as local files, rather than serving them from a web server...
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 11:16
update, I've reproduced issue now with an Angular app. I will now look for workaround...
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 11:32
I have found 2 web sites that describe how to overcome cors issues with Angular apps. Both involve changing the angular app hosting.
This one:
And this one:
Could you try the suggested approaches and let me know?
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 12:06
Further update I got it working (angular app able to make http request to Hub REST API) by one of the suggestions of creating a proxy configuration.
Details to follow…
Tue, 03/15/2022 - 12:24
Here is the method I followed to create a proxy config for development.
And here is a screenshot of a successful http response from Hub REST API to my angular app:
For a production server that is hosting your app, I think you would need to follow the other advice to enable cors on the server side, which would effectively set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *. Note you could also set Access-Control-Allow-Origin for just the specific hosts used by Hub REST API, which would be more secure, e.g. /
Wed, 03/16/2022 - 06:56
Can you pls share the code how you make the request to get device info? Because i tried that proxy solution before and it did not work for me.
Wed, 03/16/2022 - 07:08
Here you go. I think the relevant files are proxy.conf.json and app.component.ts, where I am actually doing an http.get of the /api URL (the proxy), rather than which was causing the CORS error:
Wed, 03/16/2022 - 09:39
Thanks for the code. This solution works on with ng serve. Means it is not valid for production with ng build.
Is it possible that Plantronics Hub adds the Access-Control-Allow-Origin * to the response? This would be the simplest solution.
Wed, 03/16/2022 - 13:44
I’m not sure that would solve the problem.
From all the guidance I read online and shared in previous links, the access-control-allow-origin is an http response header that needs to be applied by the web server that is serving your Angular app. Without it the browser displaying your app will not allow connections to other resources with other origins (like Hub REST API) that are not specified in the access-control-allow-origin (or a value of * means your app can connect to other resources with any url).
I have hosted other web pages (html/JavaScript) that used Hub REST API, and to overcome cors issue, I set a custom response header of access-control-allow-origin * in the web server that is hosting the web page. Then browser displaying my web page allows it to connect to Hub REST API without cors error.
Thu, 03/17/2022 - 06:56
Even if this is the only solution, then we can avoid CORS error only when the app is served. Not the builded app for production. So we cannot publish a version with Poly browser integration as i understand.
Thu, 03/17/2022 - 07:14
Certainly the solutions discussed previously work when the app is served.
Could you clarify the detail of how the app is built for production, so I may investigate?
Tue, 03/22/2022 - 02:25
Hi again, "ng build" is used for production build. So proxy solution works for "ng serve" but does not help us for serving the node web server.
Thanks for your investigation and help on that CORS error. After the discussions we made with my colleagues, we decided to wait until the CORS error is fixed by Plantronics Hub or Google team. Then we can make the Plantronics browser integration without any problem.
We would appreciate if you may share the future updates on CORS fix.
Thank you, best wishes.
Tue, 03/22/2022 - 05:53
Once you've used "ng build", which server do you deploy it to? (As per