An MCU managed by the DMA system. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-mcu-v4+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for dma-audio-ports, dma-video-ports, dma-used-audio-ports, dma-used-video-ports, total-used-audio-ports, total-used-video-ports, entity-tag and atom-link-list.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | List of link | See Definition of link | |
plcm-mcu-servicing-status | plcm-mcu-servicing-status | See Definition of plcm-mcu-servicing-status | |
plcm-mcu-capacity | plcm-mcu-capacity | See Definition of plcm-mcu-capacity | |
plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | See Definition of plcm-dial-rule-preliminary | |
plcmGatewayProfileList | List of plcm-gateway-profile | See Definition of plcm-gateway-profile | |
plcm-sip-transport-type | plcm-sip-transport-type | See Definition of plcm-sip-transport-type | |
plcm-service-class-v2 | plcm-service-class-v2 | See Definition of plcm-service-class-v2 | |
plcm-signaling-type-list | plcm-signaling-type-list | See Definition of plcm-signaling-type-list | Mandatory |
plcm-mcu-type | plcm-mcu-type | See Definition of plcm-mcu-type | Mandatory |
mcu-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the MCU. | |
name | xs:string | Name of the MCU. | Mandatory |
management-ip | xs:string | Management IP of MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU. | |
management-username | xs:string | Administrative user ID with which the Polycom equipment can log into the MCU; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU. | |
management-password | xs:string | Password for the administrative user ID; required if signaling addresses are not provided for the MCU. | |
permanent | xs:boolean | Indicates that the device's registration with the call server should never expire. For MCUs, this value should be true. | |
h323-signaling-ip | List of xs:string | The address used for H.323 signaling; required if login information is not specified for the MCU. | |
sip-signaling-ip | xs:string | The address used for SIP signaling; required if login information is not specified for the MCU. | |
is-gateway | xs:boolean | Indicates that the device is available as an ISDN gateway device. | |
gateway-delimiter | xs:string | The dial string delimiter used to separate the session profile prefix from the ISDN E.164 number. | |