/* Lighthouse Studio - Web Surveying System Copyright Sawtooth Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Orem, UT USA 801-477-4700 */ var GlobalGraphicalSelect = false; var blnSubmitClicked = false; var GlobalTimeOutEvents = []; var MOBILE_BREAK_POINT = 800; var MOBILE_MEDIA_QUERY = "only screen and (max-width: " + MOBILE_BREAK_POINT + "px)"; var ACTIVE_TASK_BUFFER = 150; var GlobalDocumentReadyArray = []; var GlobalDocReady = false; var GlobalWindowLoadArray = []; var GlobalWinLoad = false; $(document).ready(function () { for (i in GlobalDocumentReadyArray) { GlobalDocumentReadyArray[i](); } GlobalDocReady = true; CheckSSIReady(); }); $(window).on('load', function () { for (i in GlobalWindowLoadArray) { GlobalWindowLoadArray[i](); } GlobalWinLoad = true; CheckSSIReady(); }); // jquery plugin to remove a specific style rule form and element. // An element with inline styles for width and height could have just // the inline width rule removed like this... $(element).removeStyle('width'); (function ($) { $.fn.removeStyle = function (style) { var search = new RegExp(style + '[^;]+;?', 'g'); return this.each(function () { $(this).attr('style', function (i, style) { if (style) { return style.replace(search, ''); } }); }); }; }(jQuery)); //Fire ssi_ready event if we are done setting up all of our JavaScript after document.ready and window.load function CheckSSIReady() { if (GlobalDocReady && GlobalWinLoad) { $(document).trigger("ssi_ready"); } } function SSI_SubmitMe(skip_verify) { var verify_result = false; if (skip_verify || $("#hid_preview").length || document.mainform.hid_previous.value == 1) { verify_result = true; } else if (typeof SSI_Verify == "function") { verify_result = SSI_Verify(); } else { verify_result = true; } if (verify_result) { if (!blnSubmitClicked) { SetScreenWidth(); SSI_ClearHiddenContainerData(); window.document.mainform.hid_javascript.value = 1; document.mainform.submit(); blnSubmitClicked = true; SSI_SubmitProgressBar(); } } } //This is especially important for Firefox $(window).on("unload", function () { SSI_RemoveProgressBar(); }); //This is for ios 5. Regular browser back does not reload the JavaScript if (window.addEventListener && typeof window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("pagehide", function () { SSI_RemoveProgressBar(); }); } function SSI_SubmitProgressBar() { GlobalTimeOutEvents[0] = window.setTimeout(function () { if (blnSubmitClicked) { blnSubmitClicked = false; $("#submit_overlay").show(); } }, 2000); //After 10 seconds submit again GlobalTimeOutEvents[1] = window.setTimeout(function () { if (!TestLocalHost()) { document.mainform.submit(); } }, 10000); //After 20 seconds remove progress bar. GlobalTimeOutEvents[2] = window.setTimeout(function () { if (!TestLocalHost()) { document.mainform.submit(); } SSI_RemoveProgressBar(); }, 20000); } function SSI_RemoveProgressBar() { blnSubmitClicked = false; $("#submit_overlay").hide(); //Remove timer events. window.clearTimeout(GlobalTimeOutEvents[0]); window.clearTimeout(GlobalTimeOutEvents[1]); window.clearTimeout(GlobalTimeOutEvents[2]); } //This mainly helps debugging. Don't need to multi submit on localhost. function TestLocalHost() { var local = false; var url = document.URL; var string_index = url.indexOf("localhost"); var ip_index = url.indexOf(""); //If https://localhost or http://localhost if (string_index == 7 || string_index == 8) { local = true; } else if (ip_index == 7) { local = true; } return local; } function SSI_PageInitialize() { blnSubmitClicked = false; AdjustPageForTableWidth(); //If inner table is bigger than question adjust question width jQuery(".question").each(function () { var QuestionObj = jQuery(this); var intQuestionWidth = parseInt(QuestionObj.css("width")); var InnerTableObj = jQuery(this).find(".inner_table"); if (InnerTableObj.length) { var intInnerTableWidth = parseInt(InnerTableObj.css("width")); if (intInnerTableWidth > intQuestionWidth) { QuestionObj.css("width", intInnerTableWidth + 10); } } }); jQuery(".other_specify_table").each(function () { jQuery(this).closest("tr").addClass("other_specify_row"); }); SSI_BYOAltColors(); $("#test_skip_question").on("change", function () { var skip_to_input = $("#test_skip_to")[0]; if ($(this).val() != "") { skip_to_input.checked = true; } else { skip_to_input.checked = false; } TogglePageSubmitMsg(); }); $(".test_mode").on("click", function () { if (window.parent && window.parent.CloseOptionsBox) { window.parent.CloseOptionsBox(); } }); if ($(".test_mode").length || $("#hid_preview").length) { if ($(".test_mode").length) { var test_bar_window = window; //If this is inside an iframe if (self != top) { test_bar_window = window.parent; } if ($("#hid_pagenum").length && $("#hid_pagenum").val() == 1 && $(".server_verification_error").length == 0) { test_bar_window.TestMode.StartPageSkip(); test_bar_window.TestMode.ShowRespNumRow(); } else { test_bar_window.TestMode.ResetSkipTo(); test_bar_window.TestMode.HideRespNumRow(); } } //If this is inside an iframe if (self != top) { var url = window.location.href; var hid_s_obj = window.document.mainform["hid_s"]; if (hid_s_obj) { var hid_s = hid_s_obj.value; if(hid_s) { var regex = new RegExp("hid_s=", "i"); var match_array = regex.exec(url); //Can't find it if (!match_array) { url += "?hid_s=" + hid_s; } } } sessionStorage.iframe_url = url; } } AdjustNavButtonWidth(); SetScreenWidth(); InitializeMobile(); } function AdjustPageForTableWidth() { var page_width = $(".page").outerWidth(); var inner_table = $(".page").find(".inner_table"); if (inner_table.length) { var new_page_width = 0; var table_width = 0; var extra_width = 0; var table = 0; inner_table.each(function (index) { table = $(this); table_width = table.outerWidth(); extra_width = 0; if (table_width > page_width) { new_page_width = table_width; extra_width += parseInt(table.closest(".question_body").css("padding-left")); extra_width += parseInt(table.closest(".question_body").css("margin-left")); extra_width += parseInt(table.closest(".question").css("padding-left")); extra_width += parseInt(table.closest(".question").css("margin-left")); new_page_width += extra_width * 2; } }); if (new_page_width) { $(".page").css("width", new_page_width); $(".page").css("max-width", new_page_width); } } } function AdjustNavButtonWidth() { if($(".text_nav_button").length) { var biggest_width = 0; $(".text_nav_button").each(function () { var nav_button = $(this); var width = nav_button.width(); if(width > biggest_width) { biggest_width = width; } }); $(".text_nav_button").width(biggest_width); $(".text_nav_button").css("visibility", "visible"); } } function SetTestModeSettings(settings) { $("#hid_test_mode_settings").val(settings); } function ShowTestPageSubmitMsg() { $("#test_mode_submit_msg").show(); } function HideTestPageSubmitMsg() { $("#test_mode_submit_msg").hide(); } function ShowTestQuestionNames() { $(".test_question_label").show(); } function HideTestQuestionNames() { $(".test_question_label").hide(); } function ShowTestVars() { $(".test_var_label").show(); } function HideTestVars() { $(".test_var_label").hide(); } function SSI_ClickableInitialize(blnHighlight) { SSI_InitializeClickableAreas(blnHighlight); if (GlobalGraphicalSelect) { SSI_InitializeGraphicalSelectButtons(); } SetTabIndex(); } // Code to make cells clickable function SSI_InitializeClickableAreas(blnHighlight) { // Remove the default behavior of label tags, which is to select the input when the label is selected. // This behavior together with the stuff below confuses the code. jQuery(".clickable label").each(function () { jQuery(this).bind({ "click": function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }, "keyup": function (event) { event.preventDefault(); } }); }); jQuery(".clickable input[type=text], .clickable textarea").each(function () { var InputElement = this; InputElement.hasfocus = false; jQuery(InputElement).bind({ "focus": function () { this.hasfocus = true; }, "blur": function () { this.hasfocus = false; } }); }); jQuery(".clickable input").each(function () { var InputElement = this; if (InputElement.type != "hidden" && InputElement.type != "text") { InputElement.isCheckedVar = InputElement.checked; ClickableObj = jQuery(InputElement).closest(".clickable"); if (GlobalGraphicalSelect) { //This prevents the link from being followed and the page shifting to the top on a mouse click. ClickableObj.bind({ "click": function (event) { event.preventDefault(); } }); } ClickableObj.bind({ "keydown": SSI_ClickableTyping, "click": SSI_ToggleSelect, "keyup": SSI_ToggleSelect }); ClickableObj.bind("mouseover", { blnHighlightParam: blnHighlight }, function (event) { if (event.data.blnHighlightParam) { jQuery(this).addClass("highlight"); } }); ClickableObj.bind("mouseout", { blnHighlightParam: blnHighlight }, function (event) { if (event.data.blnHighlightParam) { jQuery(this).removeClass("highlight"); } }); jQuery(InputElement).bind("focus", { ClickableObjParam: ClickableObj }, function (event) { event.data.ClickableObjParam.trigger("mouseover"); }); jQuery(InputElement).bind("blur", { ClickableObjParam: ClickableObj }, function (event) { event.data.ClickableObjParam.trigger("mouseout"); }); } }); } function SSI_SubmitInitialize() { var next_button = $("#next_button"); if (next_button.length) { next_button.on("click", function () { SSI_NextSubmit(next_button); }); next_button.on("keyup", function (event) { //Space or Enter pushed if (event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 13) { SSI_NextSubmit(next_button); } }); } var previous_button = jQuery("#previous_button"); if (previous_button.length) { previous_button.on("click", function() { SSI_PreviousSubmit(); }); previous_button.on("keyup", function (event) { //Space or Enter pushed if (event.keyCode == 32 || event.keyCode == 13) { SSI_PreviousSubmit(); } }); } var text_buttons = $(".text_nav_button"); text_buttons.on("mouseover", function (event) { var button = $(this); if (button.hasClass("text_nav_button")) { button.addClass("text_nav_button_hover"); } }); text_buttons.on("mouseout", function (event) { var button = $(this); if (button.hasClass("text_nav_button")) { button.removeClass("text_nav_button_hover"); } }); text_buttons.on("mousedown", function (event) { var button = $(this); if (button.hasClass("text_nav_button")) { button.addClass("text_nav_button_click"); } }); text_buttons.on("mouseup", function (event) { var button = $(this); if (button.hasClass("text_nav_button")) { button.removeClass("text_nav_button_click"); } }); } function SSI_InitializeGraphicalSelectButtons() { var inputFields = jQuery(".input_cell"); jQuery(".input_cell input").each(function () { var InputItemObj = jQuery(this); var strInputType = InputItemObj.attr("type"); if ((strInputType == "checkbox") || (strInputType == "radio")) { //Make it so that when the graphic gets focus the clickable area is highlighted. var ClickableObj = InputItemObj.closest(".clickable"); var GraphicalInputElement = jQuery("#" + InputItemObj.attr("id") + "_graphical"); //This needs to be in here so that it can run when the browser back button is clicked. if (GraphicalInputElement.length) { if (InputItemObj[0].checked) { if (strInputType == "checkbox") { GraphicalInputElement.removeClass("checkbox"); GraphicalInputElement.addClass("checkboxselected"); } else if (strInputType == "radio") { GraphicalInputElement.removeClass("radiobox"); GraphicalInputElement.addClass("radioboxselected"); } } else { if (strInputType == "checkbox") { GraphicalInputElement.removeClass("checkboxselected"); GraphicalInputElement.addClass("checkbox"); } else if (strInputType == "radio") { GraphicalInputElement.removeClass("radioboxselected"); GraphicalInputElement.addClass("radiobox"); } } GraphicalInputElement.bind("focus", { ClickableObjParam: ClickableObj }, function (event) { event.data.ClickableObjParam.trigger("mouseover"); }); GraphicalInputElement.bind("blur", { ClickableObjParam: ClickableObj }, function (event) { event.data.ClickableObjParam.trigger("mouseout"); }); } } }); //Preload select "on" images jQuery(".radiobox").each(function () { PreloadSelectedImage(jQuery(this), "radioboxselected"); return false; }); jQuery(".checkbox").each(function () { PreloadSelectedImage(jQuery(this), "checkboxselected"); return false; }); jQuery(".cbc_best_row .radiobox").each(function () { PreloadSelectedImage(jQuery(this), "radioboxselected"); return false; }); jQuery(".cbc_worst_row .radiobox").each(function () { PreloadSelectedImage(jQuery(this), "radioboxselected"); return false; }); } function PreloadSelectedImage(SelObj, strSelecteName) { var Clone = SelObj.clone(); Clone.hide(); Clone.removeAttr("id"); Clone.addClass(strSelecteName); SelObj.after(Clone); Clone.remove(); } function SSI_NextSubmit(next_button) { if (next_button && next_button.hasClass("launch_simple_browser")) { SSI_LauchSimpleBrowser(next_button); } else { document.mainform.hid_previous.value = 0; SSI_SubmitMe(false); } } function SSI_PreviousSubmit() { document.mainform.hid_previous.value = 1; SSI_SubmitMe(false); } function SSI_LauchSimpleBrowser(next_button) { var url = next_button.data("url"); var window_settings = next_button.data("settings"); window.open(url,'', window_settings); } //Prevents page from shifting down on spacebar press. function SSI_ClickableTyping(event) { // If they have focus on the other specify box, then don't toggle select var OtherTextBox = jQuery(this).find("input[type=text]"); if (OtherTextBox.length == 0) { OtherTextBox = jQuery(this).find("textarea"); } if (OtherTextBox.length) { // Allow spaces to be typed in the other specify. if (OtherTextBox[0].hasfocus) { return true; } } //Space was pushed (Prevents page from shifting down on spacebar press for graphical select buttons) if (jQuery(this).find(".graphical_select").length && event.keyCode == 32) { return false; } } function SSI_ToggleSelect(event) { var intKeyCode = 0; if (event.rightClick) { return false; } if (event.keyCode) { intKeyCode = event.keyCode; } // If they have focus on the other specify box, then don't toggle select var OtherTextBox = jQuery(this).find("input[type=text]"); if (OtherTextBox.length == 0) { OtherTextBox = jQuery(this).find("textarea"); } if (OtherTextBox.length) { if (OtherTextBox[0].hasfocus) { return; } } //No key pressed or space bar pressed if (intKeyCode == 0 || intKeyCode == 32) { var InputElement = jQuery(this).find("input")[0]; var GraphicalObj = jQuery("#" + InputElement.id + "_graphical"); if (GraphicalObj.length || intKeyCode == 0) { if (InputElement.type == "checkbox") { if (InputElement.isCheckedVar) { InputElement.isCheckedVar = false; } else { InputElement.isCheckedVar = true; } InputElement.checked = InputElement.isCheckedVar; if (GraphicalObj.length) { SSI_SelectGraphicalCheckbox(GraphicalObj, InputElement, InputElement.checked); } else { InputElement.focus(); } } else if (InputElement.type == "radio") { //Set to false all radio buttons jQuery("[name='" + InputElement.name + "']").each(function () { this.isCheckedVar = false; }); InputElement.isCheckedVar = true; InputElement.checked = true; if (GraphicalObj.length) { SSI_SelectGraphicalRadiobox(GraphicalObj, InputElement, true); } else { InputElement.focus(); } } } var ClickableObj = jQuery(InputElement).closest(".clickable"); var mobileGridOtherOptions = ClickableObj.siblings(".mobile_grid_other"); //clear mobile grid other specify if currently selected if (ClickableObj.is(".mobile_select") && mobileGridOtherOptions.length && jQuery(this).find("input")[0].type == "radio") { mobileGridOtherOptions.each(function () { var currentOtherClickable = $(this); //only clear if the selection changed in the mobile grid card that has the text box showing if (currentOtherClickable.find('.label_text').is(":visible")) { ClearAllMobileGridOther(currentOtherClickable); } }); } // These have to be here to control event order. These need to be fired after the item is selected. ClickableObj.trigger("none_event"); ClickableObj.trigger("byo_click"); } //Clicked "Enter" else if (GlobalGraphicalSelect && intKeyCode == 13) { SSI_SubmitMe(false); } if (GlobalGraphicalSelect) { return false; // This is so that graphical select buttons do not follow link. } } function SSI_RestoreBestConcept(inputID) { var concept = $('#' + inputID).closest(".cbc_concept"); var question = $('#' + inputID).closest(".question"); var conceptIndex = question.find(".cbc_concept").index(concept); SSI_SetBestConcept(question, conceptIndex); SSI_SetSelect(inputID, 1); } function SSI_RestoreWorstConcept(inputID) { var concept = $('#' + inputID).closest(".cbc_concept"); var question = $('#' + inputID).closest(".question"); var conceptIndex = question.find(".cbc_concept").index(concept); SSI_SetWorstConcept(question, conceptIndex); SSI_SetSelect(inputID, 1); } function SSI_SetSelect(inputID, blnSelect) { var InputObj = jQuery("#" + inputID); if (InputObj.length) { var InputElement = InputObj[0]; InputElement.isCheckedVar = blnSelect; InputElement.checked = blnSelect; var strInputType = InputElement.type; if (strInputType == "checkbox") { var GraphicalCheckboxObj = jQuery("#" + InputElement.id + "_graphical"); if (GraphicalCheckboxObj.length) { SSI_SelectGraphicalCheckbox(GraphicalCheckboxObj, InputElement, blnSelect); } } else if (strInputType == "radio") { var GraphicalRadioObj = jQuery("#" + InputElement.id + "_graphical"); if (GraphicalRadioObj.length) { SSI_SelectGraphicalRadiobox(GraphicalRadioObj, InputElement, blnSelect); } } else { console.error("This function only supports the checkbox and radio select types."); } } else { console.error("Cannot find \"" + inputID + "\" on this page."); } } function SSI_SelectGraphicalCheckbox(GraphicalCheckboxObj, InputElement, blnCheck) { if (blnCheck) { InputElement.checked = true; GraphicalCheckboxObj.removeClass("checkbox"); GraphicalCheckboxObj.addClass("checkboxselected"); GraphicalCheckboxObj.closest(".mobile_select").addClass("mobile_selected"); } else { InputElement.checked = false; GraphicalCheckboxObj.removeClass("checkboxselected"); GraphicalCheckboxObj.addClass("checkbox"); GraphicalCheckboxObj.closest(".mobile_select").removeClass("mobile_selected"); } SSI_CustomGraphicalCheckbox(GraphicalCheckboxObj, InputElement, blnCheck); } function SSI_CustomGraphicalCheckbox(GraphicalCheckboxObj, ActualCheckboxObj, blnCheck) { //Empty function. Redefine this function in custom code. } function SSI_SelectGraphicalRadiobox(GraphicalRadioboxObj, InputElement, blnSelect) { var strActualRadioboxName = InputElement.name; if (blnSelect) { //Uncheck all radio buttons jQuery("input").each(function () { if (this.name == strActualRadioboxName) { this.checked = false; var UnCheckedRadioboxObj = jQuery("#" + this.id + "_graphical"); if (UnCheckedRadioboxObj.length) { UnCheckedRadioboxObj.removeClass("radioboxselected"); UnCheckedRadioboxObj.addClass("radiobox"); UnCheckedRadioboxObj.closest(".mobile_select").removeClass("mobile_selected"); } } }); //Select the one InputElement.checked = true; GraphicalRadioboxObj.removeClass("radiobox"); GraphicalRadioboxObj.addClass("radioboxselected"); GraphicalRadioboxObj.closest(".mobile_select").addClass("mobile_selected"); // GraphicalRadioboxObj.focus(); removed for now to solve chinese character input bug. Tell Lance If it breaks something SSI_CustomGraphicalRadiobox(GraphicalRadioboxObj, InputElement); } else { InputElement.checked = false; var UnCheckedRadioboxObj = jQuery("#" + InputElement.id + "_graphical"); if (UnCheckedRadioboxObj.length) { UnCheckedRadioboxObj.removeClass("radioboxselected"); UnCheckedRadioboxObj.addClass("radiobox"); UnCheckedRadioboxObj.closest(".mobile_select").removeClass("mobile_selected"); } } } function SSI_CustomGraphicalRadiobox(GraphicalRadioboxObj, InputElement) { //Empty function. Redefine this function in custom code. } function SSI_RadioReset(strRadioName) { //Uncheck all radio buttons jQuery("input").each(function () { if (this.name == strRadioName) { this.checked = false; var UnCheckedRadioboxObj = jQuery("#" + this.id + "_graphical"); if (UnCheckedRadioboxObj.length) { UnCheckedRadioboxObj.removeClass("radioboxselected"); UnCheckedRadioboxObj.addClass("radiobox"); var mobileSelectObj = $(this).closest(".mobile_select"); if (mobileSelectObj.length) { mobileSelectObj.removeClass("mobile_selected"); } } } }); } //Set up onclick events for all checkboxes function SSI_List_EventSetup(strQName, ItemIndexArray, NoneItemArray) { var i = 0; var strInputName = ""; var InputObj = 0; for (i = 0; i < ItemIndexArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strQName; strInputName = strInputName.replace(/\*/, ItemIndexArray[i]); //Setup Events for each select item ($ for jQuery to build correct object for additional functionality IE) InputObj = jQuery(document.mainform[strInputName]); var ClickableObj = InputObj.closest(".clickable"); if (ClickableObj.length) { ClickableObj.bind("none_event", { strQNameParam: strQName, ItemIndexArrayParam: ItemIndexArray, CurrentItemParam: ItemIndexArray[i], NoneItemArrayParam: NoneItemArray }, function (event) { SSI_ListItemEvents(event.data.strQNameParam, event.data.ItemIndexArrayParam, event.data.CurrentItemParam, event.data.NoneItemArrayParam); }); } var OtherInputBox = jQuery(document.mainform[strInputName + "_other"]); if (OtherInputBox.length) { OtherInputBox.bind("keyup", { strQNameParam: strQName, ItemIndexArrayParam: ItemIndexArray, CurrentItemParam: ItemIndexArray[i], NoneItemArrayParam: NoneItemArray }, function (event) { SSI_SelectWhenType(event.data.strQNameParam, event.data.ItemIndexArrayParam, event.data.CurrentItemParam, event.data.NoneItemArrayParam); }); } } } //Main function to check and uncheck function SSI_ListItemEvents(strQName, ItemIndexArray, intCurrentItem, NoneItemArray) { var strInputName = ""; var i = 0; var intExclusiveSelectedIndex = -1; strInputName = strQName; strInputName = strInputName.replace(/\*/, intCurrentItem); var SelectedItemObj = document.mainform[strInputName]; var intItemIndex = 0; if (SelectedItemObj.checked) { //If there is an other specify box move the cursor to it (place focus on it) var OtherObj = document.mainform[strInputName + "_other"]; if (OtherObj != null) { if (OtherObj.type != "hidden") { OtherObj.focus(); } } //Find out if exclusive item has been checked for (i = 0; i < NoneItemArray.length; i++) { if (intCurrentItem == NoneItemArray[i]) { intExclusiveSelectedIndex = NoneItemArray[i]; } } if (SelectedItemObj.type == "radio") { intExclusiveSelectedIndex = SelectedItemObj.value; } //If the exclusive item has been checked uncheck everything else if (intExclusiveSelectedIndex > -1) { for (i = 0; i < ItemIndexArray.length; i++) { if (intExclusiveSelectedIndex != ItemIndexArray[i]) { intItemIndex = ItemIndexArray[i]; strInputName = strQName; strInputName = strInputName.replace(/\*/, intItemIndex); if (SelectedItemObj.type == "checkbox") { SSI_SetSelect(strInputName, false); } //Clear out other specify box SSI_RemoveOtherText(strInputName); } } } //Otherwise uncheck all exclusives else { for (i = 0; i < NoneItemArray.length; i++) { intItemIndex = NoneItemArray[i]; strInputName = strQName; strInputName = strInputName.replace(/\*/, intItemIndex); if (SelectedItemObj.type == "checkbox") { SSI_SetSelect(strInputName, false); } //Clear out other specify box SSI_RemoveOtherText(strInputName); } } } else { //This handles the case where they uncheck the other checkbox and it clears out the text box. SSI_RemoveOtherText(strInputName); } } //If there are others (and are not hidden) clear out other specify box function SSI_RemoveOtherText(strInputName) { var OtherObj = document.mainform[strInputName + "_other"]; if (OtherObj != null) { if (OtherObj.type != "hidden") { OtherObj.value = ""; } } } function SSI_SelectWhenType(strQName, ItemIndexArray, intCurrentItem, NoneItemArray) { var strInputName = strQName; strInputName = strInputName.replace(/\*/, intCurrentItem); var SelectedItemObj = document.mainform[strInputName]; var OtherInputBox = document.mainform[strInputName + "_other"]; if (OtherInputBox.value != "") { SSI_SetSelect(strInputName, true); SSI_ListItemEvents(strQName, ItemIndexArray, intCurrentItem, NoneItemArray); } } function SetTabIndex() { var AllItemsTabbed = jQuery("body *"); AllItemsTabbed.each(function (index, ItemObj) { ItemObj = jQuery(ItemObj); //Make sure tagName function exists. There was trouble with IE 8 and the tag. if (ItemObj[0].tagName) { var strTagName = ItemObj[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (ItemObj.attr("type") != "hidden" && !ItemObj.hasClass("HideElement") && ItemObj.attr("id") != "invisible_submit") { if (ItemObj.hasClass('task_select_button') || ItemObj.hasClass('dual_response_none_button') || ItemObj.hasClass("graphical_select") || ItemObj.hasClass("navigation_button") || strTagName == "a" || strTagName == "input" || strTagName == "select" || strTagName == "textarea") { ItemObj[0].tabIndex = index; } } } }); } function SSIHash() { this.HashArray = {}; //This is needed to make code work in conjunction with prototype js lib. this.set = function (strKey, strValue) { strKey = this.encodeKey(strKey); this.HashArray[strKey] = strValue; }; this.get = function (strKey) { strKey = this.encodeKey(strKey); return this.HashArray[strKey]; }; this.has = function (strKey) { strKey = this.encodeKey(strKey); if (this.HashArray[strKey]) { return true; } else { return false; } }; this.getKeys = function () { var KeyArray = []; var HashObj = this; jQuery.each(this.HashArray, function (strKey, strValue) { strKey = HashObj.decodeKey(strKey); KeyArray.push(strKey); }); return KeyArray; }; /*This is to allow certain keys like "constructor" to work*/ this.encodeKey = function (strKey) { return "k_" + strKey; } this.decodeKey = function (strKey) { return strKey.substring(2); } } function SSI_InitializeErrors() { GlobalQuestHash = new SSIHash(); SSI_RemoveErrors(); } function SSI_RemoveErrors() { var QuestNamesArray = GlobalQuestHash.getKeys(); var i = 0; var j = 0; var strQuestName = ""; var VarsArray = []; var strErrName = ""; var blnShowError = false; var InfoHash = 0; //Check for errors. If none, do not change screen, just let it submit (makes the screen shift around). blnShowError = SSI_ErrorsExist(); if (blnShowError) { for (i = 0; i < QuestNamesArray.length; i++) { strQuestName = QuestNamesArray[i]; //Remove error message at top of question strErrName = "#" + strQuestName + "_err"; if (jQuery(strErrName)) { jQuery(strErrName).remove(); } } var ErrorClassesArray = ["error_quest_highlight", "error_var_highlight", "error_var_highlight_left", "error_var_highlight_center", "error_var_highlight_right", "error_var_highlight_top", "error_var_highlight_middle", "error_var_highlight_bottom"]; for (i = 0; i < ErrorClassesArray.length; i++) { jQuery("." + ErrorClassesArray[i]).each(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass(ErrorClassesArray[i]); //Remove the inline styles jQuery(this).css("border-top-width", ""); jQuery(this).css("border-right-width", ""); jQuery(this).css("border-bottom-width", ""); jQuery(this).css("border-left-width", ""); }); } //Remove error message at top of page jQuery("#error_box").removeClass("ShowElement"); jQuery("#error_box").addClass("HideElement"); } } function SSI_ShowErrors() { var blnSubmit = true; var QuestNamesArray = GlobalQuestHash.getKeys(); var i = 0; var j = 0; var k = 0; var strQuestName = ""; var QuestErrorsArray = []; var VarsArray = []; var VarsHash = 0; var blnShowError = false; var InfoHash = 0; var strQuestErrorMsg = ""; for (i = 0; i < QuestNamesArray.length; i++) { strQuestName = QuestNamesArray[i]; InfoHash = GlobalQuestHash.get(strQuestName); if (InfoHash.has("messages")) { blnShowError = true; //Highlight question jQuery("#" + strQuestName + "_div").addClass("error_quest_highlight"); MessageHash = InfoHash.get("messages"); QuestErrorsArray = MessageHash.getKeys(); strQuestErrorMsg = ""; for (j = 0; j < QuestErrorsArray.length; j++) { strQuestErrorMsg += "
" + QuestErrorsArray[j] + "
"; } SSI_ShowQuestErrorMsg(strQuestName, strQuestErrorMsg); } if (InfoHash.has("vars")) { VarsHash = InfoHash.get("vars"); VarsArray = VarsHash.getKeys(); for (j = 0; j < VarsArray.length; j++) { if (VarsHash.get(VarsArray[j]) == 1) { SSI_ChangeErrorClass(strQuestName, VarsArray[j], true); } } } } if (blnShowError) { jQuery("#error_box").removeClass("HideElement"); jQuery("#error_box").addClass("ShowElement"); jQuery("#error_box").html(strGlobalError_page_error); window.scrollTo(0, 0); blnSubmit = false; } return blnSubmit; } function SSI_ChangeErrorClass(strQuestName, strVarName, blnError) { //This is for special cases where the var name will not work. I.E. grid combo box. if (jQuery("#" + strVarName + "_error").length) { strVarName = strVarName + "_error"; } var InputObj = 0; // special case to find the right mobile grid, other specify box if ($(".mobile_grid #" + strVarName).length) { // //the variable that needs to be hightlighted is a mobile grid other specify box // //we need to find the box associated with the selected input // var mobileOtherSpecify = $('input[name="' + strVarName + '"]'); // mobileOtherSpecify.each(function() // { // if( $(this).closest('.')) // }); var InfoHash = SSI_GetErrHash(GlobalQuestHash, strQuestName); var CardNumHash = SSI_GetErrHash(InfoHash, "cardNum"); var CardNumArray = CardNumHash.getKeys(); for (var i = 0; i < CardNumArray.length; i++) { var textBox = $('.mobile_grid_card[data-card_num="' + CardNumArray[i] + '"] #' + strVarName); if (textBox.length) { InputObj = textBox; if (blnError) { InputObj.addClass("error_var_highlight"); } else { InputObj.removeClass("error_var_highlight"); } } } } else { InputObj = jQuery("#" + strVarName); } // If there is a single id to highlight if (InputObj.length) { if (blnError) { InputObj.addClass("error_var_highlight"); } else { InputObj.removeClass("error_var_highlight"); } } // The part to highlight consists of multiple cells. else { var ClassItemsArray = jQuery("#" + strQuestName + "_div ." + strVarName); var intNewBorderWidth = 0; var blnRowBased = true; var strFirstClassName = ""; var strAllClassName = ""; var strLastClassName = ""; var strRowIDName = strVarName + "_row"; //If row based change the way that highlighting works. if (jQuery("#" + strRowIDName).length && jQuery("#" + strRowIDName).attr("id") == strRowIDName) { strFirstClassName = "error_var_highlight_left"; strAllClassName = "error_var_highlight_center"; strLastClassName = "error_var_highlight_right"; } else { blnRowBased = false; strFirstClassName = "error_var_highlight_top"; strAllClassName = "error_var_highlight_middle"; strLastClassName = "error_var_highlight_bottom"; } if (ClassItemsArray.length) { if (blnRowBased) { intNewBorderWidth = CastToInt(jQuery(ClassItemsArray[0]).css('border-right-width')); if (intNewBorderWidth == 0) { intNewBorderWidth = CastToInt(jQuery(ClassItemsArray[0]).css('border-left-width')); } } else { intNewBorderWidth = CastToInt(jQuery(ClassItemsArray[0]).css('border-bottom-width')); } var strClasses = jQuery(ClassItemsArray[0]).attr("class"); if (strClasses.search("error") < 0) { intNewBorderWidth++; } } var CellObj = 0; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < ClassItemsArray.length; i++) { CellObj = jQuery(ClassItemsArray[i]); //First item if (i == 0 || CellObj.hasClass("first_column")) { if (blnError) { CellObj.addClass(strFirstClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-left-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); } else { CellObj.css("border-top-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); } } else { CellObj.removeClass(strFirstClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-left-width", ""); } else { CellObj.css("border-top-width", ""); } } } //Middle section if (blnError) { CellObj.addClass(strAllClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-top-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); CellObj.css("border-bottom-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); } else { CellObj.css("border-left-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); CellObj.css("border-right-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); } } else { CellObj.removeClass(strAllClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-top-width", ""); CellObj.css("border-bottom-width", ""); } else { CellObj.css("border-left-width", ""); CellObj.css("border-right-width", ""); } } //Last items if (i == ClassItemsArray.length - 1 || CellObj.hasClass("last_column")) { if (blnError) { CellObj.addClass(strLastClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-right-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); } else { CellObj.css("border-bottom-width", intNewBorderWidth + "px"); //Quirky issue with bottom border in MaxDiff and Firefox if (CellObj.prev().length) { var intPreviousBorder = CastToInt(CellObj.prev().css("border-bottom-width")); if (intPreviousBorder == 0) { CellObj.prev().css("border-bottom", "0px none transparent"); } } } } else { CellObj.removeClass(strLastClassName); if (blnRowBased) { CellObj.css("border-right-width", ""); } else { CellObj.css("border-bottom-width", ""); } } } } } } function SSI_ShowQuestErrorMsg(strQuestName, strMessage) { var strErrName = strQuestName + "_err"; jQuery("
" + strMessage + "
