“We need to get on the same page.”  When was the last time you said that to your small business team?  Getting everyone behind a decision is not the same thing as having everyone agree. In fact, the most highly functioning teams are ones in which members have strong opinions and beliefs about what is happening in your company and feel free to express them. However, at times, you need everyone to own a decision in order to move ahead and that’s where consensus is important.

Business presentationIn “How to Drive Consensus: 7 Secrets” appearing on Inc.com, management consultant Steve Tobiak lays out a process for driving consensus to affect change in your business when it’s needed. Here are some of his key points:

  • Lay it all out: Setting the ground rules and explaining the process more than anything influences the success of the consensus building process. Begin by explaining your process first and getting feedback on that. Your goal is to get agreement among team members  – even those working remotely – that the process itself makes sense.
  • Bring out the outliers: Once the process begins, let the most highly opinionated on either side of the issue have their say. Doing so sets the stage for everyone to feel comfortable even with the more challenging issues; and it also relieves tension and contention early on.
  • Use logical and/or qualitative arguments: Tobiak uses one of two approaches in driving consensus. A logical or quantitative approach uses hard data to make a point. An emotional or qualitative approach relies on anecdotes or opinions from experts – market analysts, customers, industry pundits – to make your case. You’ll have to decide which works best with your group; possibly you’ll want to draw from both.
  • Close the deal: The deal isn’t closed until you document decisions, conclusions and plans. Also set goals and metrics and, be sure to track them.

In addition to Tobiak’s suggestions, I’d add the following from my own experience. When it comes time for implementation, try to get everyone involved. If you don’t involve the decision making team in the implementation, the consensus may start to fall apart.

Consensus building will be necessary at times to move your small business ahead. The most important thing to keep in mind is to reach a decision that everyone can accept – even if it doesn’t meet everyone’s particular preference.

Consensus building will be necessary at times to move your small business ahead. The most important thing to keep in mind is to reach a decision that everyone can accept – even if it doesn’t meet everyone’s particular preference.