Conference templates are used to create users' conference rooms, which define a user's conference experience. A conference template specifies a set of conference properties, such as the line (bit) rate and video display mode. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-conference-template-v4+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmSimulcastStreamList | Array of PlcmSimulcastStream | See Definition of PlcmSimulcastStream | |
plcmLineRate | PlcmLineRate | See Definition of PlcmLineRate | |
conferenceTemplateIdentifier | string | Internal identifier. Provided to protect against a name update. | |
name | Name | A meaningful name for the template (up to 50 characters). | Mandatory |
description | Description | A brief description of the conference template (up to 50 characters). | |
priority | int | If a user is associated with multiple conference templates, this priority will take effect. Read-only. | |
rmxProfile | string | Identifies the RMX profile to which this template is linked. | |
useProfile | boolean | If true, links this template to the RMX profile identified by the rmx-profile field. | |
encryption | boolean | Specifies that media encryption should be required for conferences using this template. | |
lostPacketRecovery | boolean | Enables Lost Packet Recovery (LPR) for conferences using this template. LPR creates additional packets containing recovery information that can be used to reconstruct packets lost during transmission. | |
h239Settings | H239Settings | The transmission mode for the Content channel: - Graphics: lowest bit rate for basic graphics - High-resolution graphics: higher bit rate for better graphics resolution - Live video: the Content channel is used for live video A higher bit rate for the Content channel reduces the bit rate for the People channel. | |
h239Protocol | H239Protocol | Content channel protocol options: - Use H.264 if available, otherwise use H.263. - Always use H.263. | |
highDefinitionVideoSwitching | boolean | Enables a special conferencing mode that provides HD video while using MCU resources more efficiently. All participants see the current speaker full screen (the current speaker sees the previous speaker). If this mode is enabled: - The minimum line rate available is 768 kbps (except for SD resolution, available only on RMX v7 MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards). - All endpoints must connect at the same line rate, and those that don’t support the specified line rate are connected in voice-only mode. - The video clarity, layout, and skins settings are not available. - LPR is automatically turned off, but can be turned back on. If this option is off, conferences using this template are in Continuous Presence (CP) mode, in which the MCU selects the best video protocol, resolution, and frame rate for each endpoint according to its capabilities. | |
highProfileVsw | boolean | Enables a special conferencing mode that provides HD video while using MCU resources more efficiently. All participants see the current speaker full screen (the current speaker sees the previous speaker). If this mode is enabled: - The minimum line rate available is 768 kbps (except for SD resolution, available only on RMX v7 MCUs with MPM+ or MPMx cards). - All endpoints must connect at the same line rate, and those that don’t support the specified line rate are connected in voice-only mode. - The video clarity, layout, and skins settings are not available. - LPR is automatically turned off, but can be turned back on. If this option is off, conferences using this template are in Continuous Presence (CP) mode, in which the MCU selects the best video protocol, resolution, and frame rate for each endpoint according to its capabilities. | |
hdResolution | HdResolution | Available only if Video switching is selected. | |
videoQuality | VideoQuality | Offers two video optimizations: - Motion: higher frame rate - Sharpness: higher resolution | |