
Perils of the Open Office

By |April 2nd, 2019|

The open-plan office started with such promise. When we saw the cool, minimalist design and freedom of the open office, we dreamed of spontaneous collaboration, deeper connections with co-workers, and enhanced performance. The reality? Too [...]

The Power of Many Announcements

By |March 20th, 2019|

We launched a lot at Enterprise Connect 2019. Did you get it all? If your head is spinning—like a Poly propeller—from all the news at Enterprise Connect, you're not alone. If you’re at #EC19, you [...]

You deserve a storybook ending with LogMeIn and Poly

By |March 19th, 2019|

We know that selecting the right collaboration solution throws many customers into “Goldilocks mode” – the trial-by-error search for the best collaboration solutions. Just like Goldilocks’ search for things that “fit just right,” customers have [...]

What’s in a brand?

By |March 18th, 2019|

In April of 2018, I was in Hawaii on business[1] when Joe Burton, my soon-to-be-boss, gave me a call.  He was then CEO of Plantronics who had recently announced that they would be acquiring Polycom, [...]