
[tags: DMA]

Resource Root



Resources Methods

DELETE  Removes all audit records (these include ACL history, call/conference/CDR reports, analytics, registration history, network usage data, subscription data).


GET  Get the list of alerts.


GET  Get the alert information from alert history.


GET  Get the list of orphaned groups.

DELETE  Removes all the orphan groups from DMA system.


GET  Get the list of orphaned users.

DELETE  Removes all the orphan users from DMA system.


GET Retrieves a list of registration summary filtered by optional query parameters.


GET  Retrieve registration summary.


GET  Retrieve registration events.


GET  Retrieve registration detail.


GET Retrieve registration statistics.


GET This resource can be used to return a list of conference summary(filtered by optional query parameters).


GET Get the conference information from conference summary.


GET  List all associated call with conference.


GET  List each conference event and its attributes.


GET  Lists each property change in the conference, showing the value, time, and sequence number of the associated event.


GET Retrieve conference history max participants statistics.


GET  shows the export report of CDR data.


GET  Provide historical Network usage data about the video network.


GET  Provide Export Network Usage Data to download as CSV (comma-separated values) file containing all the network usage throttle point records for the time period you specify.


GET  Get the list of call history.


GET  Retrieves a list of CDRs for the input call UUIDs.


GET  Get the call information from call history.


GET  Get call bandwidth details after the call is ended.


GET  Lists each call event in the call and its attributes.


GET  Lists each property change in the call, showing the value, time, and sequence number of the associated event.


GET  Lists each call subscription event in the call and its attributes.


GET  Downloads signaling diagram of a call.


GET  Quality of service data is only available if one of the endpoints is a registered H323 endpoint that supports IRQs.


GET  Get QOS data.


GET  Retrieves all acl denials.





Removes all audit records (these include ACL history, call/conference/CDR reports, analytics,
registration history, network usage data, subscription data).
This will reboot the DMA.


Status Representation Description
204 Audit records successfully deleted
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator




Get the list of alerts. [tags: DMA]


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
description xs:string Return only alerts that contains the description value.
alert-code xs:string Return only alerts that match with alert code value.
start-after xs:dateTime Return only alerts that started after this time.
end-after xs:dateTime Return only alerts that ended after this time.
start-before xs:dateTime Return only alerts that started before this time.
end-before xs:dateTime Return only alerts that ended before this time.
limit xs:int
Limit the number of users returned to this number, even if more results match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 500; values between 501 and 2147483647 will result in the default limit of 500 being used.
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 500 will be used.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.
page xs:int
When limiting the results, this specifies which page/subset of data to view.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the page value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 1 will be used.
Note 3: If the page value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-alert-list+xml
Alert list successfully retrieved.
List of alert information has not been changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-alert-list" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-alert-list" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. This also assumes no other client made changes to alerts on the server.
401 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Authentication failed
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator, provisioner, auditor.
409 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
The date is expected to be in Gregorian Calendar format, which at minimum is CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. Date ranges must be valid.


Template Parameters

Name Type Description
alert-identifier xs:string Unique identifier of alert



Get the alert information from alert history. [tags: DMA]



Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-alert+xml
Alert information successfully retrieved.
Alert information has not been changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-alert" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-alert" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. This also assumes no other client made changes to alerts on the server.
401 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Authentication failed
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator, provisioner, auditor.
404 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
No such alert




Get the list of orphaned groups. [tags: DMA]


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit xs:int
Limit the number of users returned to this number, even if more results match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 500; values between 501 and 2147483647 will result in the default limit of 500 being used.
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 500 will be used.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.
page xs:int
When limiting the results, this specifies which page/subset of data to view.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the page value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 1 will be used.
Note 3: If the page value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-orphaned-groups-list+xml
Orphaned group list successfully retrieved.
List of orphaned groups information has not been changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-orphaned-groups-list" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-orphaned-groups-list" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. This also assumes no other client made changes to alerts on the server.
401 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Authentication failed
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator, provisioner.


Removes all the orphan groups from DMA system. [tags: DMA]


Status Representation Description
204 Orphan Groups successfully deleted
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator




Get the list of orphaned users. [tags: DMA]


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
limit xs:int
Limit the number of users returned to this number, even if more results match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 500; values between 501 and 2147483647 will result in the default limit of 500 being used.
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 500 will be used.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.
page xs:int
When limiting the results, this specifies which page/subset of data to view.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the page value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 1 will be used.
Note 3: If the page value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-orphaned-users-list+xml
Orphaned user list successfully retrieved.
List of orphaned users information has not been changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-orphaned-users-list" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-orphaned-users-list" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. This also assumes no other client made changes to alerts on the server.
401 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Authentication failed
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator, provisioner.


Removes all the orphan users from DMA system. [tags: DMA]


Status Representation Description
204 Orphan Users successfully deleted
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. User roles required: administrator




Retrieves a list of registration summary filtered by optional query parameters. [tags: DMA]


Query Parameters

Name Type Description
alias xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this alias.
ip-address xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this ip-address.
start-after xs:dateTime
Retrieve registration summary for which device registratoin started after this time.
end-after xs:dateTime
Retrieve registration summary for which device registratoin ended after this time.
start-before xs:dateTime
Retrieve registration summary for which device registratoin started before this time.
end-before xs:dateTime
Retrieve registration summary for which device registratoin ended before this time.
territory xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this territory.
site xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this site.
protocol xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this protocol.
owner xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this owner.
status xs:string
Retrieve registration summary having this registration status.
device-type xs:string
Retrieve registration summary associated with this device type.
sort-key xs:string
Sort the result based on this key. Sort key can have following values. 'name': Sort the result by name. 'alias': Sort the result by alias. 'start-time': Sort the result by start time. 'end-time': Sort the result by end time. 'status': Sort the result by status.
sort-order xs:string
Sort the result based on this direction. Sort order can have following values: 'ascending': Sort the result in ascending order. 'descending': Sort the result in descending order. To specify default sort order, this parameter should be null.
limit xs:int
Limit the number of users returned to this number, even if more results match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 500; values between 501 and 2147483647 will result in the default limit of 500 being used.
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 500 will be used.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.
page xs:int
When limiting the results, this specifies which page/subset of data to view.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the page value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 1 will be used.
Note 3: If the page value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-registration-summary-list+xml
Registration summary list retrieved successfully.
Registration summary list information has not changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-registration-summary-list" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-registration-summary-list" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. Also, subsequent searches require the identical search filter to ensure an equivalent ETag value.
403 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Unable to get permission. DMA roles required: administrator, auditor, provisioner
409 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Invalid value provided for search filter.
409 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Invalid value provided for sort key.
409 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-error+xml
Invalid value provided for sort order.


Template Parameters

Name Type Description
registration-uuid xs:string Unique uid to retrieve registration summary.



Retrieve registration summary. [tags: DMA]


Status Representation Description
200 application/vnd.plcm.plcm-registration-summary+xml
Registration summary retrieved successfully.
304 Registration summary has not changed since the last search. Note: The API client must provide the "plcm-registration-summary" representation's ETag value in the "If-None-Match" HTTP header to ensure conditional retrieval. This will improve network performance by reducing bandwidth consumption. If the API client chooses to exclude an ETag value from a previous, identical search in the "If-None-Match" header, then the HTTP response will contain the search results in the message body. The "plcm-registration-summary" ETag can be accessed from the initial search result's HTTP response header. Also, subsequent searches require the identical search filter to ensure an equivalent ETag value.