Five steps to align your small business marketing and sales
How effectively are your marketing and sales teams working together? After all, they both have the same goal – to help generate revenue for your small business. It makes sense that the two functions should [...]
How to stay productive while traveling for your small business
With today’s conferencing technologies – web and video - you no longer have to jump in your car or board a plane when you need to meet with a customer or prospect. Still there are [...]
How to Arrange your Office for the Best Productivity
We all struggle with keeping a clean office, and especially a clean desk. It feels like when you finally get it all cleaned off, you always come back to another pile of paperwork. It is [...]
Workplace flexibility is the key to finding and retaining small business employees
As if finding great employees wasn’t enough of a problem for small business owners, keeping them poses yet another HR challenge. Plantronics Workplace Flexibility Survey of 270 small business owners conducted last year by the [...]
A Year in Review – Kickstarter
For many years, a good idea couldn’t get you very far unless you knew the right people, or had a large sum of money. Of course there are exceptions, but most of these ideas got [...]
Growth in mobility spending within next five years will be driven by small and mid-sized businesses
Small to mid-size businesses in North America are fueling growth in mobility spending, which now is expected to reach $71.5 billion by 2018, according to research firm AMI-Partners. In its recently released 2014 North America [...]