Maintaining Mental Well-Being in Unprecedented Times
By now, I’m sure you’ve read plenty of articles about how to successfully work from home, what devices you need for successful collaboration experiences, or how to manage balancing work and kids 24/7. But, what [...]
COVID19 – How Enterprises Have Managed the Transition to Remote Working
As anyone who’s followed my blogs in the past knows, I’ve long been a supporter of remote working or “smarter working” as it was called over the years. Study after study has proven that people allowed [...]
Services to Accelerate the Journey to Microsoft Teams
PART 3 of a 5-PART SERIES Since the end of January 2020, Microsoft has seen a staggering 500 percent increase in Teams meetings, calling, and conferences, and a 200 percent increase in Teams usage on [...]
Poly Unveils New Partner Program
A note from Nick Tidd, Vice President of the Global Partner Organization at Poly Poly is proud to introduce its reimagined partner program that combines the award-winning Polycom and Plantronics programs into one comprehensive and [...]
Introducing the Next Generation Poly Trio C60
Teams that have a well-functioning, collaborative dynamic are the heartbeat of any thriving business — it’s a fact that bears repeating. To empower your people to share their skills, ideas, and inspiration, the first thing [...]
4 Tips to Reduce Stress While Working at Home
The eternal struggle for a work-life balance has recently been thrown a curveball. With companies big and small requiring their employees to work from home to slow the spread of COVID-19, just how are we [...]