

Conference templates are used to create users' conference rooms, which define a user's conference experience. A conference template specifies a set of conference properties, such as the line (bit) rate and video display mode. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-conference-template-v8+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.

PlcmConferenceTemplateV8 Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
plcmContentRate PlcmContentRateSee Definition of PlcmContentRate
plcmSimulcastStreamList Array of PlcmSimulcastStreamSee Definition of PlcmSimulcastStream
plcmLineRate PlcmLineRateSee Definition of PlcmLineRate
conferenceTemplateIdentifierstring Internal identifier. Provided to protect against a name update.
nameName A meaningful name for the template (up to 50 characters). Mandatory
descriptionDescription A brief description of the conference template (up to 50 characters).
priorityint If a user is associated with multiple conference templates, this priority will take effect. Read-only.
rmxProfilestring Identifies the RMX profile to which this template is linked.
useProfileboolean If true, links this template to the RMX profile identified by the rmx-profile field.
encryptionboolean Specifies that media encryption should be required for conferences using this template.
lostPacketRecoveryboolean Enables Lost Packet Recovery (LPR) for conferences using this template. LPR creates additional packets containing recovery information that can be used to reconstruct packets lost during transmission.
h239SettingsH239Settings The transmission mode for the Content channel: - Graphics: lowest bit rate for basic graphics - High-resolution graphics: higher bit rate for better graphics resolution - Live video: the Content channel is used for live video A higher bit rate for the Content channel reduces the bit rate for the People channel.
h239ProtocolH239Protocol Content channel protocol options: - Use H.264 if available, otherwise use H.263. - Always use H.263.
highDefinitionVideoSwitchingboolean Enables a special conferencing mode that provides HD video while using MCU resources more efficiently. All participants see the current speaker full screen (the current speaker sees the previous speaker). If this mode is enabled: - The minimum line rate available is 768 kbps (except for SD resolution, available only on RMX v7 MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards). - All endpoints must connect at the same line rate, and those that don't support the specified line rate are connected in voice-only mode. - The video clarity, layout, and skins settings are not available. - LPR is automatically turned off, but can be turned back on. If this option is off, conferences using this template are in Continuous Presence (CP) mode, in which the MCU selects the best video protocol, resolution, and frame rate for each endpoint according to its capabilities.
highProfileVswboolean Enables a special conferencing mode that provides HD video while using MCU resources more efficiently. All participants see the current speaker full screen (the current speaker sees the previous speaker). If this mode is enabled: - The minimum line rate available is 768 kbps (except for SD resolution, available only on RMX v7 MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards). - All endpoints must connect at the same line rate, and those that don't support the specified line rate are connected in voice-only mode. - The video clarity, layout, and skins settings are not available. - LPR is automatically turned off, but can be turned back on. If this option is off, conferences using this template are in Continuous Presence (CP) mode, in which the MCU selects the best video protocol, resolution, and frame rate for each endpoint according to its capabilities.
hdResolutionHdResolution Available only if Video switching is selected.
videoQualityVideoQuality Offers two video optimizations: - Motion: higher frame rate - Sharpness: higher resolution
telepresenceModeTelepresenceMode Support for telepresence conference rooms joining the conference: - auto (default): A conference is automatically put into telepresence mode when a telepresence endpoint (RPX, TPX, or ATX) joins. - yes: Telepresence mode is on, regardless of whether a telepresence endpoint is present. - no: Telepresence mode is off, regardless of whether a telepresence endpoint is present. Available only on RMX v. 6.0 or later MCUs that are licensed for telepresence mode. We recommend always using Auto. Note: The RMX system flag ITP_CERTIFICATION must be set to YES. See Table 19-3, “Manually Added System Flags: MCMS_PARAMETERS� in the Polycom RMX Administrator's Guide.