").prependTo("#" + strQuestName + "_div"); jQuery("#" + strQuestName + "_div").addClass("error_quest_highlight"); } function SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, mobileGridCardNum) { var InfoHash = 0; var MessageHash = 0; var VarHash = 0; var CardNumHash = 0; InfoHash = SSI_GetErrHash(GlobalQuestHash, strQName); VarHash = SSI_GetErrHash(InfoHash, "vars"); if (mobileGridCardNum > 0) { CardNumHash = SSI_GetErrHash(InfoHash, "cardNum"); CardNumHash.set(mobileGridCardNum, 1); } if (strMessage != "") { MessageHash = SSI_GetErrHash(InfoHash, "messages"); MessageHash.set(strMessage, 1); VarHash.set(strVarName, 1); } else { VarHash.set(strVarName, 0); } } function SSI_GetErrHash(ParentHash, strKey) { var ChildHash = 0; if (ParentHash.has(strKey)) { ChildHash = ParentHash.get(strKey); } else { ChildHash = new SSIHash(); ParentHash.set(strKey, ChildHash); } return ChildHash; } function SSI_ErrorsExist() { var QuestNamesArray = GlobalQuestHash.getKeys(); var i = 0; var strQuestName = ""; var InfoHash = 0; var blnErrors = false; for (i = 0; i < QuestNamesArray.length; i++) { strQuestName = QuestNamesArray[i]; InfoHash = GlobalQuestHash.get(strQuestName); if (InfoHash.has("messages")) { blnErrors = true; break; } } return blnErrors; } function SSI_InputContainerVisible(InputElement) { var visible = true; var InputObj = jQuery(InputElement); var container = InputObj.closest(".byo_att_row"); if (container.length) { if (!container.is(":visible")) { visible = false; } } return visible; } //Clears out input if the BYO row is hidden. WARNING: Make sure this does not clear out real data. function SSI_ClearHiddenContainerData() { jQuery(".byo_att_row:hidden input").each(function () { if (this.type != "hidden") { if (this.type == "radio") { SSI_RadioReset(this.name); } else { this.value = ""; } } }); //For combo boxes jQuery(".byo_att_row:hidden select").each(function () { this.selectedIndex = 0; }); } function SSI_RadCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, blnRequired) { var i = 0; var blnChecked = false; var blnValid = true; var strMessage = ""; if (blnRequired) { var intRadioLength = 0; var InputElement = document.mainform[strVarName]; if (InputElement && SSI_InputContainerVisible(InputElement)) { if (InputElement.length) { intRadioLength = InputElement.length; } else { intRadioLength = 1; //Radio buttons of size 1 do not have a .length (they are not an array) } if (intRadioLength == 1) { if (InputElement.checked == true) { blnChecked = true; } } else { for (i = 0; i < intRadioLength; i++) { if (InputElement[i].checked == true) { blnChecked = true; break; } } } if (blnChecked == false) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_missing, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } function SSI_ComboCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, blnRequired) { var strMessage = ""; var blnValid = true; if (blnRequired) { InputElement = document.mainform[strVarName]; if (InputElement && SSI_InputContainerVisible(InputElement)) { if (InputElement.options[InputElement.selectedIndex].value == "") { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_missing, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } function SSI_CheckBoxCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, ListArray, intMin, intMax, NoneItemArray) { var blnValid = true; var i = 0; var intNumSelected = 0; var strMessage = ""; var strCheckBoxName = ""; var blnGrid = false; var strGridReplace = ""; var intNumChecksDisplayed = 0; var CheckObj = 0; //If they have not specified a min or a max then any thing will work. if (intMin > -1 || intMax > -1) { //If the size of the list is less then the max then adjust the max if (ListArray.length < intMax) { intMax = ListArray.length; } //If the size of the list is less then the min then adjust the min if (ListArray.length < intMin) { intMin = ListArray.length; } //Figure out if it is from a grid or regular. if (strVarName.search(/_.\*/) > 0) { blnGrid = true; } for (i = 0; i < ListArray.length; i++) { if (blnGrid) { strCheckBoxName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, ListArray[i]); } else { strCheckBoxName = strVarName + "_" + ListArray[i]; } CheckObj = document.mainform[strCheckBoxName]; if (CheckObj) { intNumChecksDisplayed++; if (CheckObj.checked == true) { intNumSelected++; //Find out if None was checked and if so change intMin to 1 for (j = 0; j < NoneItemArray.length; j++) { if (ListArray[i] == NoneItemArray[j]) { if (intMin > 1) { intMin = 1; break; } } } } } } if (intMin > intNumChecksDisplayed) { intMin = intNumChecksDisplayed; } if ((intNumSelected < intMin) || (intNumSelected > intMax)) { if (intNumSelected < intMin) { strMessage = strGlobalError_min_check; } else { strMessage = strGlobalError_max_check; } strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strMessage, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax); blnValid = false; } } if (blnGrid) { strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_r\*/, ""); strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_c\*/, ""); } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } function SSI_RankCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, ListArray, blnNumeric, blnRequire, intMin, intMax) { var blnValid = true; var blnNumericError = false; var i = 0; var intNumAnswered = 0; var strInputName = ""; var InputElement = 0; var strMessage = ""; if (intMax == 0) { intMax = ListArray.length; intMin = ListArray.length; } if (intMin == 0) { blnRequire = false; } if (intMin > intMax) { intMin = intMax; } var RankArray = new Array(intMax + 1); //Make it 1 based, ignore first cell var intRankItem = ""; for (i = 0; i < ListArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, ListArray[i]); InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; //Verification if (blnNumeric) { intRankItem = InputElement.value; if (SSI_NumCheck(strInputName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, false, 1, intMax, "", false) == false) { blnValid = false; blnNumericError = true; } } else { intRankItem = InputElement.options[InputElement.selectedIndex].value; } if (blnValid) { if (intRankItem != 0 && intRankItem != "") { //This fixes it for when 03 etc. is entered and it changes it to 3 intRankItem = parseInt(intRankItem); intNumAnswered++; if (RankArray[intRankItem] == null) { RankArray[intRankItem] = 1; } else { RankArray[intRankItem] += 1; } // If we have a rank that is not unique, fail if (RankArray[intRankItem] > 1) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_rank_unique, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } } } } if (blnValid) { if (intNumAnswered > 0 || blnRequire) { if (intNumAnswered < intMin || intNumAnswered > intMax) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_rank_count, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRTOTAL\(\)%\]/ig, intMax); blnValid = false; } if (blnValid) { var blnAllNull = false; //Check for contiguous items. //Skipping over first empty cell for (i = 1; i < RankArray.length; i++) { if (RankArray[i] == null) { blnAllNull = true; } else { if (blnAllNull) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_rank_count, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRTOTAL\(\)%\]/ig, intMax); break; } } } } } } if (!blnNumericError) { //If it is a grid. strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_r\*/, ""); strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_c\*/, ""); SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); } return blnValid; } function SSI_ConSumCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, ListArray, intConsSum, intMin, intMax, blnAllowDecimal, blnReqEach, blnRequire) { var blnValid = true; var blnNumericError = false; var i = 0; var j = 0; var intFocusRank = 0; var strInputName = ""; var strMessage = ""; var blnBlank = true; var blnError = false; var intSum = 0; var InputElement = 0; var blnNumeric = false; var blnForeignDecimal = false; intMin = intConsSum - intMin; intMax = intConsSum + intMax; if (!blnRequire) { for (i = 0; i < ListArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, ListArray[i]); //Get value depending on type. InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; intFocusRank = InputElement.value; if (intFocusRank != "") { blnBlank = false; } } } if (blnRequire || !blnBlank) { for (i = 0; i < ListArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, ListArray[i]); InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; if (SSI_NumCheck(strInputName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, blnReqEach, 0, intConsSum, "", blnAllowDecimal) == false) { blnValid = false; blnNumericError = true; } if (blnValid) { intFocusRank = InputElement.value; if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { if (intFocusRank.search(/,/) != -1) { blnForeignDecimal = true; intFocusRank = intFocusRank.replace(/,/, "."); } } intFocusRank = parseFloat(intFocusRank); if (isNaN(intFocusRank)) { intFocusRank = 0; } intSum = intSum + intFocusRank; } } if (blnValid) { intSum = SSI_Totals_Decimal_Chop(intSum, strVarName, ListArray); if ((intMin > intSum) || (intMax < intSum)) { blnError = true; } if (blnError) { if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { if (blnForeignDecimal) { intFocusRank = intFocusRank + ""; intFocusRank = intFocusRank.replace(/\./, ","); intMin = intMin + ""; intMin = intMin.replace(/\./, ","); intMax = intMax + ""; intMax = intMax.replace(/\./, ","); intSum = intSum + ""; intSum = intSum.replace(/\./, ","); intConsSum = intConsSum + ""; intConsSum = intConsSum.replace(/\./, ","); } } strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_constant_sum, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRTOTAL\(\)%\]/ig, intConsSum); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRCURSUM\(\)%\]/ig, intSum); blnValid = false; } } } if (!blnNumericError) { //If it is a grid. strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_r\*/, ""); strVarName = strVarName.replace(/_c\*/, ""); SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); } return blnValid; } function SSI_SliderCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, blnRequired) { var blnValid = true; var strMessage = ""; if (jQuery("#" + strVarName).length) { var InputObj = jQuery("#" + strVarName).find(".slider_control input"); if (InputObj.val() == "") { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_missing, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } //Make sure that no weird decimal problems occur. (i.e. .0000000000000005) function SSI_Totals_Decimal_Chop(intSum, strVarName, TotalIndexArray) { var i = 0; var strInputName = ""; var InputElement = 0; var strValue = ""; var intCommaPos = 0; var strCommaPortion = ""; var intMaxDecimalPlaces = 0; var intCurrentDecimalPlaces = 0; var intSumCommaPos = 0; intSum = intSum + ""; intSumCommaPos = intSum.search(/\./); if (intSumCommaPos > -1) { //Find out the input with the largest number of decimal places for (i = 0; i < TotalIndexArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, TotalIndexArray[i]); InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; strValue = InputElement.value; if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { strValue = strValue.replace(/,/, "."); } intCommaPos = strValue.search(/\./); if (intCommaPos > -1) { strCommaPortion = strValue.substr(intCommaPos, strValue.length); intCurrentDecimalPlaces = strCommaPortion.length; if (intMaxDecimalPlaces < intCurrentDecimalPlaces) { intMaxDecimalPlaces = intCurrentDecimalPlaces; } } } if (intSum.length > intSumCommaPos + intMaxDecimalPlaces) { intSum = SSI_RoundNumber(intSum, intMaxDecimalPlaces); } } return intSum; } function SSI_Total(strVarName, TotalIndexArray, strTotalName) { var i = 0; var j = 0; var strInputName = ""; var InputElement = 0; var intFocusRank = 0; var intSum = 0; var blnForeignDecimal = false; for (i = 0; i < TotalIndexArray.length; i++) { strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, TotalIndexArray[i]); InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; intFocusRank = InputElement.value; //Print if they allow the international comma for decimals if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { if (intFocusRank.search(/,/) != -1) { blnForeignDecimal = true; intFocusRank = intFocusRank.replace(/,/, "."); } } intFocusRank = parseFloat(intFocusRank); if (isNaN(intFocusRank)) { intFocusRank = 0; } intSum = intSum + intFocusRank; } //Make sure that no wierd decimal problems occur. (i.e. .0000000000000005) intSum = SSI_Totals_Decimal_Chop(intSum, strVarName, TotalIndexArray); strInputName = strVarName.replace(/\*/, strTotalName); InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; //Print if they allow the international comma for decimals if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { if (blnForeignDecimal) { intSum = intSum + ""; intSum = intSum.replace(/\./, ","); } } InputElement.value = intSum; VisibleHTMLElem = $('#' + strInputName + "_html"); if (VisibleHTMLElem.length) { VisibleHTMLElem.html(intSum); } return intSum; } //Setup the events that call the totals function function SSI_Totals_EventSetup(TotalIndexArray, QArray, strTotalName) { var i = 0; var j = 0; var strInputName = ""; var InputObj = 0; var strBaseName = ""; var TotalFunctionPointer = 0; for (i = 0; i < QArray.length; i++) { strBaseName = QArray[i]; TotalFunctionPointer = SSI_MakeTotalsFunction(strBaseName, TotalIndexArray, strTotalName); //Setup Events for each input box for (j = 0; j < TotalIndexArray.length; j++) { strInputName = strBaseName.replace(/\*/, TotalIndexArray[j]); InputObj = jQuery(document.mainform[strInputName]); InputObj.bind("keyup", TotalFunctionPointer); } strInputName = strBaseName.replace(/\*/, strTotalName); InputObj = jQuery(document.mainform[strInputName]); InputObj.bind("keyup", TotalFunctionPointer); // Run it once. This fills the totals box when the page loads, for prefill or backing up. TotalFunctionPointer(); } } function SSI_MakeTotalsFunction(strBaseName, TotalIndexArray, strTotalName) { return function () { SSI_Total(strBaseName, TotalIndexArray, strTotalName); }; } function SSI_OtherVerify(strQName, intQNum, ListArray, strType) { var strInputName = ""; var strOtherInputName = ""; var blnReturnVal = true; var strOtherParams = ""; var intMin = ""; var intMax = ""; var strErrTxt = ""; var blnChecked = false; var intRadioValue = -1; var strTextBoxValue = ""; for (i = 0; i < ListArray.length; i++) { blnChecked = false; if (strType == "radio") { //Only do the loop once for radio buttons. if (i == 1) { break; } intRadioValue = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strQName); if (intRadioValue > 0) { blnChecked = true; strInputName = strQName + "_" + intRadioValue; } } else if (strType == "check") { strInputName = strQName + "_" + ListArray[i]; if (document.mainform[strInputName].checked == true) { blnChecked = true; } } else if (strType == "numeric") { strInputName = strQName + "_" + ListArray[i]; strTextBoxValue = document.mainform[strInputName].value; //Trim white space from front and back strTextBoxValue = strTextBoxValue.replace(/\s*/, ""); strTextBoxValue = strTextBoxValue.replace(/\s*$/, ""); if (strTextBoxValue != "" && strTextBoxValue != 0) { blnChecked = true; } } else if (strType == "combo") { strInputName = strQName + "_" + ListArray[i]; strTextBoxValue = document.mainform[strInputName].selectedIndex; if (strTextBoxValue != "" && strTextBoxValue != 0) { blnChecked = true; } } strOtherInputName = strInputName + "_other"; //If it exists if (document.mainform[strOtherInputName] != null) { if (blnChecked) { //Get other parameters if (document.mainform["hid_" + strOtherInputName] != null) { strOtherParams = document.mainform["hid_" + strOtherInputName].value; //Get Min var int1stComma = strOtherParams.search(/,/); intMin = strOtherParams.substr(0, int1stComma); strOtherParams = strOtherParams.substr(int1stComma + 1, strOtherParams.length); //Get Max var int2ndComma = strOtherParams.search(/,/); intMax = strOtherParams.substr(0, int2ndComma); //Get Error Text strErrTxt = strOtherParams.substr(int2ndComma + 1, strOtherParams.length); blnReturnVal = SSI_TxtCheck(strOtherInputName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMin, intMax); if (blnReturnVal == false) { break; } } } else { //This resets all error messages SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strOtherInputName, strQName, "", 0); } } } return blnReturnVal; } function SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strQName) { var i = 0; var intValue = 0; var intRadioLength = 0; RadioObj = document.mainform[strQName]; if (RadioObj.length) { intRadioLength = RadioObj.length; } else { intRadioLength = 1; //Radio buttons of size 1 do not have a .length (they are not an array) } //Take care of the case where there is only one radio button if (intRadioLength == 1) { if (RadioObj.checked) { intValue = RadioObj.value; } } else { for (i = 1; i <= intRadioLength; i++) { if (RadioObj[i - 1].checked) { intValue = RadioObj[i - 1].value; break; } } } return intValue; } function SSI_Grid_Other(strQName, RowIndicesArray, ColIndicesArray, intQNum) { var blnResult = true; //Check rows blnResult = SSI_Grid_Other_Helper(strQName, RowIndicesArray, ColIndicesArray, intQNum, true); //Check cols blnResult = SSI_Grid_Other_Helper(strQName, ColIndicesArray, RowIndicesArray, intQNum, false); return blnResult; } function SSI_Grid_Other_Helper(strQName, IndicesArrayOne, IndicesArrayTwo, intQNum, blnRows) { var i = 0; var j = 0; var strOtherName = ""; var strBaseNameOne = ""; var strBaseNameTwo = ""; var strCellName = ""; var strOtherParams = ""; var