Let’s face it; we could all be a little more productive from time to time. There is no shame in admitting it. There is also no need to suffer when there are great tools out there meant to help us increase that productivity and make our lives easier. Check out some of these productivity tools; they may just make your work day a little smoother.
- Ant Video Downloader/Player – This add on for Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer allows you to download streaming videos from sites like YouTube. It also includes a player so you can immediately watch the downloaded videos.
- Audiotorium Class and Meeting Notes – This iOS app allows for you to take notes and record audio at the same time. This is great for meetings or lectures. It also integrates with Dropbox so you can easily access your notes afterwards on your other devices. You can save in rich text format and even password protect notes, making this a must have app.
- Cloudon – This free app allows you the ability to view items from Box, Dropbox, and Google Drive. You can also edit word, excel, and powerpoint documents in their cloud workspace. Available on iOS or Android.
- Idea Sketch – This app is used to create concept maps, flow charts, and brainstorm new ideas. Great for when you are playing around with an idea or a process and want to get it down on paper. App is for iOS.
- Phone Drive – This 99 cent application turns your phone into a WiFi Flash drive. Perfect if you need to copy some files on the fly from a laptop or other device.
- Screenleap – This app allows you to share your screen instantly with nearly any device with a browser. It is free to use up to 2 hours a day, but can get pricey for heavy use.
- Thinglink – Adds interactivity to images. You upload an image and can add images and notes to it.
- Symbaloo – This visual bookmark tool allows you to add bookmarks to your favorite sites and videos and access them across all devices