I was asked a question today whilst delivering a webinar.  Why isn’t video taking off in the contact centre?  Many organisations are trying to personalize their customer experience, to create a better connection with customers.  Video is proven to be an engaging content type for marketing, and many companies are also using video as part of their self service approach.  So why not real time video?

Could it be that many companies are not proud of their contact centre environment, and don’t want to show it off to customers?  Possibly, but it’s easy to use screens or similar to hide this.

When you look at the areas that video is successful, it is when customers expect a personal experience – kiosks in retail stores or car rental desks (to cover overflow), high net value banking.  A contact centre isn’t traditionally seen by a company or a customer as a personal experience – the high level of automation, or self service implies that there isn’t an expectation of it being a personal experience.  Hence, there is a cultural barrier to implementing video.

Is this right?  Any other opinions on why video isn’t taking off?