intMin = ""; var intMax = ""; var strErrTxt = ""; var blnReturnValue = true; var strCompareValue = ""; var strActualValue = ""; var intValueChecked = 0; var strRadioName = ""; var blnMobileGridOther = false; var mobileGridCardNum = 0; //Loop through all possible 'other' positions for (i = 0; i < IndicesArrayOne.length; i++) { if (blnRows) { strBaseNameOne = strQName + "_r"; } else { strBaseNameOne = strQName + "_c"; } strOtherName = strBaseNameOne + IndicesArrayOne[i] + "_other"; //If it exists if (document.mainform[strOtherName] != null) { //Get Other Parameters if (document.mainform["hid_" + strOtherName] != null) { var otherSpecifyInputs = document.mainform["hid_" + strOtherName]; if (otherSpecifyInputs.length) { //Others are copied. Just take first. strOtherParams = otherSpecifyInputs[0].value; blnMobileGridOther = true; } else { strOtherParams = otherSpecifyInputs.value; } //Get Min var int1stComma = strOtherParams.search(/,/); intMin = strOtherParams.substr(0, int1stComma); strOtherParams = strOtherParams.substr(int1stComma + 1, strOtherParams.length); //Get Max var int2ndComma = strOtherParams.search(/,/); intMax = strOtherParams.substr(0, int2ndComma); //Get Error Text strErrTxt = strOtherParams.substr(int2ndComma + 1, strOtherParams.length); //If row radio exists. This is for other specifies describing a row of radio buttons (oposite from below) strRadioName = strBaseNameOne + IndicesArrayOne[i]; if (document.mainform[strRadioName] != null) { intValueChecked = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strRadioName); if (intValueChecked > 0) { blnReturnValue = SSI_TxtCheck(strOtherName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMin, intMax, 0); // if(!blnReturnValue) // { // return blnReturnValue; // } } } //Loop through rows for (j = 0; j < IndicesArrayTwo.length; j++) { if (blnRows) { strBaseNameTwo = strQName + "_c"; } else { strBaseNameTwo = strQName + "_r"; } strBaseNameTwo += IndicesArrayTwo[j]; //If row radio exists if (document.mainform[strBaseNameTwo] != null) { intValueChecked = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strBaseNameTwo); if (intValueChecked > 0) { if (intValueChecked == IndicesArrayOne[i]) { if (blnMobileGridOther) { mobileGridCardNum = j + 1; } blnReturnValue = SSI_TxtCheck(strOtherName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMin, intMax, mobileGridCardNum); } } continue; } if (blnRows) { strCellName = strQName + "_r" + IndicesArrayOne[i] + "_c" + IndicesArrayTwo[j]; } else { strCellName = strQName + "_r" + IndicesArrayTwo[j] + "_c" + IndicesArrayOne[i]; } if (document.mainform[strCellName] == null) { continue; } else { if (document.mainform[strCellName].type == "checkbox") { if (document.mainform[strCellName].checked == false) { continue; } else { if (blnMobileGridOther) { mobileGridCardNum = j + 1; } blnReturnValue = SSI_TxtCheck(strOtherName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMin, intMax, blnMobileGridOther); } } strActualValue = document.mainform[strCellName].value; //Trim white space from front and back strActualValue = strActualValue.replace(/\s*/, ""); strActualValue = strActualValue.replace(/\s*$/, ""); if (strActualValue != "" && strActualValue != 0) { if (blnMobileGridOther) { mobileGridCardNum = j + 1; } blnReturnValue = SSI_TxtCheck(strOtherName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMin, intMax, mobileGridCardNum); } } } } } } return blnReturnValue; } function SSI_CheckRadioButton(strName, intValue) { var RadioObj = document.mainform[strName]; var i = 0; if (InputElement.length) { intRadioLength = InputElement.length; } else { intRadioLength = 1; //Radio buttons of size 1 do not have a .length (they are not an array) } if (intRadioLength == 1) { if (RadioObj.value == intValue) { RadioObj.checked = true; } } else { //Radio with multiple items for (i = 0; i < intRadioLength; i++) { if (RadioObj[i].value == intValue) { RadioObj[i].checked = true; break; } } } } function SSI_CheckMaxDiff(strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum) { var strMessage = ""; var intBestAnswer = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strQName + "_b"); var intWorstAnswer = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strQName + "_w"); var blnValid = false; if (intBestAnswer > 0 && intWorstAnswer > 0) { if (intBestAnswer == intWorstAnswer) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_maxdiff_unique, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); } else { blnValid = true; } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strQName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } function SSI_CheckCBCUnique(strVarName, strQName, strBestSuffix, strWorstSuffix, strErrTxt, intQNum) { var strMessage = ""; var intBestAnswer = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strVarName + strBestSuffix); var intWorstAnswer = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strVarName + strWorstSuffix); var blnValid = false; if (intBestAnswer > 0 && intWorstAnswer > 0) { if (intBestAnswer == intWorstAnswer) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_cbc_unique, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); } else { blnValid = true; } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); return blnValid; } function SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strMessage, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax) { strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRFIELD\(\)%\]/ig, intQNum); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRQNAME\(\)%\]/ig, strQName); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRTEXT\(\)%\]/ig, strErrTxt); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRMIN\(\)%\]/ig, intMin); strMessage = strMessage.replace(/\[%ERRMAX\(\)%\]/ig, intMax); return strMessage; } function SSI_TxtCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, intMinChars, intMaxChars, mobileGridCardNum) { var blnValid = true; var InputElement = ""; var potentialInputElements = document.mainform[strVarName]; if (mobileGridCardNum > 0) { InputElement = potentialInputElements[0]; } else { InputElement = potentialInputElements; } if (InputElement) { var strInString = new String(InputElement.value); var strMessage = ""; var intStatus = 0; //Trims white space strInString = strInString.replace(/\s*/, ""); strInString = strInString.replace(/\s*$/, ""); //Checking min characters if (strInString.length < intMinChars) { intStatus = 1; } //Checking max characters if (intMaxChars >= 0) { if (strInString.length > intMaxChars) { intStatus = 2; } } if (intStatus > 0) { if (intStatus == 1) { if (strInString.length == "") { strMessage = strGlobalError_missing; } else { strMessage = strGlobalError_min_char; } } else { strMessage = strGlobalError_max_char; } strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strMessage, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMinChars, intMaxChars); blnValid = false; } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, mobileGridCardNum); } return blnValid; } function SSI_RemoveBackButtonShell() { setTimeout("SSI_RemoveBackButton()", 1); } function SSI_RemoveBackButton() { try { history.forward(1); } catch (e) { } /*Every 500 miliseconds, try again. The only guaranteed method for Opera, Firefox, and Safari, which don't always call onLoad but *do* resume any timers when returning to a page */ setTimeout("SSI_RemoveBackButton()", 500); } function SSI_DeepCopyArray(ItemToCopy) { if (typeof (ItemToCopy) == "object") { if (ItemToCopy != null) { if (ItemToCopy.constructor == Array) { var NewArray = ItemToCopy.slice(); var intArraySize = NewArray.length; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < intArraySize; i++) { NewArray[i] = SSI_DeepCopyArray(NewArray[i]); } return NewArray; } } } //If it is not an array it just returns itself (not deep copied) return ItemToCopy; } function SSI_NumCheck(strVarName, strQName, strErrTxt, intQNum, blnRequired, intMin, intMax, intNA, blnAllowDecimal) { var blnValid = true; var ParsedNum = 0; var intResultStr = 0; var strMessage = ""; var InputElement = document.mainform[strVarName]; if (InputElement) { var strValue = InputElement.value; if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { strValue = strValue.replace(/,/, "."); } intResultStr = SSI_CheckStr(strValue); if (intResultStr == 1) { InputElement.value = ""; strValue = ""; } if (strValue == "") { if (blnRequired) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_missing, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } } else if (isNaN(strValue) || (intResultStr == 3)) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_not_numeric, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } else { ParsedNum = parseFloat(strValue); if (blnAllowDecimal == false) { var intIntegerVal = parseInt(ParsedNum); intIntegerVal = parseFloat(intIntegerVal); if (intIntegerVal != ParsedNum) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_not_numeric, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, 0, 0); blnValid = false; } else { InputElement.value = intIntegerVal; } } if (blnValid) { if ((ParsedNum < intMin) || (ParsedNum > intMax)) { if (intNA && ParsedNum == intNA) { //Do nothing } else { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(strGlobalError_out_of_range, intQNum, strQName, strErrTxt, intMin, intMax); blnValid = false; } } } } SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(strVarName, strQName, strMessage, 0); } return blnValid; } function SSI_CheckStr(strString) { var i = 0; var theChar = ""; var blnHasNum = false; for (i = 0; i < strString.length; i++) { theChar = strString.charAt(i); if ((theChar != ' ') && (theChar != '\\n') && (theChar != '\\t')) { if ((theChar != '-') && (theChar != '.') && ((theChar > '9') || (theChar < '0'))) { return 3; } else { blnHasNum = true; } } } if (blnHasNum) { return 2; } return 1; } function SSI_PriceFormat(intNumber, strThousand, strDecimal, intNumDecimalPlaces) { if (intNumDecimalPlaces) { intNumber = SSI_FormatDecimalPoint(intNumber, intNumDecimalPlaces); } var strNumber = intNumber.toString(); var intDecimalPosition = strNumber.indexOf("."); var strPostFix = ""; if (intDecimalPosition >= 0) { var strBaseNumber = strNumber.slice(0, intDecimalPosition); strPostFix = strNumber.slice(intDecimalPosition, strNumber.length); //Insert specified decimal separator if (strDecimal != "") { strPostFix = strPostFix.replace(/\./, strDecimal); } strNumber = strBaseNumber; } //Adding in thousands separator var strResult = ""; if (strThousand != "") { var strPrefix = strNumber.substr(0, 1); //If the number is negative remove the "-" temporarily if (strPrefix == "-") { strNumber = strNumber.substr(1, strNumber.length); } else { strPrefix = ""; } var intLength = strNumber.length; while (intLength > 3) { strResult = strThousand + strNumber.substr(intLength - 3, 3) + strResult; intLength -= 3; } strNumber = strPrefix + strNumber.substr(0, intLength); } return strNumber + strResult + strPostFix; } function SSI_RoundNumber(intNumber, intNumDecimalPlaces) { if (!intNumDecimalPlaces) { intNumDecimalPlaces = 0; } intNumber = parseFloat(intNumber); var intNewNumber = Math.round(intNumber * Math.pow(10, intNumDecimalPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, intNumDecimalPlaces); if (intNumDecimalPlaces > 0) { var strNewNumber = SSI_FormatDecimalPoint(intNewNumber, intNumDecimalPlaces); intNewNumber = parseFloat(strNewNumber); } return intNewNumber; } function SSI_FormatDecimalPoint(intNumber, intNumDecimalPlaces) { var strNewNumber = intNumber.toString(); var intDecimalPosition = strNewNumber.indexOf("."); var intLastPosition = strNewNumber.length - 1; var intNumZerosNeeded = 0; var blnAddDecimalPoint = false; if (intDecimalPosition > -1) { var intCurrentNumDecimalPlaces = intLastPosition - intDecimalPosition; intNumZerosNeeded = intNumDecimalPlaces - intCurrentNumDecimalPlaces; } else { intNumZerosNeeded = intNumDecimalPlaces; blnAddDecimalPoint = true; } var i = 0; var strZeros = ""; for (i = 0; i < intNumZerosNeeded; i++) { strZeros += "0"; } if (blnAddDecimalPoint) { strNewNumber += "."; } strNewNumber += strZeros; return strNewNumber; } function SSI_GetValue(strQName) { var qvalue = ""; var InputElement = document.mainform[strQName]; var input_obj = jQuery(InputElement); if (InputElement) { qvalue = jQuery.trim(InputElement.value); if (InputElement.type == "checkbox") { if (InputElement.checked) { qvalue = InputElement.value; } else { qvalue = 0; } } //Radio has an array of items, unless there is just one item then check the single item for type. else if ((InputElement[0] && InputElement[0].type == "radio") || InputElement.type == "radio") { qvalue = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strQName); } else { //Replace possible comma for decimal. JavaScript needs decimal. if (input_obj.hasClass("numeric_input")) { if (blnGlobalCommaForDecimal) { qvalue = qvalue.replace(/,/, "."); } } } if (!input_obj.hasClass("numeric_input") && (InputElement.type == "text" || InputElement.type == "textarea")) { //Do nothing } //If it is a number else if (!isNaN(qvalue)) { qvalue = parseFloat(qvalue); if (isNaN(qvalue)) { qvalue = 0; } } } return qvalue; } function SSI_GetFormObject(strQName) { var FormObject = 0; if (document.mainform[strQName]) { FormObject = document.mainform[strQName]; } return FormObject; } function SSI_BYOClass(strQName, AttIndexArray, strInputType, blnShowPrice, ProhibitionsArray, blnCondText, blnCondPrice, intBasePrice, intNumDecimalPlaces, strThousandSeparator, strDecimalSeparator, intPriceAtt, intQuestNum, strErrText, strProhibitionErrorMsg, CondRelationshipsArray, CondRelationshipsIndexArray, strScriptExtension, strStudyName, strRespNum, intPageNum, CondPriceArray, strCondPricePossError, strCondPriceNegError, strCondPriceNeutralError, strCurrencySymbol, strCurrencyPosition, strCondPriceErrorMsg, AltSpecificRules) { this.strQName = strQName; this.AttIndexArray = AttIndexArray; this.strInputType = strInputType; this.blnShowPrice = blnShowPrice; this.ProhibitionsArray = ProhibitionsArray; this.blnCondText = blnCondText; this.blnCondPrice = blnCondPrice; this.intBasePrice = intBasePrice; this.intNumDecimalPlaces = intNumDecimalPlaces; this.strThousandSeparator = strThousandSeparator; this.strDecimalSeparator = strDecimalSeparator; this.intPriceAtt = intPriceAtt; this.CurrentProhibitedSet = 0; this.strProhibitionErrorMsg = strProhibitionErrorMsg; this.intQuestNum = intQuestNum; this.strErrText = strErrText; this.CondRelationshipsArray = CondRelationshipsArray; this.CondRelationshipsIndexArray = CondRelationshipsIndexArray; this.strScriptExtension = strScriptExtension; this.strStudyName = strStudyName; this.strRespNum = strRespNum; this.intPageNum = intPageNum; this.CondPriceArray = CondPriceArray; this.strCondPricePossError = strCondPricePossError; this.strCondPriceNegError = strCondPriceNegError; this.strCondPriceNeutralError = strCondPriceNeutralError; this.strCurrencySymbol = strCurrencySymbol; this.strCurrencyPosition = strCurrencyPosition; this.strCondPriceErrorMsg = strCondPriceErrorMsg; this.PricesArray = []; this.OriginalPricesArray = []; this.AltSpecificRules = AltSpecificRules; //Methods this.SetupEvents = SSI_BYOSetEvents; this.BYOMakeFunction = SSI_BYOMakeFunction; this.CheckBYOProhibitions = SSI_BYOProhibitions; this.BYOCheckProhibitedSet = SSI_BYOCheckProhibitedSet; this.BYOTotal = SSI_BYOTotal; this.BYOAltSpecificDisplay = SSI_BYOAltSpecificDisplay; this.BYOProhEvent = SSI_BYOProhEvent; this.BYOProhHighlight = SSI_BYOProhHighlight; this.BYOCondText = SSI_BYOCondText; this.BYOGetLevelValue = SSI_BYOGetLevelValue; this.BYOCondPrice = SSI_BYOCondPrice; this.BYOChangePriceInLabels = SSI_BYOChangePriceInLabels; this.BYOPriceChangeAlert = SSI_BYOPriceChangeAlert; this.BYOAddPrices = SSI_BYOAddPrices; this.BYOAttVisible = SSI_BYOAttVisible; } function SSI_BYOAddPrices(intAtt, LevelPricesArray) { this.PricesArray[intAtt] = LevelPricesArray; this.OriginalPricesArray[intAtt] = LevelPricesArray; } function SSI_BYOSetEvents() { var BYOObj = this; var i = 0; var j = 0; var InputElement = 0; var strInputName = ""; var NumberObj = ""; var intIndex = 0; // Set up level onChange events. for (i = 1; i <= BYOObj.AttIndexArray.length; i++) { intIndex = BYOObj.AttIndexArray[i - 1]; strInputName = BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intIndex; InputElement = document.mainform[strInputName]; if (BYOObj.strInputType == "radio") { //Multi radio buttons if (InputElement.length) { for (j = 0; j < InputElement.length; j++) { //Need to convert it to a jQuery obj var RadioObj = jQuery(InputElement[j]); if (RadioObj.length) { var ClickableObj = RadioObj.closest(".clickable"); ClickableObj.bind("byo_click", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); if (GlobalGraphicalSelect) { ClickableObj.bind("keyup", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); } } } } //Single radio button else { jQuery(InputElement).bind("click", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); } } else if (BYOObj.strInputType == "combo") { jQuery(InputElement).bind("change", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); } if (BYOObj.blnShowPrice) { //Set up disable events strInputName = BYOObj.strQName + "_price" + intIndex; InputObj = jQuery("#" + strInputName); InputObj.bind("change", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); InputObj.bind("keyup", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: intIndex }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); } } //Must be before show price if (BYOObj.AltSpecificRules.length) { BYOObj.BYOAltSpecificDisplay(); } if (BYOObj.blnShowPrice) { InputObj = jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_" + BYOObj.intPriceAtt); InputObj.bind("change", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: BYOObj.AttIndexArray.length }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); InputObj.bind("keyup", { BYOObjParam: BYOObj, intIndexParam: BYOObj.AttIndexArray.length }, function (event) { event.data.BYOObjParam.BYOMakeFunction(event.data.intIndexParam); }); //Run the total code now so that if they have a base price it will show up at the bottom BYOObj.BYOTotal(0); } } function SSI_BYOMakeFunction(intAttIndex) { var BYOObj = this; //Must be before show price if (BYOObj.AltSpecificRules.length) { BYOObj.BYOAltSpecificDisplay(); } if (BYOObj.blnShowPrice) { BYOObj.BYOTotal(intAttIndex); } if (BYOObj.ProhibitionsArray.length) { BYOObj.BYOProhEvent(); } if (BYOObj.blnCondText) { BYOObj.BYOCondText(0, intAttIndex); } if (BYOObj.blnCondPrice && BYOObj.blnShowPrice) { BYOObj.BYOCondPrice(true); } } function SSI_BYOAltSpecificDisplay() { var BYOObj = this; var input_name = ""; var att = 0; var cond_att = 0; var lev_input = 0; var i = 0; var j = 0; var rule_layer = []; var rule = []; var row = 0; var rules_hash = SSI_BYOGetAltSpecificRulesStruct(BYOObj.AltSpecificRules); var keys = rules_hash.getKeys(); var scroll_distance = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); keys = keys.sort(); jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_div .conditional_att").hide(); //Process logic one layer at a time starting at root for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var show_hash = new SSIHash(); rule_layer = rules_hash.get(keys[i]); for (j = 0; j < rule_layer.length; j++) { rule = rule_layer[j]; att = SSI_GetAltSpecRuleAtt(rule[0]); input_name = BYOObj.strQName + "_" + att; //Get attribue level - combo or radio code here lev_input = BYOObj.BYOGetLevelValue(input_name); //Only test the rule if attribute is visible if (lev_input > 0 && BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(att)) { cond_att = rule[1]; row = jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_row_" + cond_att); if (row.hasClass("conditional_att")) { if (att + "-" + lev_input == rule[0]) { row.show(); } } } } } SSI_BYOAltColors(); //When hiding and showing HTML and then clicking on radio button weird scrolling was occuring. //This is a hack to stop that scrolling. jQuery(document).scrollTop(scroll_distance); } function SSI_BYOGetAltSpecificRulesStruct(rules) { var i = 0; var att = 0; var att_lev = ""; var num_nested = 0; var rules_hash = new SSIHash(); for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { att_lev = rules[i][0]; att = SSI_GetAltSpecRuleAtt(att_lev); num_nested = SSI_FindAltSpecDepth(att, rules, i); var rules_array = []; if (rules_hash.has(num_nested)) { rules_array = rules_hash.get(num_nested); } rules_array.push(rules[i]); rules_hash.set(num_nested, rules_array); } return rules_hash; } function SSI_FindAltSpecDepth(att, rules, current_index) { var i = 0; var cond_att = 0; var att_lev = 0; var local_nested_count = 0; var highest_nested_count = 0; for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (i != current_index) { att_lev = rules[i][0]; cond_att = rules[i][1]; if (att == cond_att) { var parent_att = SSI_GetAltSpecRuleAtt(att_lev); local_nested_count++; var new_nested_count = SSI_FindAltSpecDepth(parent_att, rules, i); local_nested_count += new_nested_count; if (local_nested_count > highest_nested_count) { highest_nested_count = local_nested_count; } local_nested_count = 0; } } } return highest_nested_count; } function SSI_GetAltSpecRuleAtt(att_lev) { att_lev_array = att_lev.split("-"); att = att_lev_array[0]; return att; } function SSI_BYOAltColors() { jQuery(".byo_att_row:visible:odd").removeClass("alt_color1").addClass("alt_color2"); jQuery(".byo_att_row:visible:even").removeClass("alt_color2").addClass("alt_color1"); } function SSI_BYOAttVisible(att) { var BYOObj = this; var visible = false; visible = jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_row_" + att).is(":visible"); return visible; } function SSI_BYOTotal(intCurrentAttIndex) { var BYOObj = this; var InputElement = 0; var strInputName = ""; var intChoice = 0; var intLev = 0; var intAttribute = 0; var i = 0; var j = 0; var intFocusPrice = 0; var strPrice = ""; var strFormattedPrice = ""; var intSum = BYOObj.intBasePrice; for (i = 0; i < BYOObj.AttIndexArray.length; i++) { intLev = 0; intAttribute = BYOObj.AttIndexArray[i]; if (BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(intAttribute)) { strInputName = BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intAttribute; PriceBoxObj = document.mainform[BYOObj.strQName + "_price" + intAttribute]; if (BYOObj.blnCondPrice) { //Turn off any colors that might have been set from price change alert if (intCurrentAttIndex == 0) { jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_row_" + intAttribute).removeClass("acbc_price_change_warning"); } } //Get attribue level - combo or radio code here intLev = BYOObj.BYOGetLevelValue(strInputName); if (intLev > 0) { strPrice = BYOObj.PricesArray[intAttribute][intLev - 1]; if (!strPrice) { strPrice = 0; } strFormattedPrice = SSI_RoundNumber(strPrice, BYOObj.intNumDecimalPlaces); strFormattedPrice = SSI_PriceFormat(strFormattedPrice, BYOObj.strThousandSeparator, BYOObj.strDecimalSeparator, BYOObj.intNumDecimalPlaces); PriceBoxObj.value = strFormattedPrice; intFocusPrice = parseFloat(strPrice); if (isNaN(intFocusPrice)) { intFocusPrice = 0; } intSum += intFocusPrice; } else { PriceBoxObj.value = 0; } } } InputElement = document.mainform[BYOObj.strQName + "_" + BYOObj.intPriceAtt]; intSum = SSI_RoundNumber(intSum, BYOObj.intNumDecimalPlaces); intSum = SSI_PriceFormat(intSum, BYOObj.strThousandSeparator, BYOObj.strDecimalSeparator, BYOObj.intNumDecimalPlaces); InputElement.value = intSum; } function SSI_BYOProhibitions() { var blnConceptFails = false; var ProhibitedSet = 0; var AttLevPair = 0; var intProhAtt = 0; var intProhLev = 0; var blnProhibited = true; var i = 0; //This makes sure that any lingering highlighting is removed before the check is done again. (We only want to show one prohibition at a time) for (i = 0; i < this.ProhibitionsArray.length; i++) { ProhibitedSet = this.ProhibitionsArray[i]; this.BYOProhHighlight(ProhibitedSet, false); } for (i = 0; i < this.ProhibitionsArray.length; i++) { blnProhibited = true; ProhibitedSet = this.ProhibitionsArray[i]; blnProhibited = this.BYOCheckProhibitedSet(ProhibitedSet); if (blnProhibited) { blnConceptFails = true; break; } } if (blnConceptFails) { this.BYOProhHighlight(ProhibitedSet, true); var strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(this.strProhibitionErrorMsg, this.intQuestNum, this.strQName, this.strErrText, 0, 0); SSI_UpdateQuestionErrHash(this.strQName, this.strQName, strMessage, 0); this.CurrentProhibitedSet = ProhibitedSet; } else { this.CurrentProhibitedSet = 0; } return !blnConceptFails; } function SSI_BYOCheckProhibitedSet(ProhibitedSet) { var BYOObj = this; var i = 0; var AttLevPair = 0; var intProhAtt = 0; var InputElement = 0; var intValue = 0; var intProhLev = 0; var blnProhibited = true; var intNumPairs = ProhibitedSet.length; for (i = 0; i < intNumPairs; i++) { AttLevPair = ProhibitedSet[i]; intProhAtt = AttLevPair[0]; intProhLev = AttLevPair[1]; //The att might not exist if they are using constructed lists if (document.mainform[BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intProhAtt] && this.BYOAttVisible(intProhAtt)) { InputElement = document.mainform[BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intProhAtt]; if (BYOObj.strInputType == "radio") { intValue = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intProhAtt); } else if (BYOObj.strInputType == "combo") { intValue = InputElement.value; } if (intValue != intProhLev) { blnProhibited = false; break; } } else { blnProhibited = false; break; } } return blnProhibited; } function SSI_BYOProhHighlight(ProhibitedSet, blnHighlight) { var RowObj = 0; var i = 0; var intNumPairs = ProhibitedSet.length; var AttLevPair = 0; var intProhAtt = 0; var intProhLev = 0; for (i = 0; i < intNumPairs; i++) { AttLevPair = ProhibitedSet[i]; intProhAtt = AttLevPair[0]; intProhLev = AttLevPair[1]; RowObj = jQuery("#" + this.strQName + "_" + intProhAtt + "_error"); if (RowObj) { if (blnHighlight) { RowObj.addClass("acbc_proh_error"); } else { RowObj.removeClass("acbc_proh_error"); } RowObj.removeClass("acbc_price_change_warning"); } } } function SSI_BYOProhEvent() { if (this.CurrentProhibitedSet) { if (this.BYOCheckProhibitedSet(this.CurrentProhibitedSet)) { this.BYOProhHighlight(this.CurrentProhibitedSet, true); } else { this.BYOProhHighlight(this.CurrentProhibitedSet, false); } } } function SSI_BYOCondText(blnInitialize, intCurrentAttIndex) { var BYOObj = this; var i = 0; var j = 0; var k = 0; var AttArray = 0; var CondAttHash = new SSIHash(); for (i = 0; i < BYOObj.AltSpecificRules.length; i++) { CondAttHash.set(BYOObj.AltSpecificRules[i][1], 1); } for (i = 0; i < BYOObj.CondRelationshipsArray.length; i++) { AttArray = BYOObj.CondRelationshipsArray[i]; //Search and see if current attribute is in this relationship for (j = 0; j < AttArray.length; j++) { //If current att or conditional att if (blnInitialize || AttArray[j] == intCurrentAttIndex || jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_row_" + AttArray[j]).hasClass("conditional_att")) { var strAnswerList = ""; var intLevel = 0; var intAtt = 0; //Get answers for each attribute for (k = 0; k < AttArray.length; k++) { intAtt = AttArray[k]; if (BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(intAtt)) { intLevel = BYOObj.BYOGetLevelValue(BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intAtt); } else { intLevel = 0; } //If att is alt specific conditional and a conditional display, then when it is not visible treat it as a 0. if ((intLevel > 0 && BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(intAtt)) || (CondAttHash.has(intAtt) && !BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(intAtt))) { strAnswerList += "A-" + intAtt + " L-" + intLevel; strAnswerList += ","; } else { strAnswerList = ""; break; } } var intRelIndex = BYOObj.CondRelationshipsIndexArray[i]; var strViewerName = "#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_rel_" + intRelIndex; //Make sure that the viewer is available before assigning to it. if (jQuery(strViewerName).length) { //Make copy of strQName because can't use "this" inside of function below. var strQName = BYOObj.strQName; jQuery.get("ciwweb" + BYOObj.strScriptExtension, { hid_studyname: BYOObj.strStudyName, hid_respnum: BYOObj.strRespNum, hid_pagenum: BYOObj.intPageNum, sys_acbc_name: BYOObj.strQName, sys_acbc_cond_rel: intRelIndex, sys_acbc_byo_request: strAnswerList, sys_time: new Date().getTime() }, function (strResponse) { var intCommaIndex = strResponse.indexOf(","); var intIndex = strResponse.substr(0, intCommaIndex); var strHTML = strResponse.substr(intCommaIndex + 1); var strViewerName = strQName + "_rel_" + intIndex; jQuery("#" + strViewerName).html(strHTML); }); break; } } } } } function SSI_BYOCondPrice(blnShowAlert) { var BYOObj = this; var ChangedAttLevArray = []; var CondPriceRel = 0; var i = 0; var intReplaceAtt = 0; var intReplaceLev = 0; var intPriceChange = 0; var blnCondLevSelected = true; var intSelLev = 0; var intCondLev = 0; var InputElement = 0; var intCondAtt = 0; var intOldPrice = 0; var intNewPrice = 0; var PriceBoxObj = 0; var blnPriceChanged = false; var LocalPricesArray = SSI_DeepCopyArray(BYOObj.OriginalPricesArray); for (i = 0; i < BYOObj.CondPriceArray.length; i++) { blnCondLevSelected = true; CondPriceRel = BYOObj.CondPriceArray[i]; for (j = 0; j < CondPriceRel.length; j++) { if (j == 0) { intReplaceAtt = CondPriceRel[j][0]; intReplaceLev = CondPriceRel[j][1]; intPriceChange = CondPriceRel[j][2]; //This is to check and see if the item to change exists if (jQuery("#" + BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intReplaceAtt + "_" + intReplaceLev + "_label").length) { ChangedAttLevArray.push([intReplaceAtt, intReplaceLev]); } else { blnCondLevSelected = false; break; } } else { intCondAtt = CondPriceRel[j][0]; intCondLev = CondPriceRel[j][1]; intSelLev = BYOObj.BYOGetLevelValue(BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intCondAtt); if (intSelLev != intCondLev || !BYOObj.BYOAttVisible(intCondAtt)) { blnCondLevSelected = false; break; } } } if (blnCondLevSelected) { intOldPrice = LocalPricesArray[intReplaceAtt][intReplaceLev - 1]; intNewPrice = SSI_ConvertToNumber(intOldPrice) + SSI_ConvertToNumber(intPriceChange); LocalPricesArray[intReplaceAtt][intReplaceLev - 1] = intNewPrice; } } var OldPricesArray = SSI_DeepCopyArray(BYOObj.PricesArray); BYOObj.PricesArray = LocalPricesArray; BYOObj.BYOTotal(0); BYOObj.BYOChangePriceInLabels(ChangedAttLevArray); //Save changed prices to data file var ChangedPricesArray = []; var strChangedPrices = ""; for (i = 0; i < ChangedAttLevArray.length; i++) { intReplaceAtt = ChangedAttLevArray[i][0]; ChangedPricesArray = BYOObj.PricesArray[intReplaceAtt]; strChangedPrices = ChangedPricesArray.join(","); document.mainform[BYOObj.strQName + "_" + intReplaceAtt + "_prices"].value = strChangedPrices; } if (blnShowAlert) { BYOObj.BYOPriceChangeAlert(OldPricesArray, LocalPricesArray); } } function SSI_BYOPriceChangeAlert(OldPricesArray, NewPricesArray) { var OriginalLevArray = []; var NewLevArray = []; var i = 0; var j = 0; var blnPriceChanged = false; var intSelLev = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.AttIndexArray.length; i++) { OriginalLevArray = OldPricesArray[this.AttIndexArray[i]]; NewLevArray = NewPricesArray[this.AttIndexArray[i]]; for (j = 0; j < OriginalLevArray.length; j++) { if (OriginalLevArray[j] != NewLevArray[j]) { intSelLev = this.BYOGetLevelValue(this.strQName + "_" + this.AttIndexArray[i]); if (intSelLev > 0) { blnPriceChanged = true; jQuery("#" + this.strQName + "_row_" + this.AttIndexArray[i]).addClass("acbc_price_change_warning"); break; } } } } if (blnPriceChanged) { strMessage = SSI_ReplaceErrMsgKeyWords(this.strCondPriceErrorMsg, this.intQuestNum, this.strQName, this.strErrText, 0, 0); SSI_ShowAlert(strMessage); } } function SSI_ConvertToNumber(intNumber) { intNumber = parseFloat(intNumber); if (isNaN(intNumber)) { intNumber = 0; } return intNumber; } function SSI_BYOChangePriceInLabels(ChangedAttLevArray) { var intAtt = 0; var intLev = 0; var intPrice = 0; var strPostFixLabel = ""; var strFormattedPrice = ""; var LabelObj = 0; //Set price labels for (i = 0; i < ChangedAttLevArray.length; i++) { intAtt = ChangedAttLevArray[i][0]; intLev = ChangedAttLevArray[i][1]; LabelObj = jQuery("#" + this.strQName + "_" + intAtt + "_" + intLev + "_label"); if (LabelObj.length) { intPrice = this.PricesArray[intAtt][intLev - 1]; strPostFixLabel = ""; if (intPrice > 0) { strPostFixLabel = this.strCondPricePossError; } else if (intPrice == 0) { strPostFixLabel = this.strCondPriceNeutralError; } else if (intPrice < 0) { strPostFixLabel = this.strCondPriceNegError; //Change it to positive intPrice *= -1; } strFormattedPrice = SSI_RoundNumber(intPrice, this.intNumDecimalPlaces); strFormattedPrice = SSI_PriceFormat(strFormattedPrice, this.strThousandSeparator, this.strDecimalSeparator, this.intNumDecimalPlaces); if (this.strCurrencyPosition == "left") { strFormattedPrice = this.strCurrencySymbol + strFormattedPrice; } else { strFormattedPrice += this.strCurrencySymbol; } //Note, there was a bug in Safari with str.replace and regular expressions when replace with text was $0. var strFuncName = "[%ACBCPRICELEVELTEXT()%]"; while (strPostFixLabel.indexOf(strFuncName) > -1) { var intStartIndex = strPostFixLabel.indexOf(strFuncName); var intLength = strFuncName.length; strPostFixLabel = strPostFixLabel.substr(0, intStartIndex) + strFormattedPrice + strPostFixLabel.substr(intStartIndex + intLength); } if (this.strInputType == "radio") { var PriceTextObj = LabelObj.find(".acbc_byo_price_text"); PriceTextObj.html(" " + strPostFixLabel); } else if (this.strInputType == "combo") { var TemplateLabelObj = LabelObj.closest(".level_text_cell").find(".combo_label_" + intLev).clone(); var PriceTextObj = TemplateLabelObj.find(".acbc_byo_price_text"); PriceTextObj.replaceWith(" " + strPostFixLabel); LabelObj.html(TemplateLabelObj.html()); } } } } function SSI_BYOGetLevelValue(strVarName) { var InputElement = document.mainform[strVarName]; var intChoice = 0; //If the attribute is missing because it has been removed from the BYO, then there should be a hidden value with the top level in it. //This could be hidden, combo box, or a single radio if (InputElement) { if (InputElement.value) { intChoice = InputElement.value; } else { intChoice = SSI_GetRadioValueChecked(strVarName); } } return intChoice; } function CastToInt(strNumber) { return (parseInt(strNumber) + 0); } function SSI_SetupToolTips() { //overwriting the default funcitonality of the jQueryUI tooltip's content funciton $.widget("ui.tooltip", $.ui.tooltip, { options: { content: function() { var toolTipLink = $(this); var content = ""; if(toolTipLink.attr('title')){ content = $('
