ECCCO has been created in 2002 to encourage and assist in the development of European National Contact Centre Associations by bringing together all the European National Associations / Organisations, fostering free and frank information exchange on issues relating to Call Centre services. Using our combined voice to influence ECCCO is a non-profit association that will promote the interests and needs of the European contact centre industry.
Their major aims are:
- Promote the exchange of knowledge and informations – Promote the profession and recognition of Contact Centre Management – Provide representation to Regulatory bodies – Act as a collective to influence the appropriate legislative bodies.
- Provide information and education to its members – Promote co-operation among its members.
- Develop and promote European quality standards for the cc-industry – Promote a European Contact Centre Award
ECCCO’s headquarter is located in Belgium.
Six months after founding the European umbrella association for customer contact centre, ECCCO’s first international event take place: The ECCCO Awards 2003. Hosted at SeCA in Paris national award winners from 5 of the founding member countries were honoured by the ECCCO president.
The idea behind organising an own ECCCO Award was to make good customer experience examples known to a wider public by giving national award winners and nominees an international platform for presentation, benchmarking and best practice exchange.
Nominations for the ECCCO Awards can be addressed to the ECCCO board by the national member associations. Primarily awarded will be outstanding customer orientation or exceeding managerial performance in change management processes to improve customer experience.
Moreover, the Customer Contact Centre being the face of your company to the customer; here the decisive interaction between your company and the customer takes place. In order to establish a benchmark for the service quality in this sector, the European Standard EN 15838 has been created.
ECCCO, the voice of the contact centre operators has joined forces with Austrian Standards plus Certification (AS+C) to establish a certification system for the EN 15838. This common certification system will be offered to the global market under the brand Contact Centre:CertificationTM.
Why was established
– To ensure harmonised procedures for the certification
of Contact Centres according to EN 15838.
– To create a strong industry specific quality brand name
for certified Contact Centres.
Creating customer value and success
EN 15838 certification of your Contact Centre creates value for your customer by
– ensuring high service quality at the interface to your customer,
– putting customer care into focus.
EN 15838 certification promotes your Contact Centre business by
– enhancing efficiency of your processes,
– helping your business to distinct yourself from competitors.
The path to your EN 15838 certificate
The Contact Centre:CertificationTM EN 15838 certification scheme specifies the procedure to certify a Contact Centre:
- The Contact Centre elaborates a written documentation. An auditor will check this documentation with regards to the requirements of EN 15838.
- The auditor conducts an audit at the premises of the Contact Centre. The audit comprises checks of the processes as well as interviews of agents.
- After successful completion of steps 1 and 2, the Contact Centre will be awarded a certificate
“Contact Centre:Certified EN 15838“
- In order to maintain the EN 15838 certificate, surveillance audits will have to be conducted on a 2 years cycle.
VVB President