We were recently informed that the Smarter Working UC Toolkit is a ‘Messaging and Unified Communications’ finalist at Microsoft TechEd 2012. This is a great honor and recognition of the hard work and investment Plantronics has made in a portfolio of best practices and tools for IT professionals.
The Smarter Working UC Toolkit has over 700 IT assets from guidelines, FAQs, checklists, surveys, wireless resources, specific training videos, an online audio device catalog and more. It’s becoming a key resource for IT and Enterprises seeking to achieve the most successful deployment and adoption of UC audio devices, such as headsets and speakerphones, in to their daily business communications.
If you have not already checked out the resources available, you can download the Smarter Working UC Toolkit iPad App from iTunes or visit plantronics.com/uctoolkit.
For more information on the Microsoft TechEd 2012 event, click here.
And if your attending Microsoft TechEd 2012 don’t forget to visit Plantronics at booth #139 and to vote for the UC Toolkit!