' + toolTipLink.attr('title') + '
'); } else { content = toolTipLink.next(".tool_tip_text").clone(); } return content; } } }) jQuery(".tool_tip_link, [title]").each(function () { var toolTipLink = $(this); //for jQueryUI tooltips to work you must have a title attribute //add an empty title attribute to the element if one doesnt exist //if it does exist, use it for the content of the tooltip if(!toolTipLink.attr('title')) { toolTipLink.attr('title', ''); } toolTipLink.tooltip({ classes: { "ui-tooltip": "tool_tip_text_container" }, track: true, position: {my: "left+5 top+20", collision: "flipfit"} }); }); } function SSI_SliderSetup(strQName, intScaleMin, intScaleMax, blnListItemsAsValues, blnUseAltValues, ItemValuesArray, blnShowToolTip, PreviousAnswers, strHandlePosition, intCustomValuePos, blnHasItemsFlipped) { var OriginalAnchorPoints = []; var FlippedAnchorPoints = []; var FlippedItemValuesArray = []; var i = 0; var j = 0; if (blnListItemsAsValues) { OriginalAnchorPoints = SSI_FindAnchorSliderPoints(strQName, ItemValuesArray); intScaleMin = 1; intScaleMax = 1000; if (blnHasItemsFlipped) { var FlippedItemArray = ItemValuesArray.slice(0); //Copy array FlippedItemArray.reverse(); FlippedAnchorPoints = SSI_FindAnchorSliderPoints(strQName, FlippedItemArray); } } else if (blnUseAltValues) { if (blnHasItemsFlipped) { FlippedItemValuesArray = ItemValuesArray.slice(0); //Copy array FlippedItemValuesArray.reverse(); } } var CurrentAnswers = []; //This is to handle a case where they answer and then click refresh on the browser jQuery("#" + strQName + "_div .slider_container").each(function () { var SliderControl = jQuery(this).find(".slider_control"); var SliderInputObj = jQuery(this).find("input"); var intValue = SliderInputObj.val(); if (intValue !== "") { var intID = this.id.replace(strQName + "_", ""); CurrentAnswers.push([intID, intValue]); } }); if (CurrentAnswers.length) { PreviousAnswers = CurrentAnswers; } jQuery("#" + strQName + "_div .slider_container").each(function () { var SliderControl = jQuery(this).find(".slider_control"); var SliderInputObj = jQuery(this).find("input"); var SliderToolTip = 0; var blnFlipScale = false; var AnchorPoints = []; var AltValuesArray = []; if (SliderControl.hasClass("flip_scale")) { blnFlipScale = true; } if (blnListItemsAsValues) { if (blnFlipScale) { AnchorPoints = FlippedAnchorPoints; } else { AnchorPoints = OriginalAnchorPoints; } } else if (blnUseAltValues) { if (blnFlipScale) { AltValuesArray = FlippedItemValuesArray; } else { AltValuesArray = ItemValuesArray; } } if (blnShowToolTip) { jQuery(this).find(".slider_tool_tip"); SliderToolTip.hide(); } SliderControl.slider({ min: intScaleMin, max: intScaleMax, start: function (e, ui) { if (blnShowToolTip) { SliderToolTip.fadeIn('fast'); } }, change: function (e, ui) { if (blnShowToolTip) { SSI_ShowSliderToolTip(ui, SliderToolTip); } }, slide: function (e, ui) { jQuery(this).addClass("touched"); if (blnShowToolTip) { SSI_ShowSliderToolTip(ui, SliderToolTip); } }, stop: function (e, ui) { var intValue = 0; var intPosValue = 0; if (blnListItemsAsValues) { var ResultArray = 0; if (blnFlipScale) { var ReversedScale = AnchorPoints; ReversedScale.reverse(); ResultArray = SSI_FindSliderListValue(ui.value, ReversedScale, intScaleMax, ui); } else { ResultArray = SSI_FindSliderListValue(ui.value, AnchorPoints, intScaleMax, ui); } intValue = ResultArray[0]; intPosValue = ResultArray[1]; } else if (blnUseAltValues) { intValue = AltValuesArray[ui.value - 1]; intPosValue = ui.value; } else { if (blnFlipScale) { intValue = SSI_FlipNumericScale(ui.value, intScaleMin, intScaleMax); } else { intValue = ui.value; } intPosValue = ui.value; } SSI_SetSliderValue(jQuery(this), SliderInputObj, intValue, intPosValue, strHandlePosition); jQuery(this).addClass("touched"); } }); // To get left do nothing var sliderStartVal = 0; if (strHandlePosition == "center") { var scale_value = ((intScaleMax - intScaleMin) / 2) + intScaleMin; jQuery(this).find(".ui-slider-handle").css("left", "50%"); jQuery(this).find('.slider_control').slider('value', scale_value); } else if (strHandlePosition == "right") { jQuery(this).find(".ui-slider-handle").css("left", "100%"); jQuery(this).find('.slider_control').slider('value', intScaleMax); } else if (strHandlePosition == "custom") { //Set the original value positions not the random ones. var intActualPos = intCustomValuePos; if (blnListItemsAsValues) { intActualPos = SSI_FindSliderPosition(intCustomValuePos, OriginalAnchorPoints, intScaleMax, this); } else if (blnUseAltValues) { for (j = 0; j < ItemValuesArray.length; j++) { if (intCustomValuePos == ItemValuesArray[j]) { intActualPos = j + 1; break; } } } SSI_SetSliderPosition(jQuery(this).find(".slider_control"), intActualPos); } else if (strHandlePosition == "invisible") { var SliderHandle = jQuery(this).find(".ui-slider-handle"); jQuery(this).find('slider_control').slider('value', 0); SliderHandle.hide(); } //Restore previous answers if (PreviousAnswers.length) { var intID = this.id.replace(strQName + "_", ""); var intValue = 0; var intPosValue = 0; for (i = 0; i < PreviousAnswers.length; i++) { if (PreviousAnswers[i][0] == intID) { intValue = PreviousAnswers[i][1]; intPosValue = 0; if (blnListItemsAsValues) { intPosValue = SSI_FindSliderPosition(intValue, AnchorPoints, intScaleMax, this); } else if (blnUseAltValues) { for (j = 0; j < AltValuesArray.length; j++) { if (intValue == AltValuesArray[j]) { intPosValue = j + 1; break; } } } else { if (blnFlipScale) { intPosValue = SSI_FlipNumericScale(intValue, intScaleMin, intScaleMax); } else { intPosValue = intValue; } } SSI_SetSliderValue(jQuery(this).find(".slider_control"), SliderInputObj, intValue, intPosValue, strHandlePosition); break; } } } }); } function SSI_FlipNumericScale(intValue, intScaleMin, intScaleMax) { var intNumFromLeft = intValue - intScaleMin; return intScaleMax - intNumFromLeft; } function SSI_SetSliderValue(SliderControlObj, SliderInputObj, intValue, intPosValue, strHandlePosition) { SliderControlObj.slider('value', intPosValue); SliderInputObj.val(intValue); if (strHandlePosition == "invisible") { var SliderHandle = SliderControlObj.find(".ui-slider-handle"); SliderHandle.show(); } } function SSI_SetSliderPosition(SliderControlObj, intPosValue) { SliderControlObj.slider('value', intPosValue); } function SSI_ShowSliderToolTip(ui, SliderToolTip) { var intHandlePos = jQuery(ui.handle).css("left"); var intWidthToolTip = SliderToolTip.css("width"); var intToolTipPos = SSI_RoundNumber(intHandlePos, 0) - SSI_RoundNumber(intWidthToolTip, 0) / 2; intToolTipPos += "px"; SliderToolTip.css("left", intToolTipPos).text(ui.value); } function SSI_FindAnchorSliderPoints(strQName, ItemValuesArray) { var ColLabels = jQuery("#" + strQName + "_div").find(".col_label_cell"); var intTotalWidth = 0; var WidthsArray = []; var intColWidth = 0; var i = 0; ColLabels.each(function () { intColWidth = SSI_RoundNumber(jQuery(this).css("width"), 1); intColWidth += SSI_RoundNumber(jQuery(this).css("padding-left"), 0); intColWidth += SSI_RoundNumber(jQuery(this).css("padding-right"), 0); WidthsArray.push(intColWidth); intTotalWidth += intColWidth; }); var PercentArray = []; var intLeftBound = 0; var intRightBound = 0; var intWidthValue = 0; for (i = 0; i < WidthsArray.length; i++) { intWidthValue = SSI_RoundNumber((WidthsArray[i] / intTotalWidth) * 100, 3); intRightBound = SSI_RoundNumber(intRightBound + intWidthValue, 3); //If it is the last item make sure it goes to 100% if (intRightBound > 100 || (i + 1 == WidthsArray.length)) { intRightBound = 100; } PercentArray.push([intLeftBound, intRightBound, ItemValuesArray[i]]); intLeftBound = intRightBound; } return PercentArray; } function SSI_FindSliderListValue(intPosValue, AnchorPoints, intMax, ui) { var i = 0; var intLeftBound = 0; var intRightBound = 0; var intListValue = 0; intPosValue = SSI_RoundNumber((intPosValue / intMax) * 100, 1); for (i = 0; i < AnchorPoints.length; i++) { intLeftBound = AnchorPoints[i][0]; intRightBound = AnchorPoints[i][1]; intListValue = 0; if (intPosValue >= intLeftBound && intPosValue <= intRightBound) { intPosValue = SSI_GetHandleCenterPoint(AnchorPoints, intLeftBound, intRightBound, intPosValue, ui.handle); intListValue = AnchorPoints[i][2]; break; } } return [intListValue, intPosValue]; } function SSI_FindSliderPosition(intValue, AnchorPoints, intMax, SliderObj) { var i = 0; var intPosValue = 0; for (i = 0; i < AnchorPoints.length; i++) { intLeftBound = AnchorPoints[i][0]; intRightBound = AnchorPoints[i][1]; intListValue = AnchorPoints[i][2]; if (intValue == intListValue) { intPosValue = SSI_GetHandleCenterPoint(AnchorPoints, intLeftBound, intRightBound, intValue, jQuery(SliderObj).find(".ui-slider-handle")); } } return intPosValue; } function SSI_GetHandleCenterPoint(AnchorPoints, intLeftBound, intRightBound, intPosValue, HandleObj) { var intCellCenterPoint = 0; //Only snap to middle for relatively small scales. if (AnchorPoints.length < 50) { intCellCenterPoint = parseInt((((intRightBound - intLeftBound) / 2) + intLeftBound)); var intHandleWidth = parseInt(jQuery(HandleObj).css("width")); var intControlWidth = parseInt(jQuery(HandleObj).closest(".slider_control").css("width")); var intHandlePercentage = parseInt((intHandleWidth / intControlWidth) * 100); // if(intCellCenterPoint > 50) // { // intCellCenterPoint += (intCellCenterPoint / 100) * intHandlePercentage * .3; // if(intCellCenterPoint > 100) // { // intCellCenterPoint = 100; // } // } // else if(intCellCenterPoint < 50) // { // intCellCenterPoint -= ((100 - intCellCenterPoint) / 100) * intHandlePercentage * .3; // if(intCellCenterPoint < 0) // { // intCellCenterPoint = 0; // } // } } else { intCellCenterPoint = intPosValue; } intPosValue = intCellCenterPoint * 10; intPosValue = SSI_RoundNumber(intPosValue, 1); return intPosValue; } //############## Drag and Drop #################### //detects the largest width of sortable elements and sets the width of the rest to that value //so that the width of all the elements is the same function SSI_StandardizeSortableSize(questionObj) { var maxWidth = 0; var maxHeight = 0; var sortables = questionObj.find('.horizontal_rank .draggable_button'); sortables.each(function () { if ($(this).width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = $(this).width(); } if ($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).height(); } }); //add one to the width to fix the issue where a one word options is the exact same size //as the width of the button content and the content for some reason dissappears. sortables.width(maxWidth + 1); sortables.height(maxHeight); sortables.css("visibility", "visible"); } //sets the rank value of a draggable button function SSI_setDragRank(dragButton, newRank) { dragButton.find('.rank_number').html(newRank); dragButton.find('input').val(newRank); } jQuery.fn.SSI_updateSortInputs = (function (question) { var list_item = $(this); var maxValue = question.find('.max_rank').attr('data-max_rank'); var blnContainerQuestion = false; if (question.find('.unranked_container').length > 0) { blnContainerQuestion = true; } //update the hidden input value for items that have been answered if (list_item.is('.draggable_button') && !(list_item.is('.unanswered'))) { var index = list_item.index(); var item_input = list_item.children('input:first'); if (index < maxValue) { item_input.val(index + 1); } else { item_input.val(""); if (blnContainerQuestion) { list_item.find('input:first').val(""); list_item.SSI_moveAnimate(question.find('.unranked_sort_area'), 500, question); } } } }); jQuery.fn.SSI_sortableSort = (function (rankPlaceHolder, indexIncrament) { var items_list = $(this).children(); items_list.each(function () { var list_item = $(this); var helper_index = items_list.filter('.ui-sortable-helper').index(); if (!list_item.is('.ui-sortable-helper')) { var index = list_item.index() + indexIncrament; index = index < helper_index ? index + 1 : index; var maxRank = list_item.closest('.max_rank').attr('data-max_rank'); if (list_item.is('.draggable_button')) { var rankNumberObj = list_item.find('.rank_number'); //change the display if (index <= maxRank) { rankNumberObj.html(index); } else { rankNumberObj.html(rankPlaceHolder); } } if (list_item.is('.ui-sortable-placeholder') && list_item.is(".draggable_button")) { var placeHolderRankObj = items_list.filter('.ui-sortable-helper').find(".rank_number"); if (index <= maxRank) { placeHolderRankObj.html(index); } else { placeHolderRankObj.html(rankPlaceHolder); } } } }); }); jQuery.fn.SSI_sortableStop = (function (question) { //reorder the aswers in the hidden input. var items_list = $(this).children('.draggable_button'); items_list.each(function () { $(this).SSI_updateSortInputs(question); }); }); jQuery.fn.SSI_sortableStart = (function (ui, drag_helper_width, drag_helper_height) { var new_width = drag_helper_width; if (ui.placeholder) { ui.placeholder.css({ width: new_width, height: drag_helper_height }); } }); jQuery.fn.SSI_moveAnimate = (function (newParent, duration, question) { //Allows the passin in of either a jQuery object or selector as the parent var element = $(this); var newParent = $(newParent); var oldOffset = element.offset(); var oldWidth = element.width(); var oldHeight = element.height(); var temp = null; var newOffset = null; element.prependTo(newParent); temp = element.clone().appendTo(question).addClass('revert_clone'); newOffset = element.offset(); element.css("visibility", "hidden"); temp.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left': oldOffset.left, 'top': oldOffset.top, 'z-index': 1000, 'width': oldWidth, 'height': oldHeight }); temp.animate({ 'top': newOffset.top, 'left': newOffset.left }, duration, function () { element.css("visibility", "visible"); temp.remove(); }); }); function SSI_hasVertScrollBar(elem) { return elem.scrollHeight > elem.clientHeight; } function SSI_hasHztlScrollBar(elem) { return elem.scrollWidth > elem.clientWidth; } //gives an array of ID's that represent the previously answered order of the question function SSI_getPreviousSortableOrder(question) { var order = []; var buttons = question.find('.draggable_button'); var maxRank = question.find('.max_rank').attr('data-max_rank'); for (var i = 0; i < maxRank; i++) { buttons.each(function () { var button = $(this); var value = button.find('input').val(); if (i + 1 == value) { order.push(button.attr('id')); } }); } return order; } function SSI_setSortableOrder(order, container) { for (var i = order.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var id = '#' + order[i]; var buttonToMove = $(id); buttonToMove.prependTo(container); buttonToMove.removeClass('unanswered'); } } function SSI_getScrollBarWidth() { var inner = document.createElement('p'); inner.style.width = "100%"; inner.style.height = "200px"; var outer = document.createElement('div'); outer.style.position = "absolute"; outer.style.top = "0px"; outer.style.left = "0px"; outer.style.visibility = "hidden"; outer.style.width = "200px"; outer.style.height = "150px"; outer.style.overflow = "hidden"; outer.appendChild(inner); document.body.appendChild(outer); var w1 = inner.offsetWidth; outer.style.overflow = 'scroll'; var w2 = inner.offsetWidth; if (w1 == w2) w2 = outer.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(outer); return (w1 - w2); } var rankPlaceHolder = '8'; var dragAnimationSpeed = 500; //animation speed in miliseconds //uses this event so that all images are loaded before any sizes are standardized GlobalWindowLoadArray.push(function () { // =============Drag and drop ranking======================= // check for drag and drop ranking question if ($('.sort_container').length > 0) { // make drag and drop happen for every question on the page $('.question.ranking').each(function () { var question = $(this); // var drag_container_width = 0; var drag_helper_height = 0; var drag_helper_width = 0; var rank_display_elems = question.find('.rank_display'); if (rank_display_elems.length > 0) { var maxWidth = 0; rank_display_elems.each(function () { currentElem = $(this); if (currentElem.