Give yourself a big pat on the back. Your contribution to the U.S. economy is invaluable; as if you didn’t already know that. The Small Business Administration says that you generated 65 percent of net new jobs over the past 17 users and you employ about half of all U.S. workers.

To ensure that you get the recognition that you deserve, the SBA has designated May 20-26 this year as National Small Business Week (NSBW). The event is an annual honor. Since 1963 the SBA has been recognizing the special impact made by outstanding American entrepreneurs and small business owners.

A key part of National Small Business Week is the two and a half day conference that runs Sunday, May 20 – Tuesday, May 22, in Washington, D.C. focusing on small business accomplishments, including disaster recovery, procurement and entrepreneurial success. Get a rundown of the conference schedule.

Even if you can’t make it to DC, all NSBW events will be available for viewing virtually through SBA’s free, live webcasting at You can register online at the same site, where additional information (updated weekly) is available regarding registration, awards ceremonies, small business forums and educational and matchmaking sessions.  Or, you can follow the events on Twitter.

So that others can learn about successful SBA-assisted programs, the SBA just launched a new video contest. If you have been assisted by the SBA and want to highlight your success, submit a creative video showcasing the kind of help you received – counseling, training, guaranteed loans, government contracts, disaster recovery, etc. Your original video should be two minutes in high resolution format. The submission deadline is this Friday, May 11 at 4 p.m.

Video winners will be presented during a Google + Hangout hosted by the SBA and the White House. Winning videos also will be featured throughout National Small Business Week and may be used by the agency at other high-profile functions and events.  You can get more information about the contest or register at:

Enjoy your special week of recognition. You deserve it and more!