Following isn’t just for Twitterers (or is it Tweeters?) these days.
How much of your time do you actually sit at your desk? Even while you’re in the office, you’re probably in meetings. No doubt your business also depends on you being out of the office a good part of the time, meeting with customers and partners. Still, when you’re always on the go, it can be challenging for the people who need to reach you to ask a question, join forces or get your input.
The problem nowadays is that we have so many devices to make us available – desk phone, smartphone, home phone – when someone needs to reach you, they may not know where to start. Or maybe they only have your office phone in their address book and at the time they urgently need you, you’re out.
You can make life easier for yourself, customers and colleagues with Find Me/Follow Me. It’s the capability that lets you choose one number to give out – it can even be a virtual number. When someone dials that number, the IP telephony system routes the calls to numbers you have selected – office phone, mobile number, home phone or other — at the same time or sequentially. If, after routing the call to all the numbers, you still don’t answer; the system will leave the call in your voice mail.
Today’s unified communications (UC) systems can take this capability even further. UC systems will send the message to your email so that you can play it right from your inbox or read it as a text. You also can integrate Find Me/Follow Me with instant messaging to get an alert when a message arrives.
Faxes can follow you, too. You can receive, view, send and manage them all through your unified communications system with your Find Me/Follow Me number.
Capabilities like Find Me/Follow Me make you and your staff more responsive to customers, giving you a leg up on the competition. They also support the growing trend toward remote working by facilitating needed communication between your employees. Now you really can work from anywhere!