Enterprise environments are changing and collaborative office environments are definitely an emerging trend in business today. More open space, more glass, more remote employees, more integrated technologies…more headaches for IT? When it comes to deploying optimal wireless voice technologies in these new work environments, IT must plan accordingly. Thorough research, proper product selection, and addressing support needs (just to name a few) are all required for success.
As most things in life, this is easier said than done, but IT executives from Hewlett Packard and PETCO are going to share first-hand experiences and best practice recommendations. They are joining us for a panel discussion entitled “Wireless Voice in the Changing Enterprise,” discussing their real-world implementations, key tips and suggestions, do’s and don’ts, plus much more.
The panel is part of the ‘Trends and Converging Technologies’ track at the Teladata Technology Convergence Conference on February 2, 2012. This is a one-day educational conference where IT and facilities professionals and executives come together to learn from each other.
Check out the full conference program agenda, and we hope to see you there.