smb-tech-trendsStarting this evening and over the course of the next week, you’ll be making any number of decisions– should I have that second helping of dessert, which present should I open first, do I really want to stay up to officially ring in the New Year? All of these decisions are a part of the holiday season and are generally pleasurable and easy to make (well maybe not the one about having a second helping of dessert). But what about the other hundreds of decisions you make throughout the year, especially those that relate to your small business. Do you feel confident that you are making the right ones or are you so overwhelmed with decision making, you’re experiencing decision fatigue?

Decision fatigue comes from making too many decisions, which can lead to making poor decisions. The term is based on research studies that indicate that you have a certain amount of willpower to make smart choices. As you make more and more decisions each day, your brain depletes its supply of mental energy and your willpower starts to fade.  As decision fatigue sets in,  your decisions may become rash or you may feel unable to make a decision at all.

You can’t stop making decisions but you can do some things to conserve your mental energy for the really important decisions that impact your small business – should I build out my team, should I implement flexible working to expand my pool of talent, do I want to open another office, is it time to look at overseas markets — and so many other key decisions that influence your growth.

For starters, get enough sleep. Whether you need seven or eight hours a night to feel refreshed, make sure you get it. You’ll find you’ll be better prepared to tackle important decisions after a good night’s sleep.

Man eating breakfast and looking at computerAlso try to make the important decisions early in the day when your mind has the most energy. Save the less important decisions for later in the day.  If, however, you have to make an important decision later in the day, James Clear writes on Huffington Post, eat something first. Clear advises, “When you want to get better decisions from your mind, put better food in your body.”

Clear also recommends that you find a way to simply your life. Things that are not important to your life – or business – are pulling energy and will power away from the things that matter. He also recommends that you stop making decisions and start making commitments. If you really want to grow your business or take it in a new direction, decide to do it and act. Schedule time to deal with the things that are important and don’t wait to be motivated to do something about it.

Avoid decision fatigue by deciding what’s important, scheduling time to deal with it and making sure you have the mental and physical energy to apply your best thinking.

Now about that second helping of desert – if you decide to go for it, you may want to decide to go to the gym, too.

Have a wonderful holiday.