Most companies nationwide now require employees to work from home or adopt virtual collaboration, as we collectively attempt to thwart the spread of COVID-19.
Unfortunately, if you are used to going into the office, remote working isn’t quite that easy and can take a bit of adjustment.
You likely have questions: how to successfully collaborate with customers or colleagues over video conferencing versus the traditional face to face meeting. Or even just how to be productive while working at home.
Fortunately, we have lots of experience! Poly has been at the forefront of remote working and collaboration for years, practicing “smarter working” by empowering all work styles—whenever and wherever.
Watch our webinar about how the right tools keep communication seamless — and can help you stay a vital part of every conversation. Your business won’t miss a beat. You can have as much impact from your kitchen table as you do from your desk in the office!
You’ll learn:
- Tips and tricks for remote working
- The best tools for staying connected and productive
- How to elevate your virtual meeting experience using your favorite collaboration
- platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and others
Low Hee Bun
Competitive Intelligence & Field Product Manager, Poly, APAC