Your Company’s Product Roadmap: Here’s Your Secret Weapon
persona per·so·na (pər-sō'nə) n. pl. per·so·nae (-nē) The role that one assumes or displays; one's [...]
persona per·so·na (pər-sō'nə) n. pl. per·so·nae (-nē) The role that one assumes or displays; one's [...]
We’ve all been there, trying to take a call in [...]
Introduction It’s not just you. Working in the office is [...]
This week the Plantronics team will be in D.C. to [...]
Within the next decade, millennials will make up as much [...]
Today’s workforce is increasingly dispersed, with 49% of the enterprise [...]
Several years ago, I witnessed a Microsoft unified communications (UC) [...]
Recently I found myself needing to join an important teleconference [...]
Guest post for Plantronics Blog By Matt McGinnis Associate Vice [...]
Heading out on a recent business trip, I arrived late [...]