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = currentElem.width(); } }); var new_content_margin = 5 + maxWidth; rank_display_elems.width(maxWidth); } if (question.find('.horizontal_rank').length > 0) { SSI_StandardizeSortableSize(question); } question.find('.draggable_button').mousedown(function () { var clickedButton = $(this); var otherButtons = question.find('.one_click_rank .unanswered'); if (otherButtons.length > 0) { otherButtons.removeClass('unanswered'); otherButtons.each(function () { $(this).SSI_updateSortInputs(question); }); } else if (clickedButton.is('.unanswered')) { clickedButton.removeClass('unanswered'); clickedButton.SSI_updateSortInputs(question); } }); question.find('.draggable_button').mousedown(function (event, element) { var clickedButton = $(this); // drag_container_width = clickedButton.closest('.sort_container').width(); drag_helper_height = clickedButton.height(); drag_helper_width = clickedButton.width(); }); //check to see if there's a previous answer and if so reorder options var order = SSI_getPreviousSortableOrder(question); if (order.length > 0) { SSI_setSortableOrder(order, question.find('.sort_container')); question.find('.sort_container').SSI_sortableSort(rankPlaceHolder, 1); } //show the question question.find('.hide_for_processing').removeClass('hide_for_processing'); question.find('.sort_container').sortable({ revert: dragAnimationSpeed, sort: function () { var items_list = $(this).children(); items_list.each(function () { var list_item = $(this); var helper_index = items_list.filter('.ui-sortable-helper').index(); if (!list_item.is('.ui-sortable-helper')) { var index = list_item.index(); index = index < helper_index ? index + 1 : index; var maxRank = list_item.closest('.sort_container').attr('data-max_rank'); if (list_item.is('.draggable_button')) { var rankNumberObj = list_item.find('.rank_number'); //change the display if (index <= maxRank) { rankNumberObj.html(index); } else { rankNumberObj.html(rankPlaceHolder); } } if (list_item.is('.ui-sortable-placeholder') && list_item.is(".draggable_button")) { var placeHolderRankObj = items_list.filter('.ui-sortable-helper').find(".rank_number"); if (index <= maxRank) { placeHolderRankObj.html(index); } else { placeHolderRankObj.html(rankPlaceHolder); } } } }); }, start: function (event, ui) { $(this).SSI_sortableStart(ui, drag_helper_width, drag_helper_height) }, stop: function () { //reorder the aswers in the hidden input. var items_list = $(this).children(); items_list.each(function () { $(this).SSI_updateSortInputs(question); }); } }); // question.find('.sort_container .draggable_button .button_content').mousemove(function (e) // { // var currentObj = $(this); // var blnHztlScrollBar = SSI_hasHztlScrollBar(this); // var blnVrtScrollBar = SSI_hasVertScrollBar(this); // if (blnHztlScrollBar || blnVrtScrollBar) // { // var elemWidth = currentObj.width(); // var elemHeight = currentObj.height(); // var scrollbarWidth = SSI_getScrollBarWidth(); // var scrollbarHeight = scrollbarWidth; // var xLimit = elemWidth; // var yLimit = elemHeight; // if (blnHztlScrollBar) // { // yLimit = elemHeight - scrollbarHeight; // } // if (blnVrtScrollBar) // { // xLimit = elemWidth - scrollbarWidth; // } // if ((e.offsetX > xLimit) || (e.offsetY > yLimit)) // { // question.find('.sort_container').sortable('disable'); // currentObj.addClass('scroll_bar_hover'); // } // else // { // question.find('.sort_container').sortable('enable'); // currentObj.removeClass('scroll_bar_hover'); // } // } // }).mouseout(function (e) // { // question.find('.sort_container').sortable('enable'); // $(this).removeClass('scroll_bar_hover'); // }); }); } //=====================drag and drop(container) ranking=================== // check for a contianers quesiton // questions if ($('.sort_containers').length > 0) { // make drag and drop happen for every question on the page $('.question.ranking').each(function () { var question = $(this); var drag_helper_height = 0; var drag_helper_width = 0; var container_height = 0; var container_width = 0; var drag_area_height = question.find('.unranked_sort_area').height(); var drag_area_width = 0; var rank_display_elems = question.find('.rank_display'); if (rank_display_elems.length > 0) { var maxWidth = 0; rank_display_elems.each(function () { currentElem = $(this); if (currentElem.width() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = currentElem.width(); } }); var new_content_margin = 5 + maxWidth; rank_display_elems.width(maxWidth); } question.find('.draggable_button').mousedown(function (event, element) { var clickedButton = $(this); drag_helper_height = clickedButton.height(); drag_helper_width = clickedButton.width(); }); //fix the height of the drag area that holds the items to be ranked question.find('.container_sort_area').height(drag_area_height); question.find('.rank_drag_container').each(function () { var container = $(this); if (container.width() > container_width) { container_width = container.width(); } }); question.find('.rank_drag_container').width(container_width); //check to see if there's a previous answer and if so reorder options var order = SSI_getPreviousSortableOrder(question); if (order.length > 0) { SSI_setSortableOrder(order, question.find('.ranked_sort_area')); question.find('.ranked_sort_area').SSI_sortableSort(rankPlaceHolder, 1); } //show the question question.find('.hide_for_processing').css('visibility', 'visible'); //create the sortables var connectWithString = "#" + question.attr('id') + " .container_sort_area"; question.find('.ranked_sort_area').sortable({ revert: dragAnimationSpeed, sort: function () { $(this).SSI_sortableSort(rankPlaceHolder, 0); }, connectWith: connectWithString, stop: function () { question.find('.ranked_sort_area').SSI_sortableStop(question); }, receive: function () { question.find('.sort_container .unanswered').removeClass('unanswered'); $(this).SSI_sortableSort(rankPlaceHolder, 1); } }); //create the sortables connectWithString = "#" + question.attr('id') + " .container_sort_area"; question.find('.unranked_sort_area').sortable({ revert: dragAnimationSpeed, sort: function () { question.find('.ranked_sort_area').SSI_sortableSort(rankPlaceHolder, 1); }, connectWith: connectWithString, stop: function () { question.find('.ranked_sort_area').SSI_sortableStop(question); }, receive: function () { $(this).find('.draggable_button').find('input:first').val(""); } }); }); } }); function SSI_ScreenWidth() { return $(window).width(); } function SetScreenWidth() { if ($("#hid_screenwidth").length) { $("#hid_screenwidth").val(SSI_ScreenWidth()); } } function getMobileOtherClass(clickableOtherDiv) { var classList = clickableOtherDiv.attr('class').split(/\s+/); var otherClass = ""; $.each(classList, function (index, item) { if (item.match(/^other_/i)) { otherClass = item; return false; } }); return otherClass; } function GetClickableOtherTextObj(clickableObj) { var inputObj = clickableObj.find(".label_text input[type=text]"); if (!inputObj.length) { inputObj = clickableObj.find(".label_text textarea"); } return inputObj; } function GetMobileOtherInputName(clickableObj) { var inputObj = clickableObj.find(".input_cell input"); var inputName = inputObj.attr("name"); if (inputObj.is(":radio")) { inputName = inputObj.attr("id"); } return inputName; } function RemoveMobileOtherText(otherClickableObj) { var inputName = GetMobileOtherInputName(otherClickableObj); var inputObj = GetClickableOtherTextObj(otherClickableObj); otherClickableObj.removeClass("mobile_selected"); if (inputObj.length) { inputObj.val(""); } } //called when selection is changed from other specify to a different raido button function ClearAllMobileGridOther(otherClickableObj) { var otherClass = getMobileOtherClass(otherClickableObj); var associatedOtherClickables = otherClickableObj.closest(".mobile_grid").find("." + otherClass); //make sure all other associated other boxes have been cleared associatedOtherClickables.each(function () { var currentClickable = $(this); currentClickable.find('.user_defined_label').hide(); currentClickable.find('.label_text').show(); RemoveMobileOtherText(currentClickable); }); } function InitializeMobile() { if ($('.mobile_grid_other').length > 0) { var mobileGrids = $('.mobile_grid'); mobileGrids.each(function () { var grid = $(this); var cards = grid.find(".mobile_grid_card"); var other_hash = new SSIHash(); cards.each(function () { var card = $(this); var others = card.find(".mobile_grid_other"); others.each(function () { var other_row = $(this); var col_num = other_row.attr("data-col"); var input = other_row.find(".input_cell input"); if (input.length == 0) { input = other_row.find(".input_cell select"); if (input.length == 0) { input = other_row.find(".input_cell textarea"); } } var input_selected = false; var other_input = other_row.find(".option_cell .open_end_text_box"); if (other_input.length == 0) { other_input = other_row.find(".option_cell textarea"); } if (other_input.length && input.length && !other_hash.has(col_num)) { var type = input.attr("type"); if (type == "radio" || type == "checkbox") { if (input[0].checked) { input_selected = true; } } else if (input.val()) { input_selected = true; } if (input_selected) { other_hash.set(col_num, 1); ToggleMobileGridOther(other_input, grid, true); } } }); }); grid.find('.mobile_grid_other .other_label input[type=text], .mobile_grid_other .other_label textarea').on('keyup', function () { ToggleMobileGridOther($(this), grid, false); }); }); } $('.mobile_select').each(function () { var mobileButton = $(this); var inputObj = mobileButton.find('input')[0]; if ($(inputObj).is(':checked')) { mobileButton.addClass('mobile_selected'); } }); } function ToggleMobileGridOther(clickedBox, grid, initialize) { var labelText = clickedBox.val(); var otherClass = getMobileOtherClass(clickedBox.closest('.mobile_grid_other')); var otherLabels = grid.find('.' + otherClass + ' .other_label'); var cardNum = clickedBox.data('card_num'); //if text isn't empty, select the option if (labelText != "") { var clickable_row = clickedBox.closest(".clickable"); if (clickable_row.length) { var inputName = GetMobileOtherInputName(clickable_row); SSI_SetSelect(inputName, true); } clickedBox.addClass("mobile_selected"); if (!initialize) { clickedBox.focus(); } } otherLabels.each(function () { var label = $(this); label.find('.user_defined_label').text(labelText); label.find('.label_text input[type=text]').val(labelText); if (clickedBox.is('textarea')) { var hidMultilineName = clickedBox.attr('name'); grid.find('textarea[name="' + hidMultilineName + '"]').each(function () { $(this).val(clickedBox.val()); }); } if (label.closest('.mobile_grid_card').data('card_num') != cardNum) { label.find('.user_defined_label').show(); label.find('.label_text').hide(); } if (labelText == "") { label.find('.user_defined_label').hide(); label.find('.label_text').show(); //unselect if other specify was selected and boxes are now empty var clickableObj = label.closest(".mobile_select"); if (clickableObj.length && clickableObj.is(".mobile_selected")) { RemoveMobileOtherText(clickableObj); if (!initialize) { clickedBox.focus(); } } } }); } //====== new cbc ======= //takes and array of elements, finds the tallest elememnt, //and sets the heigh of all elements to match the height of the tallest. //Heights are only set if the elements aren't the same height already function SSI_StandardizeHeight(elements, setHeightAlways) { var topHeight = -1; var blnSetHeights = false; elements.each(function() { var elem = $(this); var elemHeight = elem.height(); if (topHeight >= 0 && topHeight != elemHeight) { blnSetHeights = true; } if (elemHeight > topHeight) { topHeight = elemHeight; } }); //only set the height explicitly if there is a height that differs from the others // or becasue the caller wants it done no matter what if (blnSetHeights || setHeightAlways) { elements.each(function() { $(this).height(topHeight); $(this).addClass('adjusted_height'); }); } } GlobalWindowLoadArray.push(function () { var cbcQuestion = $('.question.cbc'); if (cbcQuestion.length) { cbcQuestion.each(function () { initializeCBC($(this)); }); } }); function SSI_SetScrollPosition(position) { //scroll to position on the page $("body, html").animate({ scrollTop: position }, 600); } function ClearInactiveArrow(question) { var inactiveNavArrow = question.find('.carousel_arrow.disable'); if (inactiveNavArrow.length) { inactiveNavArrow.removeClass('disable'); } } //there can only be one active nav dot per page. //even if there is more than one task on the page there can //be only one active nav dot. This is how we keep track of //where the page should go when it flips into the mobile //vertical view. function SSI_SetActiveNavDot(question, index) { var navDots = question.find('.nav_dot'); if (navDots.length) { //deactivate previously active dot var activeDot = question.find('.nav_dot.active'); if (activeDot.length) { activeDot.removeClass('active'); } //set the new active dot navDots.eq(index).addClass('active'); //check to see if we're on either end and need to deactivate the nav arrows ClearInactiveArrow(question); if (index == 0) { question.find('.carousel_arrow.carousel_prev').addClass('disable'); } else if (index == navDots.length - 1) { question.find('.carousel_arrow.carousel_next').addClass('disable'); } } } function SSI_SetBestResponseDot(question, index) { var navDots = question.find('.nav_dot'); if (navDots.length) { //remove previous best dot var activeDot = question.find('.nav_dot.best'); if (activeDot.length) { activeDot.removeClass('best'); } //set the new best dot navDots.eq(index).addClass('best'); } } function SSI_SetWorstResponseDot(question, index) { var navDots = question.find('.nav_dot'); if (navDots.length) { //remove previous worst dot var currentBest = question.find('.nav_dot.worst'); if (currentBest.length) { currentBest.toggleClass('worst'); } //set the new worst dot navDots.eq(index).toggleClass('worst'); } } //conceptIndex is 0 based, concept classes are 1 based function getConceptClassString(conceptIndex) { var conceptNumber = conceptIndex + 1; return '.concept_' + conceptNumber; } function SSI_ClearBestConcept(question) { var concept = question.find('.cbc_concept.best, .custom_position_none.best'); var bestDot = question.find('.nav_dot.best'); if (concept.length) { var inputID = concept.find('.best_button input').attr('id'); SSI_SetSelect(inputID, false); concept.removeClass('best'); } if (bestDot.length) { bestDot.removeClass('best'); } } function SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question) { var concept = question.find('.cbc_concept.worst, .custom_position_none.worst'); var bestDot = question.find('.nav_dot.worst'); if (concept.length) { var inputID = concept.find('.worst_button input').attr('id'); SSI_SetSelect(inputID, false); concept.removeClass('worst'); } if (bestDot.length) { bestDot.removeClass('worst'); } } function SSI_SetBestConcept(question, conceptIndex) { var conceptClass = getConceptClassString(conceptIndex); var concept = question.find(conceptClass); if (concept.length) { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); //if this is the worst concept, clear worst if (concept.is('.worst')) { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); } //set the new best concept concept.addClass('best'); SSI_SetBestResponseDot(question, conceptIndex); } } function SSI_SetWorstConcept(question, conceptIndex) { var conceptClass = getConceptClassString(conceptIndex); var concept = question.find(conceptClass); if (concept.length) { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); //if this is the worst concept, clear worst if (concept.is('.best')) { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); } //set the new best concept concept.addClass('worst'); SSI_SetWorstResponseDot(question, conceptIndex); } } function SSI_InitializeCarousel(question, carousel) { if (!carousel) { carousel = question.find(".owl-carousel"); //todo: change in HTML? //anything bound to this event, initializse.owl.carousel, must be bound //before the .owlCarousel function is called and initialization happens carousel.on('initialized.owl.carousel', function () { SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question); AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question); question.find('.cbc_task').css({ 'visibility': 'visible' }); }); carousel.owlCarousel({ loop: false, margin: 18, items: 1, callbacks: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 500: { items: 2 }, }, center: true, stagePadding: 36, }); question.find('.carousel_next').on('click', function () { carousel.trigger('next.owl.carousel'); }); question.find('.carousel_prev').on('click', function () { carousel.trigger('prev.owl.carousel'); }); carousel.on('changed.owl.carousel', function (event) { var currentIndex = event.item.index; SSI_SetActiveNavDot(question, currentIndex); $(event.item).focus(); // remove focus from current element to prevent unwanted input from going into previous concept that is no longer shown $(document.activeElement).blur(); }); carousel.on('resized.owl.carousel', function (event) { SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question); AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question); }); question.find('.mobile_horizontal .nav_dot').on('click', function () { var clickedDot = $(this); var dotIndex = clickedDot.index(); carousel.