With a new year starting, we should take some time to reflect. We have all made some mistakes and even some improvements in the last year, and we can learn from those changes. I strongly recommend you take a few hours to look at your practices from the last year and think about where you could improve and what your strong points are. After you’ve done that, make some resolutions. What are you going to improve on? What are you going to start doing? What are you going to stop doing? Here is my list.
- Stop Watching TV – I love electronic media. I’m a gamer, I love movies, and I enjoy the limitless content online. I don’t think I can stop enjoying all of it at once, but I think I am going to give up Television. Not only will it save me some money, but an incredible amount of time. The thing is, I don’t watch television because I want to, I watch it because I don’t want to do something else. That needs to end.
- Start Reading More – Nothing expands the mind more than reading, and I don’t do it as often as I want to. There are so many great topics and stories out there I should be reading. I have several books on my shelf that I am just waiting to read, and this year I will make the time.
- Take Online Courses – Going back to school can be expensive and time consuming, but there are tons of free and short online courses that can be taken online. These courses are done by real teachers from real colleges, and can be as short as 6 weeks. There are several places you can sign up for them, but I use Coursera.com. I’m signed up for a class on January 13th, so come and join me!
- Learn more about my Employees – I manage a handful of staff, and I want to take more time to get to know them. I know it isn’t my job to be their friend, but I would like to connect with them more as a human being. The better we understand each other the better we can work together.
- Learn a New Language – I really want to start learning a new language. There is a great tool for doing this, an app for smartphones and website called Duolingo. Think of it as a free Rosetta Stone. Check it out at www.duolingo.com.
- Give more to Charity – I have a couple charities I like, but don’t give as much as I would like to. I want to make a commitment to setting aside more money each month, so a larger amount can be donated each year. Please look at these charities: Doctors Without Borders / Childs Play / Donors Choose.