telepresenceLayoutModeTelepresenceLayoutMode Layout choices for telepresence conferences: - Manual: Layout is controlled manually by a conference operator using the Multipoint Layout Application (MLA) interface. - Continuous Presence: Tells the MLA to generate a multipoint view (standard or custom). - Room Switch: Tells the MLA to use Voice Activated Room Switching (VARS). The speaker's site is the only one seen by others. - Speaker Priority: The speaker is displayed in the best way. - Participants Priority: The ITP room layout includes as many participants as possible Not available if Telepresence mode is No. See the Polycom Multipoint Layout Application User Guide for more information about layouts.
presentationModeboolean Enables a conference to change to lecture mode when the current speaker speaks for 30 seconds. When another participant starts talking, it returns to the previous video layout. Not available if Video switching or Same layout is selected, or if Telepresence mode is Yes.
lecturerViewSwitchingboolean When in lecture mode, enables the lecturer's view to automatically switch among participants (if the number exceeds the number of windows in the layout) while the lecturer is talking. Not available if Same layout is selected, or if Telepresence mode is Yes.
sameLayoutboolean Forces the selected layout on all participants. Personal selection of the video layout is disabled. Not available if Presentation mode or Video switching is selected, or if Telepresence mode is Yes.
autoLayoutboolean Lets the system select the video layout based on the number of participants in conference. Clear the check box to select a specific layout (below). Not available if Video switching is selected, or if Telepresence mode is Yes.
layoutLayout The number and arrangement of video frames. Not available if video-switching is selected.
skinSkin Lets you choose the display appearance (skin) for conferences using this template. Not available if Telepresence mode is Yes. or Video switching is enabled.
conferenceIvrServicestring The list contains the names of all the conference IVR services available on the currently connected MCUs. If an IVR service is only available on some of the connected MCUs, its entry shows how many of the MCUs have that IVR service (for instance, 2 of 3). The system will put conferences using this template on the least used RMX MCU that has the selected conference IVR service. If there are none, it falls back to the default conference IVR service.
conferenceRequiresChairpersonboolean Conferences based on this template don't start until a chairperson joins (callers arriving earlier are placed on hold) and may end when the last chairperson leaves (depending on the MCU configuration). This option is ignored if the user doesn't have a chairperson passcode.
videoClarityboolean Enables a video enhancement process that improves clarity, edge sharpness, and contrast on streams with resolutions up to and including SD. Available only on RMX MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards. Not available if Video switching is selected.
audioClarityboolean Improves the voice quality in conference of a PSTN endpoint. Available only on RMX v7 MCUs.
useCascadingboolean Enables conferences using this template to span RMX MCUs in order to conserve bandwidth. Cascading requires site topology information, which the Polycom DMA system can get from a Polycom CMA gatekeeper.
echoSuppressionboolean Enables the MCU to detect and suppress echo. Available only on MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards.
keyboardSuppressionboolean Enables the MCU to detect and suppress keyboard noise. Available only on MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards.
sendContentToLegacyEndpointsboolean Enables endpoints that don't support H.239 to receive the Content channel over the video (People) channel. Available only on MCUs with MPM+ and MPMx cards. Not available if Video switching or Same layout is selected, or if Telepresence mode is Yes.
recordingTypeRecordingType The conference recording setting for this template: - Disabled: Recording isn't available for conferences using this template. - Immediately: Recording starts automatically when the conference starts. - Upon Request: Recording can be initiated manually by the chairperson or an operator. Conference recording requires a Polycom RSS recording system and an MCU that supports recording.
audioOnlyRecordingboolean Limits recording to the audio channel of the conference.
enableRecordingIndicationboolean Displays a red dot recording indicator in the upper left corner of the video layout. Available only on RMX v7.1 MCUs.
floorAndChairControlFloorAndChairControl Specifies how much control conference participants may have: - Do not allow: Participants have no control. - Floor only: A participant may “take the floor.� Everyone sees that participant's video full-screen. - Floor and chair control: A participant may also “take the chair.� The chair can designate whose video everyone sees full-screen. The chair can also disconnect participants. This setting works only in H.323 conferences and only if H.243 Floor and Chair Control is enabled on the MCU. All endpoints must support H.243 chair control.
