Infographic: The Digital Divide

By |2012-02-03T10:53:00-08:00February 3rd, 2012|Smarter Working|

You know how we love infographic time at WorkSnug! And this is an interesting one. It talks about the Internet Revolution as a Generally Good Thing - and I think we’re all in agreement on that! But it highlights its inequality in America. US broadband statistics Did you know that…

Infographic: A-Z of Reasons to Collaborate

By |2012-01-26T16:22:00-08:00January 26th, 2012|Smarter Working|

Ever wondered what an A-Z of reasons to collaborate would look like in fridge magnets? Wonder no more! Our friends at Plantronics have done just that - and put together this infographic with 26 reasons why working together is A Good Thing. In fact, our contact at Plantronics explained to me how the list grew, thanks to a collaboration that spanned the globe - from the UK to New Zealand, France, Belgium and Germany! What are your collaboration stories