plcm-endpoint-edit-details.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-endpoint-edit-details  PlcmEndpointEditDetails

Device editable attributes. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm-endpoint-edit-details+xml Currently only manual aliases are supported for device editing.

Complex Types

PlcmEndpointEditDetails Fields

manual-aliasList of ManualAlias Manually added H.323 aliases. These aliases are not provisioned directly on the H323 device, they are only known to the Call Server. If the alias type is not known, it may be set to UNKNOWN and the server will determine the alias type.

ManualAlias Fields

valuexs:string The alias value. Mandatory
plcm-h323-alias-type plcm-h323-alias-typeSee Definition of plcm-h323-alias-typeMandatory