
[tags: RPRM]

Resource Root



Resources Methods

GET  Retrieves a list of uc profiles matching the input search filter parameters.

POST  Creates a uc profile.


GET  Retrieves information about a uc profile.

DELETE  Deletes information about a uc profile.

PUT  Updates information about a uc profile.





Retrieves a list of uc profiles matching the input search filter parameters.

Note 1: The default, maximum number of profiles returned from the server is 1000.
Clients should use the "limit" query parameter to further control the results to the
number they can support.

Note 2: The search criterion does not allow the use of an explicit wild-card asterisk character "*".
Instead, the system will add an implicit wild-card at the end of the search string.
Example: If the search string for profile name is "admin", the system will treat the search string
as "*admin*" and return all profiles with a profile name that contains "admin" such as
"AdminPassword-Change-Template-UserDefined", "VVX-Softkey-BossAdmin-UserDefined", etc.

[tags: RPRM]


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
profile-mode xs:string Return only profiles that match the profile mode.
profile-name xs:string Return only profiles that match the profile name.
profile-type xs:string Return only profiles that match the profile type. Support Polycom Standard, User Defined, CSV Imported.
modified-by xs:string Return only profiles that match the modified by.
limit xs:int
Limit the number of profiles returned to this number, even if more profiles match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to zero, the system will ignore the limit request and return all results.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-uc-profile-list+xml
Profile information successfully retrieved.
Applied to RPRM, plcm-uc-profile-list is implemented and according mediaType can be accessed by setting Http Accept.
Profile information has not changed since the last search.

Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-uc-profile-list" representation's
ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval.
This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption.

If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical
search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the
search results in the message body.

The "plcm-uc-profile-list" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP
response header. Also, subsequent searches require the identical search filter
to ensure an equivalent ETag value. This also assumes no other client made changes to
profiles on the server.
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission.


Creates a uc profile.
[tags: RPRM]





Status Representation Description
201 UC profile created successfully.
400 text/plain
Profile-identifier can not be initialized when creating a profile.
400 text/plain