layoutControlLayoutControl Enables participants to change their individual layouts using far end camera control, with or without fallback to touchtone commands for endpoints that don't support FECC. FECC without fallback is available only on Codian v4.1 MCUs.
contentChannelVideoContentChannelVideo Enables the conference to support a second video stream for content. This setting works only if Content Status is enabled on the MCU.
codianLectureModeCodianLectureMode Enables the MCU to put a conference into lecture mode, either immediately or after the speaker has been talking for the selected interval. In lecture mode, the lecturer (speaker) is displayed full-screen to the other participants. The lecturer sees the normal continuous presence view. Available only on Codian v4.1 MCUs.
codianMuteDtmfCodianMuteDtmf Specifies whether the MCU mutes participants' in-band DTMF (touchtones) so that other participants don't hear them: - When used for MCU control - Always - Never Available only on Codian v4.1 MCUs.
codianTransmittedContentResolutionCodianTransmittedContentResolution Specifies the aspect ratio used for the content channel. If Allow all resolutions is selected, endpoints with a 16:9 aspect ratio receive that, and others receive 4:3. Available only on Codian v4.1 MCUs.
codianAllowMuteAudioCodianAllowMuteAudio Enables conference participants to mute themselves using the *6 touchtone command. Available only on Codian v4.1 MCUs.
recordingLinkstring Select a specific recording link or the MCU's default. The list contains the names of all recording links available on the connected MCUs, with the number of MCUs that have the link shown in parentheses. Available only on RMX v7 MCUs.
resolutionLimitResolutionLimit The four resolution settings limit the conference to no more than that resolution regardless of the line rate and resolution capabilities of the MCU and endpoints. Auto (the default) imposes no limit. Available only on RMX v7 MCUs.
autoBrightnessboolean Enables automatic balancing of brightness levels to compensate for an endpoint sending a dim image. Available only on RMX v7 MCUs.
enableGatheringboolean Enables the gathering phase feature for conferences using this template. Available only on RMX v. 6.0 or later MCUs. The gathering phase is a time period (configurable on the RMX MCU) at the beginning of a conference, when people are connecting. During this time, a slide is displayed that contains conference information, including a list participants and some information you can specify here.
gatheringLanguageGatheringLanguage Language in which the gathering page is displayed.
gatheringAccessNumber1string Optional access numbers to display on the gathering phase slide.
gatheringAccessNumber2string Optional access numbers to display on the gathering phase slide.
gatheringInfo1string Optional free-form text fields to display on the gathering phase slide. Refer to the RMX Administrator's Guide to see an example of the slide and the location and appearance of these fields. On a 16:9 endpoint, a maximum of 96 characters can be displayed for each field, and fewer on a 4:3 endpoint.
gatheringInfo2string Optional free-form text fields to display on the gathering phase slide. Refer to the RMX Administrator's Guide to see an example of the slide and the location and appearance of these fields. On a 16:9 endpoint, a maximum of 96 characters can be displayed for each field, and fewer on a 4:3 endpoint.
gatheringInfo3string Optional free-form text fields to display on the gathering phase slide. Refer to the RMX Administrator's Guide to see an example of the slide and the location and appearance of these fields. On a 16:9 endpoint, a maximum of 96 characters can be displayed for each field, and fewer on a 4:3 endpoint.
conferenceCodecSupportConferenceCodecSupport Specifies conference mode.
cascadingForSizeboolean Enables cascading of MCUs for large conferences. This attribute is mutually exclusive with use-cascading.
