{"id":890,"date":"2013-12-05T16:13:11","date_gmt":"2013-12-05T16:13:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/?p=890"},"modified":"2013-12-05T16:13:11","modified_gmt":"2013-12-05T16:13:11","slug":"tips-for-a-smooth-transition-when-small-business-employees-want-flexible-working","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/blogs.poly.com\/tips-for-a-smooth-transition-when-small-business-employees-want-flexible-working\/","title":{"rendered":"Tips for a smooth transition when small business employees want flexible working"},"content":{"rendered":"


29 percent would actually give up chocolate for the privilege of working from home!<\/em><\/h4>\n

\"smb-tech-trends\"<\/a>Just how much would someone give up for the privilege of working at home? Apparently quite a bit, according to a survey<\/a> published early last year by TeamViewer, the online communications provider. When asked what they would give up to work from home, five percent of respondents indicated they would divorce their spouse for the privilege; another 12 percent would give up daily showers.<\/p>\n

While those responses may have been tongue in cheek, it seems that employees are willing to make sacrifices to have flexible working<\/a> arrangements. Other TeamViewer survey results indicated 34 percent would give up social media and 30 percent texting. And if that wasn\u2019t a strong enough indication employees want to cut out the commute, consider that 29 percent would actually give up chocolate!<\/p>\n

More evidence of the desire for flex working comes from another survey taken in September of this year. When GetVoIP <\/a>posed the question about working at home to tech workers, over half \u2013 53 percent — said they would be willing to take a pay cut to telecommute at an average of about 7.9 percent of their salary.<\/p>\n

Make the transition to flexible working smooth<\/strong><\/p>\n

If you don\u2019t yet have a flexible working arrangement for your small business employees and are considering one, here are some tips to make the transition successful and smooth:<\/p>\n