plcm-common.xsd Documentation

Type definitions shared by all Polycom RealPresence APIs.

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-fqdn  PlcmFqdn

Fully qualified domain name for a host

plcm-hosts-entry  PlcmHostsEntry

Defines an entry in the /etc/hosts table

plcm-hosts-entry-list  PlcmHostsEntryList

Defines the /etc/hosts table

service  Service

List of the application services that are configured for this interface. When determining compatibility, the application uses this list to ensure that peer nodes are configured similarly. This list is only used by the application side. The HA agent does not use this list.

plcm-node  PlcmNode

This object represents the definition of a server as a part of a larger group of similar servers.

plcm-service  PlcmService

A generic application defined service that is provided by any RealPresence Platform server. Servers define their own service names, for example: Media-Relay, Signaling, Management, etc.

plcm-page  PlcmPage

used for list types to support pagination information

plcm-rest-login-details  PlcmRestLoginDetails

This object contains the host information and credentials required to send REST requests to another host.

Complex Types

PlcmRestLoginDetails Fields

hostPlcmHost Hostname or ip address of the REST receiver. Mandatory
portPortNumber Port number of host that services REST requests. Mandatory
usernamexs:string Defines the username used in REST requests Mandatory
passwordxs:string Defines the password used in REST requests Mandatory

PlcmPage Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
total-sizexs:int total number of items that can be retrieved (if going though all pages)
page-sizexs:int number of items on a full page (often specified by limit parameters)
current-pagexs:int number of current page's information Mandatory

PlcmService Fields

service-nameServiceName Name of the service. Mandatory
dscpxs:int Differential services code point value associated with the service.

PlcmNode Fields

namexs:string This is the unique identying string for a node. Although not a serial number, it is still guaranteed to be globally unique for all nodes. Mandatory
rack-idxs:string An identifier used to represent the logical value for a node in a high availability configuration. All nodes part of the same high availability configuration, will have a unique rack-id. However, rack-id is not guaranteed to be unique across different high availability configurations or nodes that are not part of any high availability configurations. Mandatory
machine-idxs:string This field is populated with the hostname of the node. This is not an FQDN since the full domain portion is not included. Mandatory