plcm-network-usage.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-network-usage  PlcmNetworkUsage

Historical usage data about the video network Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-network-usage+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-links.

Complex Types

PlcmNetworkUsage Fields

calls-startedxs:int Number of calls started in the scope during the time interval.
calls-endedxs:int Number of calls ended in the scope during the time interval.
calls-downspeededxs:int Number of calls downspeeded due to bandwidth limits at the throttlepoint during the time interval
calls-droppedxs:int Number of calls rejected or evicted due to bandwidth limits at the throttlepoint during the time interval.
bitrate-limitxs:int The (maximum) configured bitrate limit for the scope during the time interval, or -1 if no limit was configured (kbps)
bandwidth-limitxs:int The (maximum) configured bandwidth limit for the scope during the time interval, or -1 if no limit was configured (kbps).
bandwidth-usagexs:int The (maximum) used bandwidth for the scope during the time interval (kbps)
bandwidth-usage-percentageBandwidthUsagePercentage The (maximum) percentage of the bandwidth limit used for the scope during the time interval (kbps).
packet-loss-percentPacketLossPercent Mean packet loss percentage of all QoS reports in the scope during the time interval.
avg-video-jitterxs:int Mean jitter of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
max-video-jitterxs:int Maximum jitter of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avg-video-delayxs:int Mean delay of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
max-video-delayxs:int Maximum delay of all QoS reports of all video channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avg-audio-jitterxs:int Mean jitter of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
max-audio-jitterxs:int Maximum jitter of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
avg-audio-delayxs:int Mean delay of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
max-audio-delayxs:int Maximum delay of all QoS reports of all audio channels in the scope during the time interval (milliseconds).
gold-callsxs:int Max concurrent Gold class calls in the scope during the time interval.
silver-callsxs:int Max concurrent Silver class calls in the scope during the time interval
bronze-callsxs:int Max concurrent Bronze class calls in the scope during the time interval.