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [dotIndex]); }); question.find('.owl-item').on('click', function () { var clickedItemIndex = $(this).index(); var activeIndex = question.find('.nav_dot.active').index(); if (clickedItemIndex == activeIndex - 1) { carousel.trigger('prev.owl.carousel'); } else if (clickedItemIndex == activeIndex + 1) { carousel.trigger('next.owl.carousel'); } }); } return carousel; } function SSI_DestroyCarousel(question, carousel) { if (carousel) { question.find('.carousel_next').unbind(); question.find('.carousel_prev').unbind(); question.find('.mobile_horizontal .nav_dot').unbind(); question.find('.owl-item').unbind(); carousel.trigger('destroy.owl.carousel'); question.find('.cbc_concept.none_concept').removeStyle('height'); carousel = null; } return carousel; } function SSI_ScrollTop() { var htmlMargin = 0; var testModeHtmlElem = $('html.test_mode'); var testModeIframe = $('html.test_mode.test_frame'); if (testModeHtmlElem.length && !testModeIframe.length) { htmlMargin = parseInt(testModeHtmlElem.css('margin-top')); } return $(window).scrollTop() + htmlMargin; } function ClearAdjustedHeightElements(question) { var adjustedElems = question.find('.adjusted_height'); if (adjustedElems.length) { adjustedElems.each(function () { var elem = $(this); elem.removeStyle('height'); elem.removeClass('adjusted_height'); }); } } function AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question) { var buttonsToAdjust = question.find('.lower_none .task_select_button, .custom_position_none .task_select_button'); if (buttonsToAdjust.length && !question.find('.shelf_display').length) { var buttonWidth = question.find('.concept_1 .task_select_button').first().width(); buttonsToAdjust.each(function () { $(this).css('width', buttonWidth); }); } } function FixButtonWidths(question, responseCells){ if (responseCells.length) { question.find('.fixed_width_button').each(function () { $(this).removeStyle('width'); $(this).removeClass('fixed_width_button'); }); responseCells.each(function () { button = $(this).find('.task_select_button'); button.addClass('fixed_width_button'); button.width(button.width()); }); } } function SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question) { var taskButtons = question.find('.task_select_button'); ClearAdjustedHeightElements(question); if ((SSI_IsMobile() && question.find('.mobile_vertical').length) || question.find('.grow_cell').length) { SSI_StandardizeHeight(taskButtons, true); } else { var headerCells = question.find('.concept_label_cell, .top_corner_label'); var responseCells = question.find('.cbc_response_cell'); var attributeNumber = 1; if (headerCells.length) { if (!question.find('.cbc_concept .concept_label_cell').length) { //this means ther was a top corner label but no concept labels AdjustForCornerLabel(question); } else { SSI_StandardizeHeight(headerCells, false); } } while (attributeNumber > 0) { var attributeClass = ".att_" + attributeNumber; var rowCells = question.find(attributeClass); if (rowCells.length) { SSI_StandardizeHeight(rowCells, false); attributeNumber++; } else { attributeNumber = -1; //this will break the loop } } if (taskButtons.length) { SSI_StandardizeHeight(taskButtons, true); } if (responseCells.length) { SSI_StandardizeHeight(responseCells, false); } if (question.find('.shelf_display').length) { SetupShelves(question); FixButtonWidths(question, responseCells); } } } function SSI_IsMobile() { return Modernizr.mq(MOBILE_MEDIA_QUERY); } function CloneAttColumn(question) { var clone = null; var attColumn = question.find(".attribute_label_column").first(); if (attColumn.length) { clone = attColumn.clone(); } return clone; } function GetAttColumnIndecis(question) { var indecis = []; var taskChildren = question.find('.cbc_task').children(); taskChildren.each(function () { var child = $(this); if (child.is('.attribute_label_column')) { indecis.push(child.index()); } }); return indecis; } function AdjustForCornerLabel(question) { var adjustedConcepts = question.find('.adjusted_for_corner_label'); if (adjustedConcepts.length) { adjustedConcepts.removeStyle('margin-top'); } if (!SSI_IsMobile() || question.find('.no_mobile').length) { var topCornerCell = question.find('.top_corner_label').first(); var cornerHeight = $(topCornerCell).outerHeight(); var concepts = question.find('.cbc_concept'); concepts.each(function () { var conceptmargin = parseInt($(this).css('margin-top')); var newMargin = (cornerHeight + conceptmargin); //cornerHeight; //(cornerHeight + conceptmargin); $(this).addClass('adjusted_for_corner_label'); $(this).css('margin-top', newMargin); }); } } function SetupShelves(question) { //move the shelves to the right positions var task = question.find('.cbc_task'); var shelfItems = question.find('.cbc_concept .att_1'); var conceptHeight = question.find('.cbc_concept').first().height(); var shelfFrontHeight = 0; var currentShelfPosition = 0; var currentShelfNumber = 0; var shelfwidth = task.width(); var shelfLeftPosition = task.offset().left; var shelfTopWidth = shelfwidth - 50; var currentShelf = null; var currentShelfFront = null; var currentShelfTop = null; shelfItems.each(function() { var shelfItem = $(this); var itemHeight = shelfItem.innerHeight(); var itemShelfPosition = shelfItem.offset().top + itemHeight - 15; //-15 so the the image sits in the middle of the shelf top if (itemShelfPosition != currentShelfPosition) { //we have found a new shelf currentShelfNumber++; currentShelfPosition = itemShelfPosition; currentShelf = question.find('#shelf_' + currentShelfNumber); currentShelfFront = currentShelf.find('.shelf_edge'); currentShelfTop = currentShelf.find('.shelf_top'); shelfFrontHeight = conceptHeight - itemHeight; //the item sits on top of the shelf, everything else goes on the shelf front currentShelf.offset({ top: currentShelfPosition, left: shelfLeftPosition }); currentShelf.width(shelfwidth); currentShelfTop.width(shelfTopWidth); currentShelfFront.height(shelfFrontHeight); } }); } function RestoreCBC(question, concepts) { concepts.each(function (conceptIndex) { var concept = $(this); var input = concept.find('input'); if (concept.is('.dual_response_none')) { input.each(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $(this).closest('.dual_response_none_button').addClass('selected'); } }); } else if(concept.is('.discrete')) { if(input.is(':checked')) { SSI_SetBestConcept(question, conceptIndex); SSI_SetBestResponseDot(question, conceptIndex); } } else if (concept.is('.best_worst')) { var bestInput = concept.find('.best_button input'); if (bestInput.is(':checked')) { SSI_SetBestConcept(question, conceptIndex); SSI_SetBestResponseDot(question, conceptIndex); } var worstInput = concept.find('.worst_button input'); if (worstInput.is(':checked')) { SSI_SetWorstConcept(question, conceptIndex); SSI_SetWorstResponseDot(question, conceptIndex); } } }) } function initializeCBC(question) { //the margin of HTML element is for sticky navs in preview mode var HtmlMargin = parseInt($('html').css('margin-top')); var task = question.find('.cbc_task'); var taskNav = question.find('.task_nav'); var vertTask = question.find('.mobile_vertical .cbc_task'); var taskControls = question.find('.task_controls'); var taskDots = taskNav.find('.task_nav_dots'); var horizTask = question.find('.mobile_horizontal .cbc_task'); var concepts = question.find('.cbc_concept'); var totalBox = question.find('.cbc_totals_box'); var carousel = null; var attColumn = null; var attColumnIndecis = []; RestoreCBC(question, concepts); question.find('.task_select_button').on('click', function (event) { var clickedButton = $(this); var concept = clickedButton.closest('.cbc_concept'); var conceptIndex = question.find('.cbc_concept').index(concept); var inputID = clickedButton.find('input').attr('id'); var selected = true; if (clickedButton.is('.best_button')) { if (concept.length) { if (concept.is('.best')) { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); selected = false; } else { SSI_SetBestConcept(question, conceptIndex); } } else { //this means it was a custom position none selection var noneDiv = clickedButton.closest('.custom_position_none'); if (noneDiv.is('.best')) { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); selected = false; } else { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); if (noneDiv.is('.worst')) { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); } noneDiv.addClass('best'); } } } else { if (concept.length) { if (concept.is('.worst')) { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); selected = false; } else { SSI_SetWorstConcept(question, conceptIndex); } } else { //this means it was a custom position none selection var noneDiv = clickedButton.closest('.custom_position_none'); if (noneDiv.is('.worst')) { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); selected = false; } else { SSI_ClearWorstConcept(question); if (noneDiv.is('.best')) { SSI_ClearBestConcept(question); } noneDiv.addClass('worst'); } } } SSI_SetSelect(inputID, selected); }); question.find('.task_select_button, .dual_response_none_button').on('keyup', function (event) { var keyCode = 0; if (event.keyCode) { keyCode = event.keyCode; } //Clicked "Enter" if (keyCode == 13) { SSI_SubmitMe(false); } }); question.find('.dual_response_none_button').on('click', function () { var clickedButton = $(this); var inputID = clickedButton.find('input').attr('id'); var selected = true; var selectedButton = question.find('.dual_response_none_button.selected'); if (clickedButton.is('.selected')) { selected = false; } SSI_SetSelect(inputID, selected); if (selectedButton.length) { selectedButton.removeClass('selected'); } if (selected) { clickedButton.addClass('selected'); } }); $(window).on('resize', function () { SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question); AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question); }); if (vertTask.length) { taskDots.find('.nav_dot').on('click', function () { var dot = $(this); var conceptIndex = dot.index(); var concept = vertTask.find(getConceptClassString(conceptIndex)); SSI_SetScrollPosition(concept.offset().top); }); $(window).on('resize', function() { if (SSI_IsMobile()) { HandleVerticalCBCScroll(); } else if(totalBox.length && totalBox.is('.fixed_total')) { totalBox.removeStyle('bottom'); totalBox.removeClass('fixed_total'); } }); HandleVerticalCBCScroll(); } else if (horizTask.length) { attColumnIndecis = GetAttColumnIndecis(question); if (attColumnIndecis.length) { attColumn = CloneAttColumn(question); } //monitor the screensize $(window).on('resize', CarouselScreenCheck); CarouselScreenCheck(); } $(window).scroll(function () { if (SSI_IsMobile() && taskNav.length) { if (vertTask.length) { HandleVerticalCBCScroll(); } else if (horizTask.length) { HandleHorizontalCBCScroll(); } } }); function StickyTotalCheck(scrolltop, firstConcept) { if (totalBox.length && SSI_IsMobile()) { var windowHeight = $(window).outerHeight(); var scrollBottom = scrolltop + windowHeight; var totalBoxTop = totalBox.offset().top; var totalBoxHeight = totalBox.outerHeight(); var bottomLimit = task.offset().top + task.height(); //the top of the totals box should go right below this point var fixedStartingPoint = firstConcept.offset().top + ACTIVE_TASK_BUFFER; if (totalBox.is('.fixed_total')) { //take out the height of the totals box from the widow height becasue it's stuck to the bottom windowHeight -= totalBoxHeight; scrollBottom -= totalBoxHeight; if ((bottomLimit <= scrollBottom) || (fixedStartingPoint > (scrollBottom + totalBoxHeight))) { totalBox.removeStyle('bottom'); totalBox.removeStyle('left'); totalBox.removeClass('fixed_total'); } } else if((bottomLimit > (scrollBottom - totalBoxHeight)) && (fixedStartingPoint < scrollBottom)) { //turn on the sticky total totalBox.addClass('fixed_total'); totalBox.css({ bottom: 0, left: 0 }); } } } function StickyNavCheck(taskOffset, scrollTop, navXOffset, navYOffset) { var currentNavX = taskNav.offset().left; var currentNavY = taskNav.offset().top; if (!taskNav.is('.fixed_nav') && taskOffset < scrollTop) { taskNav.addClass('fixed_nav'); } if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav')) { if (navXOffset >= 0 && navXOffset != currentNavX) { taskNav.css({ left: navXOffset + "px" }); } if (navYOffset >= 0 && navYOffset != currentNavY) { taskNav.css({ top: navYOffset + "px" }); } } if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav') && taskOffset >= scrollTop) { taskNav.removeClass('fixed_nav'); } } function HandleHorizontalCBCScroll() { var scrollTop = SSI_ScrollTop(); var navHeight = $(taskNav).height(); var taskOffset = $(taskControls).offset().top; var controlsHeight = $(taskControls).height(); var bottomStickyBoundary = question.find('.cbc_response_cell').first().offset().top - navHeight; StickyNavCheck(taskOffset, scrollTop, -1, -1); if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav')) { $(taskNav).width(SSI_ScreenWidth()); $(taskControls).height(controlsHeight); } else { $(taskNav).removeStyle('width'); $(taskControls).removeStyle('height'); } //check to see if we've reached the bottom boundary if ((bottomStickyBoundary - navHeight) <= scrollTop) { taskNav.addClass('absolute_nav'); taskNav.offset({ top: (bottomStickyBoundary - navHeight) }); } else if (taskNav.is('.absolute_nav')) { taskNav.removeClass('absolute_nav'); taskNav.removeStyle('top'); } } function HandleVerticalCBCScroll() { var scrollTop = SSI_ScrollTop(); var taskTopMargin = parseInt(task.css('margin-top')); var navBottomMargin = parseInt(taskNav.css('margin-bottom')); var navDotsHeight = $(taskDots).height(); var taskOffset = $(vertTask).offset().top - taskTopMargin; var navBottomBoundary = taskOffset + $(vertTask).height() - navDotsHeight - navBottomMargin; var navXOffset = $(taskControls).offset().left; var testModeElem = $('html.test_mode'); if (testModeElem.length) { taskTopMargin += parseInt(testModeElem.css('margin-top')); } StickyNavCheck(taskOffset, scrollTop, navXOffset, taskTopMargin); StickyTotalCheck(scrollTop, concepts.first()); //check to see if we've scrolled far enough to update the active nav_dot if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav') && concepts.length) { var oldActiveIndex = $('.nav_dot.active').index(); var newActiveIndex = oldActiveIndex; concepts.each(function () { var concept = $(this); var conceptOffset = concept.offset().top - taskTopMargin - ACTIVE_TASK_BUFFER; if (conceptOffset <= scrollTop) { newActiveIndex = concepts.index(concept); } else { return false; } }); if (newActiveIndex != oldActiveIndex) { SSI_SetActiveNavDot(question, newActiveIndex); } } if (scrollTop < question.find('.cbc_task').offset().top) { SSI_SetActiveNavDot(question, 0); } //check to see if the task has scolled off the page if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav') && navBottomBoundary <= scrollTop) { taskNav.removeClass('fixed_nav'); taskControls.addClass('flex_end'); } else if (taskControls.is('.flex_end')) { taskControls.removeClass('flex_end'); } } function CarouselScreenCheck() { var screenWidth = SSI_ScreenWidth(); if (SSI_IsMobile()) { //remove any attribute label columns $('.attribute_label_column').remove(); carousel = SSI_InitializeCarousel(question, carousel); var bestConcept = question.find('.cbc_concept.best'); var worstConcept = question.find('.cbc_concept.worst'); var activeIndex = question.find('.owl-item').index(question.find('.owl-item.active.center')); if (bestConcept.length) { var bestIndex = concepts.index(bestConcept); SSI_SetBestResponseDot(question, bestIndex); } if (worstConcept.length) { var worstIndex = concepts.index(worstConcept); SSI_SetWorstResponseDot(question, worstIndex); } if (taskNav.is('.fixed_nav') || taskNav.is('.absolute_nav')) { taskNav.width(screenWidth); } SSI_SetActiveNavDot(question,activeIndex); } else if (carousel) { carousel = SSI_DestroyCarousel(question, carousel); //add back in the attribute label columns if (attColumnIndecis.length) { attColumnIndecis.forEach(function (index) { if (index === 0) { task.prepend(attColumn.clone()); } else { task.children().eq(index).before(attColumn.clone().addClass('extra_concept_row')); } }); } SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question); AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question); } } if (horizTask.length && SSI_IsMobile()) { //this is handled by the carousel initialization event itself } else { SSI_StandardizeTaskRowHeights(question); AdjustNoneButtonWidth(question); var hiddenTask = question.find('.hide_for_processing'); if (hiddenTask.length) { hiddenTask.removeClass('hide_for_processing'); } } }