Office Depot has opened concept stores in Denver that are going to make business people very happy.  At only 5,000 square feet, these stores are much smaller than the average Office Depot Warehouse, but they offer something much different.  With sights aiming at the younger and “on the move” business person, Office Depot has created a social and trendy “PC Bar” and Internet ready location to use while shopping.  In fact, grab a cup of coffee and stay a while, it’s on the house!

Store within a Store

  • Bluwire, the store within the mini-store, offers popular tech products like Apple accessories, headphones, and other cool devices.
  • They also have in-window digital screens that show off the newest tech products to those passing by, keeping shopping up to date.

PC Bar

  • Has an area to plug in your laptop or tablet to charge it and work.
  • Has a computer rental station if you need a computer for a few hours.
  • Offers free Wi-Fi, free recharge station for phones, and free coffee!
  • Can’t find what you need on the shelves? Internet enabled touchscreens allow customers to online shop at office depot and buy anything they need from within the store.

It’s an interesting move for the office supply giant, but a welcome one.  I for one like the idea of having more places I can stop in and us or charge my device, and would be more willing to impulse buy from them.  PC bar mini stores – Good or Bad idea?