In the early stages of cloud-based technologies being used in contact centers, IT Managers had to make a choice between the flexibility and scalability of cloud or the feature rich, secure, and highly reliable on-premises solutions.  This meant that for many organizations, moving to the cloud would result in lower standards.

In today’s modern tech stack, cloud solutions have proven themselves by effectively addressing security challenges, overcoming reliability concerns, and including feature sets at parity – if not above on-prem solutions.  It’s fast becoming a case of when, not if the majority of contact centers will begin the migration to cloud –and, there’s no need to lower standards!

In addition to the benefits of flexibility and scalability, a move to cloud and softphones can deliver a significant reduction in costs.  However, many companies make the mistake of thinking they can achieve further cost reductions with low-quality peripherals like headsets.  The recent rise in consumer softphones such as Skype have driven up the presence of very low-cost consumer-grade USB headsets.  At first glance, the price points for these headsets may seem appealing for us in enterprises or contact centers, but they are not designed for or intended for use in the intensive environment of a contact center and will inevitably lead to a poor customer experience.

Gear for a Job Well Done

A New Desktop Experience

Depending on their IT approach, organizations have the choice to invest in new deskphones that support cloud connection, migrate completely to softphones, or to keep both to ensure they always have a way to answer inquiries.  The right headsets won’t restrict organizations to one approach if future plans change.  Headsets equipped with a reliable connection to audio processors such as MDA500 give you a solution that connects simultaneously to telephones and PCs and provides great quality audio.

The MDA500 connecting softphones and desk phones

This new desktop experience can be the same across the whole organization.  Many cloud providers now have a single standardized softphone interface for use across an entire company.  This provides reduced IT training and management costs.  Furthermore, a headset should work seamlessly across the organization – for example, companies using Microsoft solutions have the right portfolio that can meet all their needs.

Headsets That Provide Insights

Contact centers thrive on data. However, up until recently, the voice experience has been very difficult to monitor and manage.  The right USB headsets have the ability to run intelligent software like Plantronics Manager Pro (PMP), allowing users to gain insights into conversational health and respond to individual needs without interrupting the customer experience. Additionally, PMP gives your IT managers the ability to troubleshoot technical issues and ensure all headsets running the latest firmware – all from their web browser.

Matching Device to Workstyle

Getting the headset matched to the employee’s workstyle is vital to ensuring they are properly equipped to deliver great customer experiences.  If your contact center provides a service 24/7 and utilizes hot-desking, the right headset for these employees is QD based with a matching audio processor.  For those working in third level support, or senior teams with a dedicated desk, these employees need dedicated USB headsets.

EncorePro 500 USB Series Corded USB Headset

EncorePro 500 USB Series Corded USB Headset

What is common across all these solutions?  A focus on durability, comfort, and audio quality. When cloud contact centers enable you to raise your standards, the right headsets will keep those standards high across every call and customer interaction.