Resources | Methods |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license |
GET Gets the Poly licensing client config.
PUT Configures the instance for Poly licensing. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/status |
GET Gets the Poly licensing status, including all licensed features.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op |
GET Gets a Poly licensing request.
POST Installs a license response (encoded license) from the server. DELETE Release any installed licenses and generate a 1-time-only release code. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/alt |
GET Gets an alternate Poly licensing request.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/ack |
GET Gets an ACK code for an installed Poly license (verifies installation of a license for a server).
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/poly-license/op/update |
POST If the system is configured to auto-update licenses then perform an update now.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/refresh-licenses |
POST Instructs the product to contact the license server to check for an update to the license.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/authority-config |
PUT Configures the license authority.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/disable-licensing-burst-feature |
PUT Disable Licensing Burst feature.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/enable-licensing-burst-feature |
PUT Enable Licensing Burst feature.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/cfs-config |
PUT Applies the CFS license.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/license-status |
GET Returns the license status and associated features associated with this product.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation |
GET Retrieve a list of all existing license call reservations.
POST . |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation/{call-id} |
GET Retrieve a specific existing license call reservation.
PUT Update a specific existing license call reservation. DELETE Delete (release) a specific existing license call reservation. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/config/licenses/call-reservation/{call-id}/renew |
POST Renew a specific existing license call reservation.
GETGets the Poly licensing client config. Use this value to perform set/reconfigurations.[tags: DMA] RequestResponse