Have you ever stopped to think that your IT peers, whether in Germany, Japan, or Brazil, have the same goals and face the same challenges as you do? You all have to stay abreast of the latest and greatest technologies, AND choose the right platforms, systems and products, AND ensure your end users are happy so technology adoption is high – all while trying to save your company money AND be as efficient as possible with your limited time and resources.
Plantronics understands the demands on IT so we took a step back to figure out how we could help with UC audio device deployments – how we could make your lives easier. What came from that is the Plantronics UC Toolkit – an online portfolio (think of it as a library), of best practices, recommendations, helpful tips, and custom tools designed specifically for IT. The UC Toolkit was created from our involvement in first-hand experiences and lessons learned from customers integrating UC audio devices into their UC environments.
From these customer deployments, we witnessed many fantastic ideas and some not so great. This knowledge is meant to be shared so the UC Toolkit includes resources to help you be as efficient as possible in your UC audio device deployment and avoid common mistakes.
Keep in mind the UC Toolkit is applicable to any size business at any global location, and is available in 13 different languages – assisting IT close or far. Check it out at plantronics.com/uctoolkit.