According to a study by comScore, people favor their tablets over any other device.  Out of 10, users have rated their tablets at 8.6.  Smartphones, although thoroughly enjoyed by their users, are taking a backseat to their tablet counterparts.  The iPad is the most well liked, which isn’t surprising considering its immense popularity over the last couple years.  The Kindle Fire came in second, but won’t be overtaking the iPad in popularity anytime soon.  The Fire sold more to lower household incomes, which is fitting to its $200 price point, but has a lower overall satisfaction than the iPad.

The iPad is more popular among those who own them, but what about those who have yet to buy a tablet?  Well 73% of people who are planning to buy a tablet in the future state they want an iPad, where only 8 percent wanted a Kindle Fire, and 6 percent wanted a Samsung Galaxy tablet.  These numbers came from a study by ChangeWave, who found that only 54% of Kindle Fire owners were “very satisfied” with their device.  This was quite shocking, as the tablet sold very well and was favored by many android users at its launch.  It still is better liked than other Android tablets which only ranked at an average of 49% satisfied, but not near as well as the iPad at 74% of users “very satisfied.”  What will happen to Kindle Fire once Apple releases its 7” iPad into the market?

People love their tablets, especially well-made ones like the iPads.  This is great motivation for companies to make solid products that work well.  The higher the satisfaction, the more people want to buy your product.  This is also good for companies like Drop Box and Prey, which make their money from cloud storage or tracking mobile devices.  The more tablets that sell, the more people that will require their services.

So what do these numbers really mean?  It means that tablets and touch screens are more than just a fad, which are what some experts have dismissed them as.  They are the next step of technological evolution, and they are here to stay.  The growth of tablet purchases will affect our workplaces in a number of ways, including making enterprises write and/or enforce BYOD policies, and increasing away from desk productivity.

People enjoying their tablets is good for all of us.  It’s good for business, good for the economy, and good for us tablet owners.  The more we buy, the more investment they put into making better, more advanced, and cheaper products.  Which tablet do you prefer?  Let us know in the comments!