fwNatKeepaliveboolean The RMX can be configured to send a FW NAT keep alive message at specific Intervals for the RTP, UDP and BFCP channels. This is necessary because port mappings in the firewall are kept open only if there is network traffic in both directions. The firewall will only allow UDP packets into the network through ports that have been used to send packets out. By default the RMX sends a FW NAT Keep Alive message every 30 seconds. As there is no traffic on the Content and FECC channels as a call begins, the firewall will not allow any incoming packets from the Content and FECC channels in until the RMX sends out the first of the FW NAT Keep Alive messages 30 seconds after the call starts. If Content or FECC are required within the first 30 seconds of a call the FW NAT Keep Alive Interval should be modified to a lower value.
fwNatKeepaliveIntervalstring Interval at which firewall NAT keepalive messages are sent. Max 86400, min 5, default 30.
audioOnlyConferenceboolean The RMX can be configured to restrict a conference to support only audio media. Video endpoints may join the conference, but they will only send and receive audio.
conferenceModeExperienceConferenceModeExperience Video resolution presets which define the conference experience. Each preset consists of a defined set of operation points for the preferred experience of the conference. The actual set of operation points for each is defined on the bridge, tailored for each experience. This is currently only valid if the conference-codec-support is MIXED, or SVC only
asSipContentboolean When AS SIP content is selected, the MCU and the endpoint use a different SIP signaling flow to start content transmission. This flow follows standards and is compatible with existing endpoints. The AS SIP content option enables content transcoding using H.264 base profile. Endpoints that do not support H.264 will be connected in legacy content mode. Invoking this option will also consume additional resources on the MCU.
conferenceChairpersonTerminationboolean Conferences based on this template will terminate when the chairperson leaves the conference, if and only if the chairperson is required.
customContentRateContentRateType For use with H239 settings, custom content line rates can be applied to a conference.
contentResolutionContentResolution For H239 protocols of H264 and H264 SVC/Cascade, H239 content resolution can be configured.
multipleResolutionboolean Select this option to enable transcoding of H.239 content for a conference. This must be set to true when the conference mode is AVC_POLY_SVC.
contentTranscodingH263boolean Transcoding of H263 content; this is enabled by selection of multiple-resolution.
contentTranscodingH264boolean Transcoding of H264 content; this is enabled by selection of multiple-resolution. This must be set to true when conference mode is AVC_POLY_SVC
h264CascadeOptimizedboolean Transcoding of H264 content optimized for cascade scenarios; this is enabled by selection of multiple-resolution.
h264PolySvcCascadeboolean Transcoding of content for cascade scenario between RPCS and SVC MCU. This is enabled by selection of multiple resolution and must be set to true when conference mode is AVC_POLY_SVC.
highProfileContentboolean The selection of base- vs high-profile content.
speakerUpdateIntervalSpeakerUpdateInterval Specifies the interval between speaker updates within conference subscriptions (available as of RMX v7.8).
chineseFontChineseFont In situations where chinese distributions employ text over video, choose you font (available as of RMX v7.8).
japaneseFontJapaneseFont In situations where Japanese distributions employ text over video, choose you font (available as of RMX v8.9.1).
enableFeccboolean Provide the ability to control far-end cameras within the conference (available as of RMX v7.8).
exclusiveContentboolean The ability to share content from one source to a single, specific endpoint within the conference (available as of RMX v7.8).
muteAllButLecturerboolean Mute the audience of the lecturer within the conference (available as of RMX v7.8).
muteNoisyPartiesboolean Auto mute noisy enpdpoints within the conference (available as of RMX v8.1). This mode is not supported in the following scenarios: - MCUs with MPM+ cards. - Conference Codec Support setting of SVC/Media Relay. - HD Video Switching (VSW) set and Conference Codec Support of type MIXED.
entityTagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.
siteNameDisplayModeSiteNameDisplayMode Display mode for device name on the screen
siteNameFontSizeSiteNameFontSize The font size for device name when being displayed on screen. Range from 9 to 32
siteNameColorSiteNameColor The displayed device name's foreground and background color combination. This takes effect when the template does not use plain skins
siteNameTextColorSiteNameTextColor The displayed device name's foreground color. This takes effect when the template uses plain skins.
