Want to know how to attract new graduates into your business and keep them there? One of the most desirable amenities a business can offer to their employees at this time is flexible working hours. That’s right. Not salaries, not benefits, but flexible working patterns, work-life balance, and allowing for time to explore personal interests. Why there this sudden craving for time off; and how can work places accommodate it?
As I mentioned in my last article, Generation Y is sweeping into the workforce, and their priorities differ from previous generations. Work and money are not the only goals, but travel, experiences, and family are players now too. With more moms going back to work around the country, male workers are looking for companies that offer flexible hours to pick up the kids, or even becoming stay at home dads. Men are becoming more active in family life, and require jobs that allow for it. Even favoring jobs that give time and a half off instead of pay and a half or double pay for overtime. Stay at home dads have increased by 200% in the UK in the last few years, and the number continues to rise. In a survey of 14,000 graduates, they said their top three preferred flexible working hour benefits were Flex Time, time off in lieu, and work condensed hours. When asked the core reason they may leave their employer, their answer was dissatisfaction with work life balance.
This is a tough request to fill if you are a small company, as usually you need all the staff you have during operating hours. Sending 2 or 3 staff home early may leave you shorthanded and unable to function properly. Larger organizations would rarely run into this issue, especially for positions that don’t directly deal with customers nor have daily deadlines.
A solution exists to this problem. How do you give your employees more freedom of location, but make sure the work still gets done, all without cutting the ties of communication? You see where I am going with this? Two words. Smarter Working. Making your employees mobile has never been easier, with headsets and conferencing over the web, employees can continue to work while at home. This allows that priceless time with the kids, family, and allows them to pursuit personal interests as well as get their work done. If your staff is demanding more flexible hours, consider this as an alternative. The best of both worlds come out of mobility.
What is more important to you? Extra pay, better benefits, or more time off? Let us know in the comments!