Collaboration Best Practices Using Microsoft Teams

Using technology to create virtual meeting equality in a work-from-anywhere world

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With the rise in remote working across all industries, virtual meetings have become the standard in workplace communication and collaboration. 

As teams start returning to the office, how do you equip in-office spaces and remote workers with the right devices to maintain the level of virtual communication employees have become accustomed to? 

The answer starts with a robust platform like Microsoft Teams, but it doesn’t end there.  This guide gives you best practices to deliver the same great virtual meeting experience to all employees regardless of location – a concept known as meeting equality. 

Download now to learn:
  • How Microsoft Teams enables virtual meeting equality
  • Why it’s important to select Microsoft Teams-Certified devices
  • Which audio and video features are most important for business
  • How to match the right devices to user workstyles
  • How to manage and support users with different devices and locations
  • When you should consider services

Want the fast facts? Download our
infographic to learn How to Drive Virtual Meeting Equality with Microsoft Teams.