Cyber criminals want your mobile devices. While the amount of malware targeted at mobile devices is far less than that directed at traditional computing devices, the situation is changing. Last year in particular saw a marked increase in mobile malware, according to Symantec.
In its State of Mobile Security Report 2012, Lookout, a mobile security company says that the mobile malware market has matured to become a viable business opportunity for attackers who want access to your small business data. As a result, criminals are becoming more diverse in their malware distribution techniques, which include email spam, hacked websites that enable drive-by-downloads (a web page automatically begins downloading an application when a user visits it) and affiliate-based marketing.
The increasing use of mobile devices for work, especially as companies embrace Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), makes your company finances and operations even more vulnerable to cyber crime. Lookout estimates that six million mobile users have come across malware in the past 12 months and four out of 10 mobile users click on an unsafe URL each year.
To reduce the risk of mobile malware at your company, remind your team to:
- Enable the 4-digit security pin on mobile devices
- Be wary of free apps especially if they want account or login information
- Disable Wi-Fi auto connect
- Only download apps from trusted sources – reputable app stores and download sites
- Make sure a web address matches the site it claims to be, especially when you are entering account or login information.
Also as part of your company BYOD policy, make sure you install firmware updates as soon as they are available and run mobile antivirus software.
Mobile devices are a boon to your business by enabling your team to work anywhere at any time. Tell cyber criminals ‘hands off’ by implementing these steps.