siteNameDisplayPositionSiteNameDisplayPosition The displayed device name's position on screen
siteNameTransparencySiteNameTransparency The displayed device name's screen transparency. Range from 0 to 100
siteNameVerticalPositionSiteNameVerticalPosition The displayed device name's vertical position on screen. Range from 0 to 100. This parameter will be adjusted automatically based on the site-name-display-position. It will be considered only when site-name-display-position is set to CUSTOM
siteNameHorizontalPositionSiteNameHorizontalPosition The displayed device name's horizontalposition on screen. Range from 0 to 100. This parameter will be adjusted automatically based on the site-name-display-position. It will be considered only when site-name-display-position is set to CUSTOM
webrtcAspectWebrtcAspect Specifies the manner in which WebRTC endpoints can experience conferencing.
webrtcMeshCeilingWebrtcMeshCeiling Specifies the maximum mesh participants in a MESH_ONLY or ANY selection for webrtc-aspect.
cascadingForSvcboolean When use-cascading or cascading-for-size is true you may set this value to true if you are using the cascading for SVC MCU feature. This value should only be true if conference-codec-support is SVC or Mixed.
panoramicLayoutboolean If true and AVMCU scenario, a panoramic layout will be presented to Lync participants of all Polycom participants.
enableMsRdpContentboolean Enables content sharing through the RDP translator on a Modular MCU.
layoutIndicationPositionLayoutIndicationPosition The displayed position of indication icons group
audioParticipantsIndicationboolean Enables Audio participation icon.
videoParticipantsIndicationboolean Enables Video participation icon.
layoutIndicationAudioDisplayModeLayoutIndicationAudioDisplayMode When and how long the MCU displays the Audio participants and Video participants icon.
indicationDurationIndicationDuration Allow to select the length of time the icon is visible upon a participant joining or leaving.
networkQualityIndicationboolean Enables the MCU to display the network quality icon.
playRecordingMessageboolean Enable to play recording message.
messageOverlayEnableboolean Enables or disables Message Overlay
messageOverlayContentMessageOverlayContent Message text. The message text can be up to 50 Unicode characters.
messageOverlayFontSizeMessageOverlayFontSize The font size of the message text. The default is 24 points.
messageOverlayColorMessageOverlayColor The color and background of the message text. The default is white text on a red background.
messageOverlayVerticalPositionMessageOverlayVerticalPosition The vertical position of the displayed text downward within the Video Layout.
messageOverlayTransparencyMessageOverlayTransparency The transparency of the background of the message text. A transparency of 0 indicates no transparency (solid background color). A transparency of 100 indicates full transparency (no background color). The default is 50.
messageOverlayDisplayRepetitionMessageOverlayDisplayRepetition The number of times that the text message display is to be repeated. The default is 3.
messageOverlayDisplaySpeedMessageOverlayDisplaySpeed Select whether the message is static or moves across the screen. If moving, choose the movement speed. The default speed is Slow.
dialRuleCountint Count of associated dial rules. Read only field.
conferenceRoomCountint Count of associated conference rooms. Read only field.
enterpriseGroupCountint Count of associated enterprise groups. Read only field.
contentTranscodingTipboolean tip-content-resolution can only be specified when this is set to true
hangupOnAvMcuPartyOnlyboolean Hang up on conf that is has av mcu party as its only participant
enableLayoutIndicationCustomLogoboolean Enables the MCU to display a custom logo.
layoutIndicationCustomLogoPositionLayoutIndicationCustomLogoPosition The displayed position of a custom logo.
contentQualityContentQuality Content quality - available only if the conference mode is Poly SVC and SIP MRC only, or AVC, SIP MRC and Poly SVC.
contentSharingPolicyContentSharingPolicy Content sharing/snatching policy - available only if the conference mode is Poly SVC and SIP MRC only, or AVC, SIP MRC and Poly SVC.
polyEvoBannerDismissableboolean Allows an evo conference participant to dismiss the banner

Nested Types/Restrictions

Value must be one of:
Value must be one of: