Poly Zero Touch Help Blog https://info.ztp.poly.com/blog Poly Zero Touch Help Blog Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html https://github.com/jpmonette/feed en <![CDATA[Upcoming Changes to IP Addresses for Firmware Content Delivery Network]]> https://info.ztp.poly.com/blog/2022/10/03/cdn-ip-changes /2022/10/03/cdn-ip-changes Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 GMT The Poly Zero Touch service will soon expand the CIDR IP ranges for its firmware Content Delivery Network (CDN) at cdn.polycom.com. The CDN will be upgraded to a worldwide CDN to ensure faster and more reliable firmware delivery. The upgrade will expand the existing five static IPs (,,,, to a new global CIDR IP range.

The firmware CDN IP ranges will be upgraded at 12 AM midnight on Thursday, Dec 1st, 2022 GMT (4 PM Wednesday, Nov 30th, 2022 PST). The upgrade will take effect instantaneously and will not cause a system outage.

The change to CDN IP ranges will impact partners who use the Poly Zero Touch system for firmware upgrades. Partners who do not use Poly Zero Touch for firmware upgrades will not be impacted.

If you use Poly Zero Touch for firmware upgrades and require firewall policies that block outbound connections to IPs outside of the above static addresses, you will need to update your firewall to additionally allow outbound connections to the expanded CIDR IP ranges by the December 1st cutover date. If your organization's security policies and firewall rules support the use of DNS resolution against a fully qualified domain name, we recommend that you use DNS filtering on cdn.polycom.com instead of IP filtering.

If you have specific questions, please contact your Poly sales representative or send an e-mail to ztpinfo@poly.com.

<![CDATA[Presenting Poly Zero Touch]]> https://info.ztp.poly.com/blog/2022/06/02/present-pzt /2022/06/02/present-pzt Thu, 02 Jun 2022 00:00:00 GMT We’re excited to announce that the new Poly Zero Touch provisioning solution for Poly phone products is now live.

You can access the new solution at Poly Zero Touch, or by selecting the 3-dot navigation menu at Poly Support.

The Poly Zero Touch provisioning solution offers the following new or updated features:

  • Modern, intuitive user portal
  • New REST APIs with added functionality (compatible with existing APIs)
  • Support for bulk operations such as device registration and removal
  • Account management
  • Enhanced security, including sign-in with multi-factor authentication and support of TLS v1.2 for device connectivity
  • No limit on the number of profiles or devices in a single account

Please take a moment to review the documentation at Poly Zero Touch Help to find additional information and helpful resources.

<![CDATA[Welcome to Poly Zero Touch]]> https://info.ztp.poly.com/blog/2022/05/06/welcome-pzt /2022/05/06/welcome-pzt Fri, 06 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT Welcome to the Poly Zero Touch blog. Visit What’s New often to read about feature updates, announcements, and other information for the Poly Zero Touch community.
