You’ve chosen a UC vendor and which audio devices you would like your company to use, but it still isn’t time to deploy. At this stage, planning is key. In order to ensure maximum adoption, you must plan ahead. Consider individual as well as corporate organizational goals. Create a concrete communications strategy to minimize risk as well as ensure a higher adoption rate. Here are a few common FAQs to keep in mind when strategizing a plan before deployment. Remember, the goal is the highest user adoption.
1. Why do I need a plan for my UC audio device deployment?
UC audio devices, such as headsets, are increasingly becoming a critical element for maximizing UC platform investments. Selecting the right audio device — corded, wireless, speakerphone and so on — depends on each user’s functional role, personal characteristics and work location. These factors, and more, need to be considered and planned carefully if you want your organization to have a highly successful adoption and quality experience that enhances business communications.
2. Why do I need to establish a strategy for deploying audio devices?
There are several approaches that you can pursue. Each has different implications for IT organizations and users. Determining and planning for the right scenario for your organization is strongly recommended. A solid audio device deployment strategy is the foundation for mitigating risk and achieving the goals and key business objectives associated with your UC environment.
3. Why do I need to assess user needs? Where would I start?
We recommend speaking with HR and department managers to understand user needs and define user profiles. Discuss what kind of audio device is appropriate for what type of employee. Take people’s wishes and concerns into consideration. This will pay off during the adoption phase. Utilize your existing communication vehicles and consider distributing surveys to obtain feedback on user needs.
These are just a few FAQs to get you thinking about the details required for UC audio device deployments. If you have others to share, please let us know.
Read our full list of Planning FAQs or for more detailed information about planning for UC audio device adoption, make sure to check out the UC Toolkit.